Doomsday 暴力を増幅させたMad Maxをインスパイアした映画!



Borderlands fans, don’t miss this futuristic sci-fi thriller!

George Miller’s Mad Max films have undeniably shaped the way we perceive post-apocalyptic worlds in pop culture. The desolate Australian wasteland, filled with armed maniacs and outlandish vehicles, has left an indelible mark on our imaginations. While Borderlands may not be set on a ruined Earth, the planet Pandora is equally ecologically devastated and socially chaotic, making it a fitting counterpart to the gritty world of Fury Road. And if you’re in the mood for relentless violence and a nihilistic outlook on life, then Neil Marshall’s Doomsday is the perfect film for you.

Neil Marshall: A Filmmaker with an Unconventional Path to Success

Neil Marshall is a truly fascinating filmmaker with a rather unconventional journey to success. His debut feature, Dog Soldiers, has achieved cult status and is revered as the epitome of a cult hit. He followed it up with The Descent, a unique and thrilling horror experience that captivated audiences in the 2000s. However, some of his subsequent film projects, such as Centurion and Hellboy (2019), failed to live up to expectations and tarnished his track record. Nevertheless, Marshall has proven his talent on the small screen as well, directing standout episodes of shows like Game of Thrones (“Blackwater”) and Hannibal (“The Great Red Dragon”). Now, fans eagerly await his upcoming project, Compulsion, hoping for a return to his earlier brilliance.

📽️ What is Doomsday about?

Doomsday Movie Poster
  • Director: Neil Marshall
  • Writer: Neil Marshall
  • Cast: Rhona Mitra, Malcolm McDowell, Bob Hoskins, Adrian Lester
  • Release Date: March 14th, 2008
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 50% from 76 reviews

Doomsday takes place in 2008 when a devastating plague known as the Reaper Virus breaks out in Scotland. In response, the British government erects a massive 30-foot wall to isolate the infected region and prevent the virus from spreading further. After 27 years, signs of infection start appearing in London, prompting Prime Minister John Hatcher to assemble a highly skilled military team to infiltrate Scotland in search of a cure. Led by Major Eden Sinclair, the team, including Sergeant Norton, virologists Dr. Stirling and Dr. Talbot, and a few unnamed soldiers, embarks on a perilous mission to find the renowned scientist Marcus Kane. Unbeknownst to the others, Sinclair also hopes to find her missing mother, who she believes may still be alive in Glasgow.

Glasgow, however, is a dangerous place, overrun by hordes of cannibals who immediately attack Sinclair’s team upon their arrival. Most of the soldiers are brutally butchered, but Sinclair, Norton, Stirling, and Talbot manage to escape. Unfortunately, they soon fall into the clutches of another group of cannibals who plan to use Sinclair as a bargaining chip to breach the wall and invade England. With the help of a fellow captive named Cally, Sinclair and her remaining team members make a daring escape. It is then that Cally reveals her true identity as one of Marcus Kane’s children, and the group learns of the power struggle between Kane and Cally’s cannibalistic faction, who seek to overthrow him. Meanwhile, in London, the Prime Minister falls victim to the Reaper Virus, leaving Michael Canaris, his advisor, to take control. While the power dynamics shift in the English capital, Sinclair and her team are captured once again, this time by traditional soldiers. Now, they must fight for their survival in the desolate wasteland.

🎮 How is Doomsday like Borderlands?

