Banishers Ghosts of New Eden – 愛、喪失、そしてとりつかれる決定



バニッシャーズ:ニュー・エデンの幽霊の説明 – 愛と損失、そして心を揺さぶる決断

Welcome to the world of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, a captivating action RPG game developed by the talented team at Don’t Nod. Known for their hit series Life is Strange, Don’t Nod brings their unique interactive storytelling style to a new level in this hauntingly beautiful narrative adventure. Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you navigate the themes of love, death, and relationships in Red and Altea’s extraordinary journey.


In Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, the most significant decision occurs right at the start, setting the tone for the entire game. As you step into the shoes of Red and Altea, two Banishers skilled in combatting undead creatures, you find yourselves investigating a series of hauntings in the settlement of New Eden. The choices you make during these investigations will shape the fate of Red and Altea’s relationship, as well as the overall narrative.

However, it is the early decision that truly shines as Banishers’ turning point. After a devastating encounter with The Nightmare, during which Altea is killed and Red is thrown into the sea, players are faced with a crucial choice. As Red wakes up, grief-stricken and near the Dark Woods, the ghost of Altea appears before him, causing turmoil in his heart.

This is where you, as the player, must make a difficult decision. Will you abandon your duty as a Banisher and sacrifice others to resurrect Altea? Or will you reclaim her body and grant her spirit ascension, following your sworn oath? Whichever path you choose, it will shape the course of the entire narrative, leading to different endings and consequences.


As you journey through the settlement of New Eden, you will come across haunted settlers, tormented by their loved ones’ ghosts. It is your task, as Red and Altea, to investigate these hauntings, collect clues, and interview the parties involved to unravel the reasons behind them.

Reaching the closure phase of each haunting, players are faced with yet another moral dilemma. They can choose to blame the living victim, banish the ghost, or grant it ascension. These decisions form the rest of the major choices in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, giving players the opportunity to stay true to their oath or diverge from the path they initially chose.

Regardless of the chosen oath, Banishers allows players to make decisions throughout the game that affect both the gameplay and the story. Blaming the victim leads to the sacrifice of the living settler, strengthening Altea but sacrificing another’s life essence. On the other hand, ascending the ghost provides Altea with little essence, hindering her ability to stay in the corporeal realm. Balancing these choices is challenging, as Banishers forces players to confront the consequences of their decisions and make tough choices that may not always benefit them.


Q: バニッシャーズ:ニュー・エデンの幽霊では最初の誓いを変更できますか?

A: 残念ながら、ゲームの最初に義務を放棄するか徹底的に遵守するかを誓った後は、誓いを変更することはできません。ゲームの最初の選択肢が物語全体を形作り、異なる結果につながります。

Q: バニッシャーズ:ニュー・エデンの幽霊には何種類の異なる結末がありますか?

A: バニッシャーズは、ゲーム全体で行った選択に基づいて複数の結末を提供しています。選択とその結果が絡み合い、各プレイヤーに独自のストーリーを生み出します。

Q: バニッシャーズ:ニュー・エデンの幽霊では誓いを守らないことの結果はありますか?

A: 選択した誓いから逸脱することには不運な結果が伴うことがあります。一つを約束して別のことを行うことは、予期せぬ困難な状況に繋がり、長期的な選択の影響を考慮することが重要です。




RedとAlteaとしてこの非凡な冒険に乗り出し、困難な選択に直面し、行動の結果を探究します。Banishers: Ghosts of New Edenは、あなたが義務と愛の境界を問うと同時に、本当に忘れられないゲーム体験を提供します。

🔗 References: – Don’t Nod 公式ウェブサイトLife is Strange SeriesBanishers: Ghosts of New Eden – 公式ウェブサイトBanishers: Ghosts of New Edenの悪夢Banishers: Ghosts of New Edenの暗い森を探検する


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