BulletFarm デビッド・ヴォンダーハーが設立した新しいAAAゲームスタジオ

『コール オブ デューティ ブラックオプスの元デザインディレクター、デイビッド・フォンダーハー氏が、ブランドを離れて新しいAAAゲームスタジオ「BulletFarm」を立ち上げる』


Call of Duty veteran announces new studio BulletFarm

Former Call of Duty: Black Ops director, David Vonderhaar, has just burst onto the gaming scene with the establishment of BulletFarm, a new AAA game studio. This exciting news comes after his departure from Treyarch last summer, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what he has in store for us.

Remote-First and Ready to Thrive

BulletFarm is not your average game studio. It will operate on a remote-first basis, with an office in Los Angeles. This modern approach allows the team to work seamlessly from any location, fostering collaboration and creativity.

But that’s not all that makes BulletFarm special. The studio has secured funding from Chinese gaming firm NetEase, adding another layer of anticipation to its debut project.

A Fresh Take on Co-op Gameplay

BulletFarm’s inaugural project promises to be a game-changer. Set in an original universe and built using the highly anticipated Unreal Engine 5, it will deliver an AAA first-person experience with an emphasis on co-operative gameplay. This means you’ll have the chance to team up with friends or other players to conquer challenges and immerse yourself in an unforgettable adventure.

From Call of Duty to BulletFarm

With 18 years of experience working on the iconic Call of Duty franchise at Treyarch, Vonderhaar is no stranger to creating thrilling and pulse-pounding games. Having played a vital role in developing numerous titles in the Black Ops series, he has established himself as a master of first-person gameplay.

However, don’t expect BulletFarm’s first title to be just another shooter. Vonderhaar is ready to embark on a new frontier and deliver an experience that defies genre expectations. In his own words, the game will offer a “fresh take” on first-person gameplay, promising something entirely new and different.

“This is a departure from the games I’ve worked on, but one that showcases my passion for rich characters, precise mechanics, more intimate storytelling, and plenty of action. NetEase has provided us with an incredible support structure to explore these new avenues and allow true freedom to begin building the concept and ideas for our game.” – David Vonderhaar

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: What type of game can we expect from BulletFarm? A: While specific details have not been revealed, Vonderhaar has made it clear that the game will provide a fresh take on first-person gameplay. This suggests that it will offer a unique experience that goes beyond traditional genre boundaries.

Q: Will the game support single-player mode? A: While co-operative gameplay takes center stage, it is too early to say whether or not the game will support a single-player mode. Keep an eye out for updates and announcements from BulletFarm as they continue to shape their vision.

Q: When can we expect to see the game’s release? A: As of now, there is no official release date. Developing a high-quality AAA game takes time and effort, so we can expect BulletFarm to take the necessary time to ensure an exceptional gaming experience.

Q: Where can I learn more about BulletFarm and David Vonderhaar? A: To stay up to date on all things BulletFarm, you can follow David Vonderhaar on social media platforms such as Twitter (@DavidVonderhaar). Additionally, be sure to visit the official BulletFarm website for news, announcements, and exciting updates.


  1. David Vonderhaar’s Twitter
  2. BulletFarm Official Website
  3. Unreal Engine 5
  4. NetEase Official Website
  5. Treyarch – Official Website

That’s all the information we have for now about BulletFarm and their upcoming debut project. Exciting times lie ahead for gamers everywhere as David Vonderhaar and his team set out to create a game that will leave a lasting impression. Be sure to share this article with your fellow gamers and let them in on the excitement. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to embrace a fresh new gaming experience with BulletFarm! 🎮💥✨
