


11 Top Female Bosses in Soulsborne Games

FromSoftware has become one of the biggest names in the gaming industry. Their games are amazing and do a great job of immersing players time and time again. The combat in these games can feel rather unforgiving at times, but players need only improve their skills and strengthen the protagonist to stand a chance against the many imposing bosses in each title. Players will love engaging in the many boss fights across FromSoftware’s wealth of action RPGs, with the studio knowing just how important it is to integrate female bosses who are just as powerful (if not more) than their male counterparts.

Chapter 1: Inferno of Blinding Fire

Chaos Witch Quelaag

Blighttown, a treacherous area in Dark Souls, tests the mettle of even the most seasoned players. The narrow platforms and verticality make it easy to succumb to a single enemy ambush and plummet straight into the poisonous swamp below. But the true challenge lies in the depths of Quelaag’s Domain.

Welcome to the lair of Chaos Witch Quelaag, a fearsome spider-human hybrid who specializes in dealing fiery damage. While she may not be the most difficult boss in terms of pure mechanical skill, defeating her is an unforgettable achievement. Conquering Quelaag is a pivotal moment that signifies the player’s readiness to take on the entire Dark Souls adventure without breaking a sweat.

Quelaag Quick Facts:

  • Health: 3,139
  • Souls: 20,000
  • Location: Quelaag’s Domain
  • Drops: Soul of Quelaag, Twin Humanities

Do you have what it takes to quell the flames of Chaos and emerge victorious?

Chapter 2: Daughter of the Cosmos

Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos

Bloodborne introduces players to the mysterious and haunting world of Yharnam, a city plagued by the Scourge of the Beast. Among the many fearsome foes that dwell in this nightmarish landscape, Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos, stands as one of the most challenging bosses to conquer.

As a tragic Great One, Ebrietas hits like a truck and can quickly dispatch unsuspecting hunters. Smart and calculated tactics are required to overcome her relentless onslaught. Stick to her backside and avoid her devastating A Call Beyond attack to increase your chances of survival.

Ebrietas Quick Facts:

  • Health: 12,493
  • Blood Echoes: 36,300
  • Location: Altar of Despair
  • Drops: Great Isz Chalice

Will you have the courage to face the Daughter of the Cosmos?

Chapter 3: Beyond the Painted World

Crossbreed Priscilla

The Painted World of Ariamis in Dark Souls holds secrets and challenges worthy of the bravest adventurers. Deep within this crumbling sanctuary, the enigmatic Crossbreed Priscilla awaits, presiding over a frozen domain.

Priscilla appears as a majestic figure, both peaceful and gentle. But do not be fooled by her initial demeanor. Once provoked, she demonstrates her mastery of disappearing and reappearing in combat. Tracking her snowy footprints is key to revealing her physical form again and claiming victory over her.

Priscilla Quick Facts:

  • Health: 2,300
  • Souls: 30,000
  • Location: Painted World of Ariamis
  • Drops: Soul of Priscilla, Twin Humanities, Priscilla’s Dagger (if tail is cut)


謎めいたCrossbreed Priscillaと対峙し、絵の中の世界の秘密を解き明かす準備ができていますか?


Lady Butterfly

『隻狼: Shadows Die Twice』では、プレイヤーは危険な戦国時代の日本に突入します。待ち受ける多くの強敵の中で、Lady Butterflyは熟練し、致命的な対戦相手として登場します。

信じられないほど熟練した戦士であるLady Butterflyは、自身の俊敏さと致死性をプレイヤーに対して競わせる機会を楽しんでいます。彼女はクナイ、魔法、そしてファントムクナイを駆使して、あなたの体力を容赦なく削り取ろうとします。彼女の襲撃を生き延びるには素早い反射神経と彼女の行動パターンを正確に理解することが必要です。彼女の年齢に気をつけてください。致命的な戦士としての繁栄した経歴が、彼女の技量を極致に磨き上げています。

Lady Butterfly速報:

  • デスブローマーカー:1
  • 経験値:1,500
  • 場所:平田の屋敷
  • ドロップ:Memory: Lady Butterfly、Sakura Droplet

Lady Butterflyと共に舞い、真の忍としての価値を証明する準備ができていますか?



『Dark Souls II』は、暗闇と絶望に包まれた世界をプレイヤーに紹介します。この暗鬱な環境で、Nashandraが朽ち果てと死の本質を体現する最終ボスとして台頭します。



  • 体力:8,770
  • ソウル:90,000
  • 場所:望みの玉座
  • ドロップ:Soul of Nashandra




A:FromSoftwareは、手ごわい女性ボスを作り出すことで知られています。代表的なものには、『Dark Souls 3』のSister Friede、『Bloodborne』のアストラルクロックタワーのLady Maria、そして『隻狼: Shadows Die Twice』のEmma, the Gentle Bladeがあります。




A:はい!FromSoftwareのゲームには、悲劇的で魅力的なバックストーリーを持つ多くの女性ボスが登場します。例えば、『Bloodborne』のコスモスの娘であるEbrietasは、悲劇的な物語を持つグレートワンであり、『Dark Souls』のCrossbreed Priscillaは絵の世界と神秘的な繋がりがあります。彼らの物語を探求することで、ゲーム体験が向上します。




  1. FromSoftwareのゲーム: プレイヤーを没入させる優れた仕事
  2. 氷谷の舞姫 – Dark Souls 3
  3. Malenia, Blade of Miquella – Elden Ring
  4. Nashandra – Dark Souls II
  5. アストラルクロックタワーのLady Maria – Bloodborne
  6. Sister Friede – Dark Souls III


🌟 この記事を楽しんでいただけましたか?ソーシャルメディアでシェアして、友達と一緒にこれらのゲームで恐るべき女性たちに挑戦してみましょう! 🌟