『ボーダーランズ 4 ウォッチャーズ・ウォーの解放』



Borderlands 4 Must Finally Deliver on a Promised Storyline

Borderlands fans rejoice! Rumors of a highly-anticipated announcement for Borderlands 4 have been circulating, teasing the possibility of the long-awaited exploration of the enigmatic Watcher’s War. This epic conflict, simmering in the background of the Borderlands universe, promises to provide answers to burning questions and ignite thrilling new adventures for Vault Hunters everywhere.

The Watcher, The Seer, and The War

In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, we caught our first glimpse of the Watcher, a Guardian with extraordinary powers and an Eridian origin. According to ancient Siren Nyriad’s records, the Eridians sacrificed themselves, under the watchful eye of the Watcher, to strengthen the seal on Pandora’s Great Vault and prevent the release of the world-ending creature known as The Destroyer. The Watcher’s ability to foresee future events led them to deliver a dire warning to the previous generation of Vault Hunters, urging them to prepare for the impending threat.

Borderlands 3’s Director’s Cut DLC introduced another powerful Guardian, the Seer, on the Eridians’ homeworld of Nekrotafeyo. The Seer harbors strong negative feelings towards Borderlands’ Sirens, who have their own mysterious roles to play in the fate of the universe. Working behind the scenes, the Seer manipulates events to ensure a “correct” course of action, often conflicting with the Watcher’s plans.

Borderlands 4: Embracing the Watcher’s War

For years, the Watcher’s War has weaved its intricate web through the timeline of the Borderlands series, intersecting with major events and quietly shaping the course of the narrative. However, the true motivations and reasons behind this conflict remain largely unknown to characters and fans alike. With the tantalizing cliffhanger at the end of Borderlands 3, the stage is set for Borderlands 4 to delve deep into the secrets of the Watcher, the Seer, and their War.

To unravel this complex narrative, Borderlands 4 could employ a clever storytelling technique, utilizing time skips or an alternating narrative of flashbacks and flash-forwards. These differing viewpoints and timelines would piece together the puzzle, shedding light on the missing fragments of the Watcher’s War. This approach would also provide an opportunity for Borderlands 4 to introduce a diverse cast of Vault Hunters, each with their own unique perspective and role to play in the conflict.

While the Watcher’s War may not initially take center stage in the main plot of Borderlands 4, it could gradually converge with the overarching narrative, leading to an explosive climax. Borderlands 4 does not need to conclude the entire Watcher/Seer arc in a single game, but it should undoubtedly set the stage for the next chapter while providing long-awaited answers and revelations.

🤔 Q&A: Answering Your Burning Questions

Q: Will the Watcher’s War be the main focus of Borderlands 4? A: While we can’t say for certain, all signs point to the Watcher’s War being a central theme in Borderlands 4. Though it may not dominate the main plot, it will certainly have a sGameTopicificant presence and impact on the story.

Q: Will Borderlands 4 introduce new Vault Hunters? A: Absolutely! Borderlands 4 has the perfect opportunity to expand its roster of Vault Hunters, potentially featuring characters from different timelines or viewpoints, each with their own unique abilities and stories to unfold.

Q: Will Borderlands 4 finally provide answers to lingering lore questions? A: Yes! Borderlands 4 aims to satisfy fans’ curiosity by revealing the origins, purpose, and implications of the Watcher’s War. Prepare for a mind-blowing exploration of the lore that will leave you craving for more.


  1. オフィシャル ボーダーランズX/Twitter
  2. ボーダーランズ4:ボールトハンター向けの分岐点
  3. ボーダーランズのサイレン:謎を解き明かす
  4. ボーダーランズのタイムラインの明かす:つながり


いまはあなたの番だ、Vault Hunters!Borderlands 4のWatcher’s Warの秘密を明らかにするのが楽しみですか? 以下のコメントであなたの考えと理論を共有してください。そして、お気に入りのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームで興奮を広めるのを忘れないでください! 🚀💥
