バルダーズ ゲート3が新しいホットフィックスアップデートをリリース



Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix #19: A Ray of Light in the Darkness

Hotfix #19 for Baldur’s Gate 3 has arrived, and it’s here to save the day like a fearless hero in shining armor! Larian Studios has been hard at work, rolling out updates faster than a speeding bullet. This latest hotfix aims to address the issues that cropped up after the release of Patch 6, tackling everything from pesky graphics glitches to game-breaking bugs.

What’s in Store for Players?

🐛 Bug Fixes Galore: Just like a skilled exterminator, Larian Studios has been squashing pesky bugs left and right. This hotfix aims to fix issues with item conditions not being removed when switching difficulties, as well as user/controller assGameTopicments on Xbox that were causing some head-scratching moments. They’ve also tackled multiplayer invite problems and cleared up some dialogue lines that were getting cut off. It’s like witnessing a bug massacre!

🚀 Performance Enhancements: Larian Studios knows that Baldur’s Gate 3 should run smoother than silk, and they’ve certainly taken that to heart. This hotfix addresses a performance issue that was causing trouble for players in Honour Mode during trading. It’s like giving your gaming experience a much-needed turbo boost!

💋 Love Is in the Air: For players romancing Minthara or Lae’zel, you’ll be pleased to know that Larian Studios has fixed some misalGameTopiced and unintentionally comedic kissing animations. Because who needs bugs when you’re smooching your virtual crush? Talk about a match made in heaven!

Baldur’s Gate 3: Hotfix 19 Patch Notes

  1. Tactician Mode Troubles: Items in Tactician Mode not losing certain conditions when changing to an easier difficulty? No worries, Larian Studios has dealt with that!

  2. Xbox Xperts: Xbox users were experiencing controller assGameTopicments and multiplayer invite mishaps, but Larian Studios has come to the rescue. They’ve fixed these issues, so Xbox players can now game in harmony.

  3. No More Dialogue Hijinks: Cut-off dialogue lines with the Flaming Fists and the talking door in Auntie Ethel’s lair? Those have been taken care of, so you won’t miss a single word of the action-packed story.

  4. Reaction UI Redemption: The Reaction UI triggered during the Multiplayer UI was causing issues. Luckily, Larian Studios has swooped in and saved the day, putting an end to this potential softlock.

  5. Honorable Trading: Initiating a trade on Honour Mode was causing performance problems, but Larian Studios has worked their magic to ensure smooth sailing.

  6. Minthara’s Mishap: A crash on Minthara’s turn in combat? Say no more! Larian Studios has put that bug to rest, allowing you to proceed with your epic battles uninterrupted.

  7. Number Crunching: Character Creation sliders were missing their numbers, leaving players in a numbers game black hole. Larian Studios heard the plea and brought those numbers back, saving the day for all the meticulous character creators out there.

  8. Group Hide Hiccup: Group Hide was affecting ungrouped party members, causing a cloud of confusion. Larian Studios stepped in and brought back clarity to this situation, ensuring that Group Hide only does what it’s meant to do.

  9. Modded Savegame Salvation: Loading modded savegames that reference unknown conditions was resulting in crashes. Fear not, for Larian Studios has created a solution that allows you to continue your modded adventures without a hitch.

  10. Metamagic Meltdown: A crash occurred when selecting a spell with Metamagic active while also having a filter enabled in the hotbar. Larian Studios has eradicated this crash, letting you unleash your magical prowess without any magic mishaps.

  11. Eldritch Blast Precision: The hotbar was experiencing a bug when selecting multiple targets for Eldritch Blast. Larian Studios has stepped in as the bug exterminator, stamping out this fiery issue.

  12. Metamagic Toggle Trickery: Another hotbar bug was present when toggling off Metamagic while casting a spell. But fear not, Larian Studios has performed their ritual of bug-slaying, banishing this bug back to the realms of coding darkness.

  13. Active Rolls Alignment: MisalGameTopicments of bonuses on Active Rolls on the controller were causing confusion. Larian Studios has made things right, rectifying this left issue with style and precision.

  14. A Kiss to Remember: Some kisses with Minthara and Lae’zel weren’t alGameTopicing properly, which resulted in less-than-ideal romantic moments. But fret not, dear adventurers, as Larian Studios has fixed these smooches, giving you an experience worthy of a grand epic.



Larian Studiosは、Baldur’s Gate 3のような大作ゲームを維持するためには常に注意が必要であることを理解しています。彼らは、プレイヤーがエピックなクエスト、記憶に残るキャラクター、驚くべき冒険に満ちた世界に没頭できるよう、ゲームがスムーズに動作し続けることに専念しています。彼らは将来の計画について全てを明かしていませんが、将来的にDLCの提供の噂が広がっています。まるで探索を待ち続けている可能性に満ちた宇宙全体のようです!

Q&A: バルダーズ・ゲート3をより深く探る

Q: Baldur’s Gate 3にDLCの計画はありますか?

A: Larian StudiosはDLCの可能性を示唆していますが、具体的な詳細はまだ提供していません。まるで宝箱を開けてその中に未知の驚異を垣間見るようなものです。我々はLarian Studiosが用意しているとても素晴らしいコンテンツを待ち続ける必要があります!

Q: ホットフィックス後もゲームはMODと互換性があるのでしょうか?

A: 残念ながら、ホットフィックスによってゲームがMODと互換性がなくなる可能性があります。Larian Studiosはゲームの問題を修正するために精力的に取り組んでいますが、MODはまったく別の問題です。しかし心配はいりません、勇敢な冒険者の皆さん、モッディングコミュニティには自らのMODを適切にアップデートするために立ち上がる才能ある個人がたくさんいます。

Q: Macユーザーはいつパッチ6を受け取れますか?

A: Macユーザーはもう少し待たなければなりません、勇敢な戦士の皆さん。Larian StudiosはMacにパッチ6をもたらすために精力的に取り組んでいますが、現在は遅れが続いています。ただし、Larian Studiosが拡大しているという報道もあるため、将来的にはMacへのアップデートがより迅速に到着する可能性があります。


Baldur’s Gate 3 ホットフィックス #19の知識を持って武装した今、魔法と冒険の領域を冒険するエピックなクエストに乗り出す時が来ました。最新情報を仲間冒険者に共有して、ソーシャルメディアでこの記事を共有することを忘れないでください。一緒に、Baldur’s Gate 3の世界を一つのホットフィックスごとに制覇しましょう!

📚 参考文献: – Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 6: Miss Perfect Release Date HairWait for Silksong Continues as Hollow Knight Fans Threaten to Sacrifice Forum to Get Developers’ AttentionLarian Studios Reportedly ExpandingReleasing DLC for Baldur’s Gate 3
