ディビニティ オリジナル シン 2 で新しい冒険が始まります!🎮

洞察力 | 神聖なる原罪2が長年引き寄せており、バルダーズゲート3が私に応えるようになりました


Baldur’s Gate 3 persuaded me to give Larian’s highly praised RPG a shot, and now I’m totally hooked!

Have you ever played a game where the conventional approach just didn’t cut it? Where you had to think outside the box and find creative solutions to conflicts? Well, that’s exactly what I discovered while playing Divinity Original Sin 2, and let me tell you, it’s a refreshing change of pace.

In this RPG gem developed by Larian Studios, I found myself in a battle where I had to purposely lower my character’s health. It felt counterintuitive, like I was setting myself up for failure. But after seeing the alternative outcomes, I decided to trust my instincts. And you know what? It worked! The battle ended, everyone survived, and I was rewarded for my unconventional strategy. It’s moments like these that make Divinity Original Sin 2 truly special.

A Long-Awaited Journey and the Perfect Timing ⌛️

As a diehard RPG fan, I’ve had Divinity Original Sin 2 on my radar for years. So when I finished Baldur’s Gate 3 and felt confident in my RPG skills, I knew it was finally time to embark on this adventure. And let me tell you, I should have done it sooner!

The game offers everything I love in an RPG: companions, romance, choice and consequence, and, of course, plenty of role-play. The Definitive Edition was conveniently on sale for PS4, so I seized the opportunity and dived into the world of Divinity.

Choosing a Path: Custom Character or Origin Character? 🎭

Just like in Baldur’s Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2 gives you the choice to play as a custom character or one of the premade origin characters. After much deliberation, I decided to go with an origin character this time. But which one?

After reading countless reddit threads, I was drawn to Loshe. She had all the qualities that appealed to me: a musician, performer, and a bit of a rogue. But what really intrigued me was her secret—a voice inside her head seeking to take over her body. It was a mystery waiting to unfold, and I couldn’t resist.

Walking in Loshe’s Shoes 👟

From the moment I awoke on a ship, captured and collared by Magisters, I felt instantly immersed in Loshe’s story. Divinity Original Sin 2 presented unique dialogue options tailored to her character, making me feel like I was truly role-playing. The set-up of the adventure, just as tantalizing as Baldur’s Gate 3, took a sudden turn when chaos ensued, leaving me eager to uncover the mysteries that awaited me.

Personal Quests and Memorable Characters 👥

Similar to Baldur’s Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2 shines in giving each origin character their own questline. Loshe’s tale, born from a bad gig that led to her capture, revolves around the constant struggle with the voice inside her head. It’s captivating to witness the personal stories and motivations of each character unfold, and the way they react to your actions makes the world feel alive.

Familiar Mechanics and an Immersive World 🌍

While Divinity Original Sin 2 may be a bit more dated compared to Baldur’s Gate 3, the mechanics and systems feel somewhat familiar. Once I adapted to the controls, I found myself right at home. From environmental interactions to the detailed descriptions provided by a narrator, it’s clear that the developers at Larian Studios put immense effort into crafting a rich and immersive world.

Combat in Divinity Original Sin 2 is turn-based, similar to Baldur’s Gate 3, with a slight difference in the action point system. Each character has a specific number of action points per round, dictating their movement, skill usage, and attacks. It’s a system that rewards both strategy and creativity, offering a thrilling combat experience.

A Learning Experience and an Obsession in the Making 📚

The writing in Divinity Original Sin 2 is exceptional, and even in the early stages of the game, I find myself drawn into its deep storytelling. The freedom to explore a new world, encounter intriguing characters, and make impactful choices as Loshe has me hooked. It still feels like a learning experience, but that’s part of the joy. I’m grateful that my time with Baldur’s Gate 3 prepared me for this adventure, and now I’m determined to make up for lost time.


Q&A セクション:

Q: Divinity Original Sin 2 は一作目をプレイせずに遊べますか?

A: 絶対に!Divinity Original Sin 2 は独立した作品であり、一作目に対する事前知識や経験は必要ありません。さあ、冒険を楽しんでください!

Q: Divinity Original Sin 2 にはロマンスオプションがありますか?

A: はい、ゲームにはロマンスオプションが用意されています。それぞれの起源キャラクターや特定のNPCには独自のロマンスストーリーがあり、ゲーム内の関係に深みを加えています。

Q: Divinity Original Sin 2 をクリアするのにかかる時間はどのくらいですか?

A: ゲームの長さは、あなたのプレイスタイルや探索やサイドクエストにかける時間に大きく依存します。平均的には、本編と追加コンテンツを完了するのに約70〜100時間かかることがあります。


  1. Baldur’s Gate 3 公式ウェブサイト
  2. Dragon Age Origins – 車輪を再発明するクラス
  3. スターウォーズビールミームとその他の驚き
  4. Dragon Age Origins の非公式ルール詳解
  5. かつてないSwansong拡張パック

🎮✨ Divinity Original Sin 2 をプレイしましたか?コメントであなたの思いや経験を共有してください!一緒にこの壮大な旅に乗り出しましょう。そして、この記事を楽しんだら、ソーシャルメディアで仲間の冒険者と共有するのを忘れないでください! 📣✨
