CoD Warzone シーズン3 アップデート – Rebirth Island 復活!

『Call of Duty Warzoneから流出した情報が、親しまれたマップの復帰を示唆し、近々追加される可能性があると噂されています』(Kōru obu Dyūti Uōzōn kara ryūshutsu shita jōhō ga, shitashimareta mappu no fukki o shisa shi, chikazuni tsuika sareru kanōsei ga aru to uwasa sa rete imasu)


Call of Duty Warzone Leak hints at popular map making a comeback


Attention Call of Duty: Warzone players! Get ready to strap on your gear and dive back into the action because Rebirth Island is making a comeback in the highly-anticipated Season 3 update. Brace yourselves for new features, changes, and intense battles on this beloved map. In this article, we’ll dive into the exciting details, dataminer discoveries, and more. So, grab your controllers and let’s jump right in!

Rebirth Island: The Return of an Iconic Map


Fans of Rebirth Island will be thrilled to learn that the map is set to return in Season 3. Following previous announcements from Call of Duty: Warzone, dataminers have unearthed an image of the upcoming map, fueling the excitement of players worldwide.

✅ Rebirth Island’s Impending Comeback

In October, Activision revealed that both Fortune’s Keep and Rebirth Island would make their way back to Warzone in 2024. While Fortune’s Keep has already been reintroduced in Season 2, leaks and speculations have hinted at Rebirth Island’s arrival in Season 3, which is expected to kick off in early April. Now, with the recent dataminer discoveries, it seems increasingly likely that this highly sought-after map will soon be gracing our screens once again.

🕵️ The Dataminer’s Discovery

Dataminer BKTOOR5 stumbled upon a loading screen for Rebirth Island hidden within the game’s files. The image provides a glimpse of the map’s outer edge, hinting at possible changes from its original design. Notably, smoke can be seen rising from the Prison POI, suggesting a significant event or explosion at the map’s center. While the image doesn’t reveal the full extent of the changes, Call of Duty has a knack for incorporating new features and surprises into returning maps. So, keep your eyes peeled for exciting updates!

Rebirth Island Possibly Returning in Season 3


With multiple mentions of “s3_rebirth” in leaked files, it seems highly likely that Rebirth Island will be making its epic return in Warzone’s Season 3 update. However, it’s important to note that, as with any leak, there’s always a possibility of delays or misconceptions. But we’re crossing our fingers and eagerly awaiting the official confirmation!

🎉💣 New Features and Updates

While we wait in anticipation for Rebirth Island, there’s plenty of excitement to enjoy in the latest Warzone update. Let’s take a quick look at the fresh additions:

🚢 New Point of Interest (POI)

Fortune’s Keep has received a makeover with the addition of a new POI—a large, moving ship! Prepare for intense battles and tactical maneuvers as you explore this dynamic environment.

🛡️ New Item: PDS Field Upgrade

Gas no longer needs to be a concern with the introduction of the PDS field upgrade. Temporarily shield yourself from the toxic fumes and make strategic moves with confidence.

💥🏢 New Killstreak: Bunker Buster

Finally, there’s a way to flush out campers hiding in buildings. The Bunker Buster killstreak empowers you to take the fight to them and expose their tactical positions.

🔫💥 New Weapons: SOA Subverter and Soulrender

Expand your arsenal with two exciting additions, the SOA Subverter battle rifle and the Soulrender melee weapon. These powerful tools will surely give you an edge in the heat of battle.

Warzone Mobile: Returning to Verdansk on the Go!


Calling all mobile gamers! Get ready to experience the thrill of Warzone on your smartphones because Warzone Mobile is launching on March 21! This highly-anticipated release allows players to return to the fan-favorite Verdansk map while enjoying cross-progression with standard Warzone and Modern Warfare 3.

💥📅 A Long-Awaited Mobile Adventure


2022年9月に、Warzone Mobileが初めて発表されたときから興奮が高まっています。待ち遠しい時間ももうすぐ終わり、モバイルゲーマーたちもついにエキサイティングなバトルに参加できます。ですから、カレンダーをマークして、3月21日のアクションに参加の準備を整えましょう!

🔗📚 参考リンク: – Call of Duty: Warzone – 公式ウェブサイトActivisionブログでのRebirth Island発表The GamesでのWarzone Mobileローンチ発表

さて、仲間のゲーマーの皆さん、戦略を練り、防具を整え、Call of Duty: Warzone シーズン3におけるRebirth Islandの壮大な復活に備えましょう。このアクション満載のアップデートをより深く掘り下げるにつれ、さらなるアップデートや驚きにご期待ください。この記事をゲーム仲間と共有して、興奮が野火のように広がるのを楽しみにしてください!



🤔❓ Q: Warzoneシーズン3のアップデートで期待される変更や追加は他に何がありますか? A: Rebirth Islandの復活が注目を集めていますが、シーズン3のアップデートにはさらなるエキサイティングな変更や追加が期待されています。 Call of Dutyからの発表を注意して新機能、兵器、マップなどの最新情報をチェックしてください。

🤔❓ Q: WarzoneからWarzone Mobileへの進行状況は引き継がれますか? A: はい! Warzone Mobileはクロスプログレッションを提供し、通常のWarzoneバージョンから進行状況をシームレスに継続できます。ですから、前回の続きから進めて、モバイルデバイスで戦場を制圧する準備をしてください。

🤔❓ Q: Warzoneの近日開催予定のイベントやトーナメントに関するニュースはありますか? A: 近日開催予定のイベントやトーナメントに関する最新情報は、公式のCall of Dutyアナウンスやコミュニティフォーラムで随時更新されます。他の熟練したプレイヤーと競い合い、才能を披露し、リーダーボードで自分の地位を主張してください!

