
吸血鬼救世主の刃 (Kyūketsuki Kyūseishu no Yaiba)


Castlevania Who’s Drolta Tzuentes?

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Castlevania, a series known for its iconic first final boss, Dracula, constantly introduces new villains who must battle against the shadow of this deific figure. However, amidst this challenging task, one antagonist stands out as truly excellent – Drolta Tzuentes from Castlevania: Nocturne.

In the world of Castlevania, the franchise has seen a resurgence on the small screen with Adi Shankar’s excellent Netflix series. While the native medium for Castlevania suffered for years, the Netflix show has made remarkable strides in breathing new life into the narrative. With both shows proudly displayed on the streaming platform, Netflix has become the home of Castlevania’s narrative growth for the foreseeable future. Blending elements from the past, updating details, and introducing fascinating new fixtures, the series has captivated fans old and new.

Who is Drolta Tzuentes in the Castlevania Games?

In the 1994 game Castlevania: Bloodlines, Drolta Tzuentes makes her first appearance as a secondary antagonist. The narrative of this game is among the wildest in the Castlevania franchise, and Drolta plays a key role in the story. She is an elderly witch who devoted herself to Elizabeth Bartley, Dracula’s vampiric niece. Drolta’s mastery of dark magic comes from her time living in Cheyte Castle, where she taught Elizabeth her sorcery. Interestingly, the character’s name comes from Dorottya Szentes, one of Elizabeth Bathory’s alleged co-conspirators who shared a gruesome fate. Known for torturing servants in the castle’s dungeon and killing young women for their blood, Drolta’s crimes were eventually discovered by the Hungarian government. Confined to a minuscule room, she was presumed dead, but somehow managed to survive for the next 300 years. In Castlevania: Bloodlines, Drolta resurrects her master, Dracula, in a scheme to seek revenge.

During the events of the game, Drolta assists Elizabeth Bartley in assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, seeking revenge on the heavily altered nation whose king once executed her. Moreover, Drolta’s keen understanding of the intricate network of alliances and betrayals across Europe leads her to believe that the Archduke’s assassination could ignite the flame of the First World War. Drolta’s actions and those of Elizabeth ultimately caused World War I, earning them a place among the video game villains with the highest body counts. In gameplay, although Drolta doesn’t engage directly in combat, she has the ability to summon demons, animate giant constructs, and even potentially wield Dracula’s body during his multi-stage boss fight. Described in the European booklet of Castlevania: Bloodlines as a mysterious old witch and servant of Elizabeth, Drolta plays a crucial role in obstructing the vampire hunters’ quest by controlling demons.

Who is Drolta Tzuentes in the Castlevania Series?

Drolta Castlevania: Nocturne

In Castlevania: Nocturne, Drolta Tzuentes makes a striking appearance that shares some similarities with her game counterpart. While her role in the story remains oddly similar, her abilities take the reverse direction. This iteration of Drolta is an immensely powerful physical threat, delighting in sadistic violence. Instead of being portrayed as a withered sorceress, she becomes one of the most formidable martial combatants in the series. Furthermore, Drolta adopts the role of a political operative, tasked with arranging parleys with local vampires in France while her master, Erzsebet Bathory, prepares for invasion. From a practical standpoint, Drolta becomes the primary antagonist in the series. While Erzsebet lurks in the shadows, Drolta tirelessly works to ensure her master’s ascension goes smoothly, effectively, and permanently.


Drolta、Castlevania: Nocturneで、彼女の女神、エジプトの獅子女神Sekhmetのために、神官、政治家、そして聖騎士の役割を担います。 Nocturneの出来事の数百年前、DroltaはSekhmetを崇拝し、彼女の吸血メシアの宗教的プロパガンダを広めました。Olroxなどの人物は侵略を悪夢と考えていますが、ほとんどの吸血鬼は安全と終わりのない夜のために礼を言うことを喜んでいます。Droltaは、地元の鍛冶屋を含む人間と取引し、夜の生物の軍隊を確保しました。興味深いことに、これらの行動はゲーム内の役割に似ています – ドラキュラを倒そうとするハンターたちと戦うために悪魔を召喚します。約束が実現するにつれて、Droltaはサキュバスに似た新たな強力な形を獲得しました。彼女の新たな力を持って、彼女は急に家族の魔法を使いこなしたリヒター・ベルモントと激突し、彼女が打ち倒されるのが難しくなりました。しかし、彼女の物語は、長い間忘れ去られていたドラキュラの息子、アルカードが与えた致命的な剣撃に屈するところで突然終わります。Castlevania: Nocturneでの彼女の姿は、エキサイティングでしたが、エンドクレジットが流れると彼女は死亡したものと見なされています。

Drolta Tzuentesは、Castlevania: Nocturneの生き生きと記憶に残るキャラクターです。彼女のゲーム内の対応物が必要な役割を果たす一方、NocturneにおけるDroltaの描写は、単なる背景の魔女以上のキャラクター性を拡張しています。Droltaがいつか復活するかどうかは不明ですが、Nocturneで彼女が受けた注目はファンが彼女を覚える方法となるでしょう。

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Q:Castlevania: Nocturneは他のシリーズと比較してどうですか?

A:Castlevania: Nocturneは、Castlevaniaシリーズで最も愛され、批評家から称賛されている作品の一つとして際立っています。魅力的なストーリー、魅力的なアートワーク、没入感のあるゲームプレイを持つNocturneはファンのお気に入りとなっています。過去のゲームから要素を取り入れつつ、新しいアイデアを導入しており、Castlevaniaの愛好家にとってプレイする必要があります。



💬 CastlevaniaのDrolta Tzuentesについて学んで楽しかったですか?シリーズでお気に入りの悪役をお知らせください!SNSでキャストルヴァニアファンとつながり、情報を共有してください!🎮