Unknown 9 Awakening – Reflector Entertainmentのデビュータイトルのスニークピーク!



Bandai Namco shows off Unknown 9 Awakening gameplay for the first time.

Finally, the darkness is lifting! We’ve been itching to get some fresh news on Unknown 9: Awakening, the highly anticipated debut game from Reflector Entertainment, ever since its reveal at Gamescom back in 2020. Our prayers seem to have been answered because publisher Bandai Namco has just dropped the first look at the game’s action-adventure gameplay, and boy, does it look intriguing!

Meet Haroona – The Adventurer with a Twist!

In this tantalizing preview, we are introduced to the game’s world and its enigmatic protagonist, Haroona. And if her name doesn’t pique your curiosity, her special powers certainly will! Haroona is voiced by the talented British actress Anya Chalotra, famous for her role in Netflix’s Witcher TV series. But enough about the voice behind the character, let’s dive into what makes Haroona truly unique.

Haroona is a globe-trotting adventurer with mysterious powers. But her abilities aren’t your run-of-the-mill superhero stuff. No, no, they come from an eerily captivating dimension called the Fold. This mystical realm overlaps with our own, and Haroona has the rare talent to channel its power. Unfortunately, this compelling gift catches the attention of a sinister secret organization with dangerous motives. It’s like being stuck between a rock and a really spooky place!

Umbric Abilities – Shaping the Gameplay Experience

Unknown 9: Awakening is all about choice and flexibility, my friends. Reflecting Haroona’s extraordinary powers, the game allows you to approach challenges in two different ways. You can either adopt a stealth-forward playstyle, using your wits and cunning to outsmart opponents, or you can unleash Haroona’s Umbric abilities and go toe-to-toe with those pesky adversaries.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “What the heck are Umbric abilities?” Well, my inquisitive comrades, these abilities are out of this world! They enable Haroona to manipulate objects, weapons, and even people. Yep, you heard that right. She can control enemies and make them do her bidding. It’s mind control with a twist! These powers were designed with one goal in mind – to give players the freedom to tackle each situation in a way that suits their style. So, whether you prefer a subtle approach or you’re more of a “straight to the face” kind of gamer, Unknown 9 has got you covered.

The Expanded Universe – Beyond the Game!

As if Unknown 9: Awakening wasn’t enough to get us salivating, Reflector Entertainment has grand plans for the world they’re building. Brace yourselves, my dear gamers, because Unknown 9 is not just a video game – it’s an entire narrative universe waiting to be explored! Get ready to dive into novels, comic books, and even a narrative podcast set in the captivating world of Unknown 9. Awakening is just the gateway into this expansive and immersive experience.

Release Date and Platforms – Summer 2024 Can’t Come Soon Enough!

I know, I can already hear your excitement building. But before you burst, let me share the release date and platforms for Unknown 9: Awakening. Drumroll, please! We can expect to embark on this thrilling adventure in the summer of 2024. Mark those calendars, people!

But wait, there’s more! Unknown 9: Awakening will be available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, PS5, and PS4. So, no matter where your gaming allegiance lies, you’ll have the chance to be a part of this mind-bending journey.

Q&A – Your Burning Questions Answered!

Q: Will there be multiplayer or co-op features in Unknown 9: Awakening?

A: At this point, there hasn’t been any information about multiplayer or co-op features in the game. However, keep an eye on Reflector Entertainment’s announcements for any updates on additional gameplay modes.

Q: Besides the upcoming game, what other media can we expect from the Unknown 9 universe?


A: The Unknown 9 universe is expanding beyond gaming. Reflector Entertainment has already released novels, a comic book series, and a narrative podcast set in the same world. These additional media formats provide even more opportunities to explore the rich tapestry of Unknown 9.

Q: Can you tell us more about the Fold and its connection to our world?

A: The Fold is a mysterious dimension that overlaps with our own. It serves as the source of Haroona’s powers and attracts the attention of a dangerous secret organization. While specifics about the Fold are still shrouded in mystery, it promises to be a captivating aspect of the game’s narrative.

Q: Are there any plans for DLC or post-release content for Unknown 9: Awakening?

A: There hasn’t been any official confirmation regarding DLC or post-release content. However, given the scope of the Unknown 9 universe, it wouldn’t be surprising if Reflector Entertainment continues to expand on the game’s story and world through additional updates or expansions.

Share the Excitement!

Now that we’ve taken a closer look at Unknown 9: Awakening, it’s time to spread the excitement! Share this article with your fellow gaming enthusiasts and let them know about the mysterious powers of Haroona and the captivating world waiting to be explored. Use the hashtags #Unknown9Awakening and #ReflectorEntertainment to join the conversation on social media. Let’s unravel the mysteries together!


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さあ、Unknown 9: Awakeningのカウントダウンを開始しましょう! 🎮✨
