


6 Awesome Things Peter Parker Did Before Becoming Spider-Man

Peter meeting his parents in the comics

There are few people who don’t know the origin story of Peter Parker, a teenager from Queens who is bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes Spider-Man, a superhero with the power to climb walls and shoot webs, among other things. The character was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1962 and has become one of Marvel’s most iconic figures in both film and comic book history.

However, there’s plenty that even die-hard fans of Spider-Man don’t know about the life of Peter Parker. Specifically, there are details about his life predating the infamous spider-bite that show that, despite the randomness of acquiring his superhero powers, Peter was always meant to be one of the greatest heroes in Marvel’s multiverse of superhumans.

Peter Understood Loss Early On

Peter standing up to Carl King

A central part of Peter Parker’s adolescent life is the absence of his parents, Richard and Mary, who died in a plane crash when Peter was a baby. In their place, Peter was primarily raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, who treated Peter as their own child. However, it wasn’t long before a young Peter began to process the grief of suddenly losing his parents.

In a 2006 issue of The Sensational Spider-Man centered around a flashback from the POV of Aunt May, she walks in on Peter crying over his parents and promises to always be there for him. Loss is a difficult thing for any human being, let alone a child, so the early experience of grappling with and overcoming it certainly helped shape the person Peter would soon become.

Peter Was A Science Prodigy

Young Peter meeting Norman Osborn

As depicted in early comics, Peter Parker didn’t have much of a social life prior to becoming Spider-Man. However, he was a brilliant student of science, which was a quality he developed at a very young age. This was showcased in a 1997 issue of Spider-Man, in which Uncle Ben and Aunt May took a young Peter on a tour of Oscorp’s science facilities.

It was there that Peter’s future nemesis, Norman Osborn, encouraged a young Parker to pursue a career in science. Peter would spend the next few years reading about science and studying it at the cost of not being very popular at school. Peter also developed an affection for his science teachers at school, including Daphne Smith and Raymond Warren.

Peter Confronted Bullies

Peter meeting his parents in the comics

Peter Parker’s struggle with bullies started early and followed him throughout high school, and in some ways even continued into his career as Spider-Man. Though Peter made a few friends in school, and even had an early romantic interest in Gwen Stacy due to their mutual love for science, Peter also faced bullies like Carl King and Flash Thompson.

Peter was very weak compared to other students, but that didn’t stop him from sticking up for himself from time to time. At one point, when Peter attempted to get back at a group of bullies for ruining Aunt May’s groceries (and was beaten up for it), he was still commended by Uncle Ben for being courageous and protecting Aunt May, even if he didn’t have the powers to do so effectively…yet.

Peter Survived A Baseball Injury

Mr. Met standing over Peter



驚くべきことに、ピーターは目を覚ますと、誰よりも意外な人物であるMr. Metによって復活させられました。それにもかかわらず、ピーターがその野球によってどれほど速く・激しく打たれたか考えると、彼がその出来事を生き延びたことはかなり印象的です。もしそれがスパイダーマンだった場合、それが彼にほとんどまたは全くダメージを与えずに跳ね返るだろうと思われます。それは、彼がそれを素手でキャッチしなかった場合の話です。







ピーターが高校へ進学するにつれ、科学への愛情が大きな成果をもたらし始めました。その最良の例は、2005年のMarvel Knights: Spider-Manの一回で、ピーターが同じく科学に情熱を注いでいたラウリー・リントンに対して10年生のサイエンスフェアコンテストで勝利するという出来事です。しかしながら、2人はフラッシュ・トンプソンによっていじめられる遭遇もありました。



Q: ピーターは長い間失われている両親と再会しましたか?

A: 残念ながら、ピーターは両親と再会する機会を得ることはありませんでした。彼らは彼が赤ん坊だったときに飛行機事故で悲劇的な死を遂げました。しかしながら、その欠如はピーターのキャラクターや責任感の形成に重要な役割を果たしました。

Q: 科学以外に、ピーターの他の趣味や興味は何ですか?

A: 科学への愛情に加えて、ピーター・パーカーは写真撮影のファンであることで知られています。実際、彼の写真のスキルはデイリー・ビューグルのフリーランス写真家としてのキャリアで役立っています。ピーターはまた熱心な読書家であり、クラシック文学を楽しんでいます。

Q: 時間の経過とともに、ピーターのフラッシュ・トンプソンとの関係はどのように進化しましたか?

A: フラッシュ・トンプソンは最初はピーターの高校のいじめっ子でしたが、年を重ねるにつれてその関係は変化しました。フラッシュは最終的に成熟し、スパイダーマンの正体を知ることでピーターに深い尊敬を抱くようになりました。2人は友人となり、フラッシュはピーターの最大の支持者の1人となりました。

Q: 失敗や損失といった経験は、スパイダーマンとしてのピーターをどのように形成しましたか?







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