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Kirby Battle Royale



Pokken Tournament DX

ほとんどのポケモンゲームはプレイヤーをトレーナーとして描いていますが、ポッ拳トーナメントDXでは、プレイヤー自身がポケモンになることができます。象徴的なポケモンを含む印象的なロースターと寛容なコンボシステムを備えたPokken Tournament DXは、あらゆるスキルレベルのプレイヤーを対象としています。ゲームは、メガ進化など、バトルに深みと戦略をもたらすメカニクスを取り入れています。ポケモンファンであるか、格闘ゲーム愛好家であるかにかかわらず、ポッ拳トーナメントDXは魅力的で楽しい体験を提供します。


Kirby Fighters 2: Platform Fighting Madness

Kirby Fighters 2

Similar to Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. series, Kirby Fighters 2 is a platform fighting game that brings together a diverse cast of characters and unique movesets. The game offers 23 playable characters, each fitting into specific fighting game archetypes. Unlike many fighting games that aim for character equality, Kirby Fighters 2 embraces the differences in character stats and playstyles. With its unique mechanics and an excellent story mode, Kirby Fighters 2 stands as one of Nintendo’s finest fighting games.

Punch-Out!!: Boxing with a Twist


While not a traditional fighting game, Punch-Out!! incorporates many core fighting game elements, making it worth mentioning. Players control Little Mac, an up-and-coming boxer aiming for the top spot. The game requires players to analyze opponents’ patterns, dodge attacks, and execute well-timed counters. The difficulty can be brutal, especially against formidable opponents like Von Kaiser and King Hippo. But the satisfaction of landing flawless combos and conquering challenging opponents is incredibly rewarding.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Fight with Everyone

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

And finally, we have the pinnacle of Nintendo’s fighting games – Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This series has captured the hearts of both casual and competitive players since its inception. With a massive roster of iconic characters, a wide variety of stages, and numerous game modes, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a celebration of gaming itself. Its easy-to-learn gameplay and intricate mechanics make it accessible to newcomers while providing a deep and satisfying experience for fighting game enthusiasts. The game’s balance ensures that every character is viable, leading to endless combinations and enjoyable battles.

More Exciting Games and FAQs

It’s clear that Nintendo has successfully embraced the fighting genre with a range of exciting and accessible titles. But you might still have some questions. Here are a few frequently asked questions to shed light on additional topics of interest:

Q: Are there any other Nintendo fighting games worth checking out?

A: Absolutely! Nintendo has a rich history of fighting games. Some honorable mentions include Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, ARMS 2 (unconfirmed but highly anticipated), and the classic Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Q: Are these games suitable for competitive gameplay and tournaments?

A: Several Nintendo fighting games, such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, have a dedicated competitive scene with tournaments held worldwide. These games offer a perfect balance of accessibility and depth, making them great for both casual play and serious competition.

Q: Can I play these games online with friends?

A: Yes, most of these games offer online multiplayer options, allowing you to battle your friends over the internet. However, the online features and functionality can vary between games, so be sure to check the specifics for each title.

Q: Do these games support local multiplayer?

A: Absolutely! Nintendo has always emphasized local multiplayer experiences, and these fighting games are no exception. Grab a few friends, gather around a Switch console or play on multiple handheld devices, and enjoy some fierce multiplayer battles together.

For more information about Nintendo’s fighting games and related topics, check out these links:


  1. 任天堂の公式ウェブサイト
  2. 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL 公式ウェブサイト
  3. ARMS 公式ウェブサイト
  4. ポッ拳 DX 公式ウェブサイト
  5. パンチアウト!! 公式ウェブサイト


任天堂の格闘ゲームを試したことはありますか?お気に入りの作品は何ですか?ぜひ、以下のコメントであなたの経験やバトルストーリーを共有してください!そして、この素晴らしいゲームについてSNSでシェアして、もっと多くの人々が任天堂の格闘ゲームの楽しさとアクセスしやすさを体験できるようにしてください! 🎮🥊💥
