Call of Duty Mobile Shoot HouseとAlcatraz Mapsが一時的に削除、TiMi Studio Groupによる再保証提供

「コール オブ デューティ モバイルの開発者、今後の可能性のあるマップの削除について話し合うのと、今年後半に向けての新しいコンテンツのヒントを公開」


Call of Duty Mobile Developer Addresses Removed Maps, Teases Upcoming Content

Image Source: Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile fans recently received mixed news as developer TiMi Studio Group announced the temporary removal of two beloved maps, Shoot House and Alcatraz, from the game. While the news initially caused disappointment among players, TiMi Studio Group swiftly addressed player concerns and provided reassurance that these maps will return later in the year, rotating in and out each season, just like other popular Call of Duty Mobile playlists.

A Brief Introduction to Call of Duty Mobile

For those unfamiliar, Call of Duty Mobile is a free-to-play first-person shooter video game developed by TiMi Studios and published by Activision for iOS and Android devices. It brings the fast-paced action of the popular Call of Duty franchise to mobile platforms, offering a variety of thrilling multiplayer modes, including Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Battle Royale. Players can customize their loadouts, unlock weapons and equipment, and compete against others in intense battles. The game also features iconic maps and characters from previous Call of Duty titles while introducing fresh content to keep players engaged.

In a recent Twitter post, TiMi Studio Group addressed the temporary removal of Shoot House and Alcatraz maps from Call of Duty Mobile while assuring players that this change is only temporary. Both maps will make a return later in the year, ensuring a diverse and dynamic gameplay experience as they rotate in and out with each season. Furthermore, the studio emphasized its commitment to delivering new content every season, reaffirming its dedication to keeping the game fresh and exciting. This move aims to maintain player engagement and dispel any concerns about the phasing out of Call of Duty Mobile.

Is Warzone Mobile Replacing Call of Duty Mobile?

Image Source: Warzone Mobile

Before this latest development, concerns had been brewing among players following a leak last year of an official document filed by Microsoft regarding its acquisition of Activision Blizzard. The leak hinted at the possibility of Call of Duty Mobile being phased out in favor of the new Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, sparking worries about the future of the game. However, TiMi Studio Group promptly denied these rumors, and their recent announcement sheds light on their plans for the continued development and content updates of Call of Duty Mobile.

Players’ Questions and Concerns

While TiMi Studio Group’s reassurances have eased many worries, players still have questions and concerns. In response to the announcement, some celebrated the news, while others raised queries regarding potential improvements to the game’s engine or mechanics. Additionally, frustrations were voiced about persistent Call of Duty Mobile bugs and optimization issues.

TiMi Studio Group’s Vision

TiMi Studio Group’s recent statement not only provided insights into their broader strategy for the ongoing development of Call of Duty Mobile but also offered comfort to players amid concerns about the game’s future. However, it remains to be seen if these plans include addressing bugs and performance issues, which have been a topic of contention among players. Nevertheless, the developer reiterated its commitment to delivering regular content updates, aiming to maintain Call of Duty Mobile’s position as one of the best AAA mobile games.

Q&A: Addressing Players’ Additional Concerns

Q1. Will there be improvements to Call of Duty Mobile’s game engine or mechanics?

TiMi Studio Group has not made specific announcements regarding enhancements to the game’s engine or mechanics. However, the studio’s focus on regular content updates indicates their commitment to refining and expanding the overall gameplay experience. While significant changes to the engine or mechanics may not be imminent, players can certainly anticipate ongoing improvements and additions.

Q2. Are there plans to address Call of Duty Mobile bugs and optimization issues?

While TiMi Studio Group’s recent statement did not directly address bug fixes or optimization issues, it is reasonable to assume that these concerns are on their radar. The studio’s commitment to delivering new content every season implies a dedication to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. It is likely that they are actively working on resolving bugs and optimizing the game to provide players with the best possible experience.


Q3. Call of Duty Mobileの将来にプレイヤーは何を期待できますか?

TiMi Studio Groupの声明は、Call of Duty Mobileを定期的に新鮮なコンテンツで更新し、プレイヤーが楽しみにしている多くの新しい体験を持つことを保証することに重点を置いています。継続的なサポートと魅力的な機能の提供に対するこの献身は、プレイヤーが将来、エキサイティングなゲームプレイの追加、新しいマップ、武器、キャラクターなどを期待できることを示唆しています。


Shoot HouseとAlcatrazマップの一時的な削除は一部のプレイヤーを失望させるかもしれませんが、TiMi Studio Groupからの迅速な対応により、彼らが年内に戻ってくることを保証することで、開発者のプレイヤー満足度への献身が示されています。さらに、Call of Duty MobileのWarzone Mobileへの置き換えに関する噂を払拭することは、ゲームの継続的な開発とコンテンツの更新への彼らのコミットメントをさらに強固にします。

Call of Duty Mobileとその将来についてのご意見や懸念はありますか?以下のコメントでご意見を共有してください!そして、この記事をソーシャルメディアで共有して、仲間のCall of Duty Mobileファンと一緒にディスカッションに参加することを忘れないでください!

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Call of Duty: Warzone 公式ウェブサイト*
TheGames – Call of Dutyで最も難しいゾンビマップ10選
リーク記事: Call of Duty MobileがCall of Duty: Warzone Mobileに移行の方向で段階的に廃止される
