
「Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis」において、これらのマテリアを優先することでビルドを最適化する方法


10 Must-Have Materia for Epic Character Builds in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis 🎮 💥

As Cloud Strife embarks on his adventures, players are quickly realizing the potential for longevity in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis. With a wide array of endgame bosses and the opportunity to create hyper-competent character builds, the game’s Materia system is becoming a significant component of its endgame content.

Materia, the magical substance that grants unique abilities and substat boosts, is an essential part of Ever Crisis. But with so many options available, players are left wondering which Materia to prioritize and how to maximize their builds. Fear not, my fellow gamers! We’re here to guide you through the maze of Materia selection.

Chapter 1: Picking Materia with Percentile Bonuses 📊

Percentile Materia

Materia in Final Fantasy games has always offered a wide range of spells, abilities, and buffs/debuffs. In Ever Crisis, where Materia serves both as a gacha game and an RPG, choosing the right Materia is crucial for creating powerful character builds.

One key aspect to consider is Materia with Percentile Bonuses. These Materia scale with your character’s stats as they level up, ensuring that their effects remain relevant throughout the game. It’s best to avoid Materia with fixed stats, as they become less impactful as your characters grow stronger.

Chapter 2: Debrave for Physical DPS Units ⚔️

Debrave Materia

Debuffs play a vital role in tactical RPG gameplay, and Ever Crisis is no exception. Debrave Materia is particularly useful for Physical DPS units, as it not only deals damage but also weakens the physical attack potency of your enemies.

Having the Debrave Materia in your arsenal can turn the tide of battle, making even the toughest foes less efficient in terms of damage output. Keep an eye out for this valuable Materia, as it can be a game-changer for your team.

Chapter 3: Defaith for Debilitating Magic Users ✨

Defaith Materia

To counter powerful magic users, such as Shiva, the Defaith Materia is a must-have. Similar to Debrave, Defaith deals magic damage but also lowers the magic attack (MATK) of your target.

Farming Defaith Materia is a smart move, as it not only weakens tough enemies but also opens up opportunities to exploit their elemental weaknesses. Upgrading this Materia can give your characters a significant advantage, so don’t miss out on it.

Chapter 4: Blow Materia for Frontline Tanks 🛡️

Blow Materia

Blow Materia is the go-to choice for tanks and Physical DPS units. With its yellow color and focus on PATK, HP, and DEF boosts, Blow Materia is perfect for frontliners who need to withstand as much damage as they inflict.

As you insert Materia into your characters’ bodies, imagine the power they unleash with each attack. Blow Materia enhances physical attacks, making it an indispensable tool for frontline units. Prioritize HP and DEF sub-stats for maximum survivability.

Chapter 5: Magic Materia for Beastly Spellcasters 🔥


Magic Materia Thunder



第6章:弱点突破マテリアによる脆弱性の利用 🎯

Breach Materia



第7章:ステータス効果治療のためのヒーリングエスナマテリア 🌡️

Healing Esuna Materia



第8章:リュインブローマテリアによる敵のチャージ攻撃の妨害 ⚡

Ruin Blow Materia



第9章:防御を突破するためのリュインマテリア 🗡️

Ruin Materia



第10章:追加の生存力のためのキュアシリーズマテリア ❤️

Cure Materia




🔗 参考資料:
1. Final Fantasy Gamesにおけるマテリアのガイド 2. ターンベースタイトルにおけるデバフの重要性 3. ファイナルファンタジー7でプレイできないキャラクター 4. ファイナルファンタジーボスの弱点の正確性 5. ファイナルファンタジー7の最強武器 6. 属性攻撃とマテリアの魔法 7. アドベントチルドレンにおけるマテリアの視覚的魅力