Let’s explore the similarities between Doomsday and the beloved video game franchise, Borderlands:

Doomsday Borderlands
Set in a nightmarish wasteland inspired by Mad Max Set on a hostile alien planet, also inspired by Mad Max
Features a plethora of masked maniacs who revel in violence Boasts a colorful array of masked maniac enemies who delight in destruction
Embraces a tone that consistently shifts between dark and humorous Exhibits a similar tonal shifting between dark and humorous moments
Showcases unrelenting and over-the-top violence throughout Offers a gameplay experience that is wall-to-wall with unrelenting violence
Features a sinister politician hiding his true evil intentions as the main villain Presents a sinister CEO hiding his sinister plans as the primary antagonist


Neil Marshall himself has explicitly mentioned his vast array of influences in interviews, and it is clear that Doomsday draws inspiration from a myriad of sources. The film pays homage to classics like The Omega Man and Children of Men, as well as the ever-present influence of Mad Max, which permeates every aspect of the movie. Borderlands, too, is known for its references to various films, but it takes an even less restrained approach by playfully referencing Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 and naming guns after Veruca Salt. Despite the similarities in their inspirations, Borderlands has found greater success with its comedic take on heightened violence, while Doomsday has received a more mixed reception.

🎬 How does Doomsday end?

Doomsday Movie Ending

In the final act of Doomsday, Sinclair, Norton, Stirling, and Cally are captured by armored warriors and presented to Marcus Kane himself. Kane has become a dictatorial ruler, denouncing science and controlling a faction in Scotland with an iron fist. He reveals that there is no cure for the Reaper Virus, but some individuals possess a natural immunity to it. He sentences Sinclair and her team to death by gladiatorial combat, pitting Sinclair against her executioner, Telamon. Against all odds, Sinclair emerges victorious, freeing her comrades.

With Norton falling victim to Kane’s knights, Sinclair, Stirling, and Cally manage to find refuge in a hidden forest bunker where they discover a Bentley. Using the luxurious vehicle, they embark on a high-speed chase, ultimately killing Sol and several cannibals in the process. Sinclair then contacts Michael Canaris, the advisor who has taken control of the English government, and proposes a meeting. When Canaris arrives by helicopter, Sinclair reveals that Stirling has the ability to fabricate a cure using Cally’s blood. However, Canaris reveals his true intentions—he plans to allow the Reaper Virus to wipe out the lower classes. Sinclair cunningly records Canaris outlining his fascist policies and releases the damning audio to the public, leaving Canaris’ fate uncertain.

As the film concludes, Sinclair remains in Glasgow, where she discovers that her mother has died during the plague outbreak. In a bold move, she establishes herself as the new leader of the cannibal hordes, using Sol’s severed head as proof of her authority. Choosing her new life in the quarantine zone over the remnants of her past, Sinclair embraces chaos and survival in the abandoned land.

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❓ Reader Q&A

Q: Are there any other films similar to Doomsday? A: If you enjoyed Doomsday’s blend of post-apocalyptic madness and non-stop action, you might also find movies like the Resident Evil franchise or Escape from New York to your liking. These films share a similar atmosphere of ruthless survival and relentless violence.

Q: How does Doomsday compare to other Neil Marshall films? A: While Doomsday may not rank among Neil Marshall’s best works like Dog Soldiers and The Descent, it still showcases his penchant for creating intense and visually stunning scenes. Fans of his style will appreciate Doomsday’s post-apocalyptic setting and unapologetic violence.

Q: Is Rhona Mitra a compelling lead in Doomsday? A: Absolutely! Rhona Mitra shines as Major Eden Sinclair, effortlessly portraying a tough and determined character who will stop at nothing to fulfill her mission. Her gritty performance adds depth to the film and elevates the overall experience.


Q:デイズ・デュームスゲームはマッドマックスとつながっていますか? A:デイズ・デュームスはマッドマックスシリーズと類似点が多いですが、直接的に結びついているわけではありません。しかし、映画全体にマッドマックスの影響が感じられ、暗い荒野の背景から画面上で展開される激しい暴力まで、その影響は顕著です。

Q:ニール・マーシャルから将来何のプロジェクトが期待されていますか? A:ファンたちは、ニール・マーシャルの次回作「Compulsion」を熱望しており、これが以前の成功しなかった試みの後、彼がフォームに戻ることを象徴する可能性があります。マーシャルの映画監督としての才能は否定できず、我々は今後もスリリングで想像力豊かな物語を提供し続けることを願うばかりです。

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