


バラトロ トップ7 スタートデッキ


1. ブルーデッキ – ラウンドごとに+1枚の手札



2. グリーンデッキ – 残りの手札と捨て札ごとに$2と$1を獲得、利子は得られません



3. ネビュラデッキ – 望遠鏡バウチャーでスタート、-1消耗スロット



4. プラズマデッキ – スコア計算時のチップとマルチのバランス、ベースブラインドサイズのX2


バラトロでチップとマルチのバランスを計算することは簡単なことではありませんが、プラズマデッキを使えば、それが楽になります。このデッキは、各ラン内の各ブラインドの値を2倍にするボーナスを提供します。まるで火を使って遊んでいるようなものです!🔥 ただし、プラズマデッキは特に初期段階でバラトロを運次第のゲームに変えます。成功は、巨額のブラインドに対処するのに十分なパワーアップを見つけるかどうかにかかっています。それはダイスの振り!🎲

5. チェッカードデッキ – デッキにスペード26枚とハート26枚でスタート


The Checkered Deck from Balatro

The Checkered deck may seem simple, but don’t let that fool you. Playing with just two suits opens up new possibilities for flushes without having to dedicate a slot to the Smeared Joker. With a few Tarot packs, you can even pull off more complex hands like the Four of a Kind Flush. It’s like painting the town red! 🃏❤️♠️

6. Zodiac Deck – Start With Tarot Merchant, Planet Merchant, And Overstock Vouchers

The Zodiac Deck from Balatro

Looking for a Tarot-focused run? The Zodiac deck has got you covered. This deck equips shops with an enhanced selection of Tarots and Planets. It also adds an extra card slot, giving you more options to choose from. With three bonus vouchers to boost your gameplay, the Zodiac deck is one of the most powerful in the game. It’s like having the celestial bodies on your side! 🌟🔮

7. Abandoned Deck – Start With No Face Cards In The Deck

The Abandoned Deck from Balatro

If you’re up for a challenge, give the Abandoned deck a try. This deck starts with only 40 cards numbered one to ten and lacks any face cards. It’s like stepping back in time to classic old card games. While it may seem difficult to play without the Jacks, Queens, and Kings, starting with a simplified deck allows for more focused gameplay. Finding a Straight becomes easier, and certain Jokers become more effective. It’s time to shuffle up and deal! 🎴

🔗 References:

Now that you have a better understanding of the best decks for beginners in Balatro, it’s time to put your skills to the test. Which deck will you choose? Have you tried any of these decks before? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! And don’t forget to share this article with your fellow gamers. Together, we’ll conquer the world of Balatro! 🎮✨

Featured image source: Miximages
