


Balatro Top Strategies

🎮 Are you ready to dive into the world of Balatro? This roguelike deck-building game will test your luck and strategic thinking as you navigate through a deck of cards filled with power-ups and unpredictable twists. 🃏💥

In Balatro, luck plays a crucial role, even by the high standards of roguelikes. Your success in completing a run relies mainly on chance, thanks to the game’s heavy reliance on RNG (random number generation). Now, you might be wondering, how can one plan a successful strategy in a game that seems to favor luck over skill? Well, fear not, brave players! There are still valuable tips and strategies that can increase your chances of victory.

Planning for Success

When it comes to planning a new strategy in Balatro, there are three key elements to consider: utilizing Planets to upgrade your poker hands, acquiring the right Tarots to edit your deck, and adapting to new and better strategies as the game progresses. Remember, choosing a strategy before the start of a run or sticking stubbornly to an initial plan can often lead to defeat. Flexibility and adaptability are key in this game of chance.

Now, let’s delve into some specific strategies that can help you conquer the deck and emerge victorious.

All Flushes ♣️♦️♥️♠️

The Smeared Joker in Balatro

The All Flushes strategy isn’t the absolute best in the game, but it’s a reliable way to build a strong deck. This strategy works exceptionally well if you start with the Checkered deck or find a Smeared Joker early in your run. The Smeared Joker is especially advantageous as it can benefit from every suit-related Joker available.

To execute this strategy, aim to acquire a Smeared Joker and focus on obtaining the appropriate Jokers for the most common suits in your deck. For example, if your deck is focused on Spades, make use of the Arrowhead and the Wrathful Joker. By matching suit-related Jokers with your deck, you’ll increase your chances of success.

Pair, Three of a Kind, Four of a Kind 👥👥👥👥

Joker cards from Balatro

This strategy revolves around adaptability and the power of Jokers. Did you know that the Jokers in Balatro, which give Chips and Mult when a hand contains a Pair or a Three of a Kind, also work with larger hands? That’s right! A Full House and Four of a Kind can also count as a Pair and a Three of a Kind. This opens up a world of possibilities for your deck.

However, keep in mind that this strategy requires specific Jokers to reach its full potential. It’s not guaranteed that these essential cards will appear, making this strategy slightly risky. Proper utilization of Joker slots becomes crucial to maximize your chances of success. So, keep an eye out for those elusive cards!

Pareidolia, All Face Cards 😮🔮

The Pareidolia Joker in Balatro

Surprisingly, the All Face Cards strategy doesn’t involve collecting copious amounts of face cards. Instead, it harnesses the power of the Pareidolia Joker. This Joker allows you to treat every card in your deck as if it were a face card, opening up additional possibilities for other Jokers to be applied to your entire deck.

To make the most of the Pareidolia strategy, consider playing with Jokers such as the Scary Face, which adds a whopping 30 Chips to the value of every face card, and the Smiley Face, which adds a +4 Mult. For triggering face card-related effects, the Sock and Buskin Joker shines as it activates every face card twice during scoring, doubling the impact of each face-related Joker.

Shortcut to Straight 🛣️🃏


The Shortcut Joker from Balatro

The Shortcut Joker holds immense power in Balatro and might just be one of the most game-changing elements in any roguelike deck-builder. It’s so unbelievably good that it’s worth building an entire strategy around it. Once you acquire the Shortcut Joker, it’s time to pivot towards a Straight-focused approach.

The Shortcut Joker simplifies building a Straight by allowing you to skip one rank in between each card. This makes scoring a hand much easier. Pair the Shortcut with the Four Fingers Joker, and you can create Flushes and Straights with just four cards, bringing the coveted Straight Flush strategy within your grasp. Remember, buying the right Planets is vital to enhance the Straight Poker Hand.

Ceremonial Dagger and Lots of Money 💰🗡️

The Cerimonial Dagger from Balatro

The Ceremonial Dagger might not be the most extraordinary Joker, but under specific circumstances, it can become a force to be reckoned with. Two key scenarios come to mind: having a hefty amount of money or getting your hands on the Egg Joker early in the run. When used correctly, the Ceremonial Dagger becomes a potent tool.

One strategy is to buy and destroy numerous Jokers, leveraging the resell value of each Joker to enhance the Mult value of the Ceremonial Dagger. To execute this plan effectively, consider acquiring a discount voucher to optimize your purchases. Alternatively, acquiring an Egg early on and strategically sacrificing weaker Jokers to boost the resell value of the Egg can also amplify the power of the Ceremonial Dagger. Beware, though, as this strategy can be perilous.

🤔 Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: Can you recommend any other strategies suited for beginners?

A: Absolutely! While the strategies mentioned above offer a solid foundation, there are additional approaches worth exploring. Check out these guides for more inspiration:

  1. Balatro: Beginner’s Guide to Survival
  2. Mastering Balatro: Advanced Strategies for Seasoned Players

Q: How can I improve my chances of finding the necessary Jokers for specific strategies?

A: Luck plays a significant role in encountering the right Jokers, but there are a few tips that might help:

  1. Keep an eye out for Tarots that allow you to edit your deck, increasing the odds of obtaining valuable Jokers.
  2. Utilize Planets to upgrade your poker hands and enhance your gameplay. Improved hands have a higher chance of triggering beneficial Joker mechanics.

Conclusion 🎉

Balatro is a thrilling and unpredictable game that combines luck and strategy in an engaging way. By mastering the art of adaptation, exploiting powerful Jokers, and embracing optimal deck-building techniques, you can greatly increase your chances of success.

Now, grab your deck and dive into the world of Balatro! May luck be on your side as you navigate through the mesmerizing twists and turns of this roguelike adventure. And remember, adaptability and a hint of daring always pay off in the realm of Balatro.

👉 Don’t forget to share your Balatro victories and strategies with your fellow gamers on social media. Spread the word about this captivating game and let others join in the excitement! 📢

Reference List 📚

  1. Standards of Roguelikes
  2. Buying the Right Tarots
  3. Best Decks in the Game
  4. Ensuring Success in Balatro: Buying the Right Planets
  5. Roguelike Deck-Builders: A Genre Overview
