『エーペックスレジェンズ ランクドデュオの予定はありません』

「リスポーン・エンターテインメントの開発者が、『Apex Legends』のデュオ専用ランクプレイリストの可能性について言及」


Apex Legends developers discuss potential addition of Ranked Duos mode.

Season 20 of Apex Legends has brought a flurry of updates and new features to the popular battle royale game. But for those hoping for a competitive Duos option, it seems their dreams will have to wait. According to a developer at Respawn Entertainment, there are currently no plans for Ranked Duos in Apex Legends. 🎮😢

Ranked Duos is a highly requested feature, as it offers a more intense and strategic gameplay experience for players who prefer smaller teams. The regular Duos mode, introduced in April 2020, allows players to team up in pairs, making it easier to find premade squads and engage in more one-on-one encounters. However, it lacks the competitive edge that a dedicated Ranked mode would provide. 🏆🔥

In a recent Reddit AMA, a user asked if Ranked Duos could be added to the game. Unfortunately, the response from RSPN_Laker, a Respawn developer, was not what fans were hoping for. “Dedicated Ranked Duos is not currently in our plans,” Laker said, dashing the hopes of Duos enthusiasts. But all is not lost! The developer did acknowledge the feedback and requests, leaving a glimmer of hope for the future. 🤞🤞

It’s important to note that this is not the first time Respawn Entertainment has declined to make fan-requested modes permanent. During Season 2, they introduced the Apex Solo LTM, a solo mode that proved to be popular among players. However, due to the squad-based nature of Apex Legends, the developers decided it wouldn’t become a permanent fixture of the game. So, while Ranked Duos may not be on the horizon right now, it’s not necessarily ruled out forever. 🌅🙌

The decision to exclude Ranked Duos could be strategic. Respawn Entertainment might believe that Trios, the current ranked mode, represents the purest form of Apex Legends’ gameplay and wants to maintain a singular focus on it in competitive play. Another consideration could be the fear of splitting the player base between two ranked playlists. Whatever the reasons, fans will have to continue enjoying regular Duos mode for now, where teamwork and cooperation are still key to victory. 💪😄

While fans may be disappointed with this news, Season 20 has brought sGameTopicificant updates and additions to Apex Legends. Legends upgrades and the new EVO Shield system have sGameTopicificantly impacted gameplay, offering fresh challenges and opportunities for players. Additionally, the Thunderdome, a brand-new Mixtape map, has been introduced, adding more excitement to all three of the game’s playlists. So, even if Ranked Duos isn’t on the immediate horizon, there’s still plenty to look forward to in the latest season of Apex Legends. 🎉🌟


Q: Why is Ranked Duos not currently planned for Apex Legends? A: According to a developer at Respawn Entertainment, there are no current plans for Ranked Duos in Apex Legends. However, this doesn’t mean it will never happen. The developers have acknowledged the feedback and requests from fans, so there’s still hope for the future.

Q: Why did the developers introduce a solo mode and then remove it in Season 2? A: The developers introduced the Apex Solo LTM in Season 2 to cater to players who preferred playing alone. Despite its popularity, it was removed because it went against the squad-based nature of Apex Legends.

Q: What updates and features have been added in Season 20 of Apex Legends? A: Season 20 of Apex Legends has brought substantial updates, including Legends upgrades, a new EVO Shield system, and the introduction of the Thunderdome map. These changes have sGameTopicificantly impacted gameplay, offering new challenges and experiences for players.

Q: Will there be more updates and additions in the future? A: While Ranked Duos may not be in the immediate plans, Respawn Entertainment has shown a commitment to continuously improving and expanding Apex Legends. So, players can expect more updates and additions in the future.

Q: Is teamwork still important in regular Duos mode? A: Yes, teamwork and cooperation are still essential in regular Duos mode. While it may not have the competitive edge of a Ranked mode, effective communication and coordination with your partner are crucial for success.


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一日の終わりに、Apex Legends は常に進化してプレイヤーたちを魅了し続けています。ランク付きデュオの不在が一部の人々をがっかりさせるかもしれませんが、ゲームのさまざまなモードやアップデートを探索するためのワールドを楽しむことができます。だから、仲間を連れて、アクションに飛び込んで、そしてそのモザンビークをピンポンしてください!この記事を、仲間の Apex Legends ファンと一緒にソーシャルメディアでシェアするのを忘れないでください!🎮🔥📣