


🐛 Helldivers 2 Kill 500 Terminids: A Guide to Becoming an Expert Bug Exterminator! 🐜💥

(Image credit: Sony)

Are you ready to take on the swarm? The Helldivers 2 Kill 500 Terminids personal order, also known as “Pest Control,” is a daily challenge that will test your bug-killing skills. Don’t worry, though! As experts in pest control, we’re here to guide you through the process of exterminating those pesky bugs and completing the order like a pro.

🔍 Knowing Your Enemy: Terminids in Helldivers 2

To kill 500 Terminids in Helldivers 2, you’ll need to head to bug-controlled planets on the Eastern side of the galaxy. But there’s more to it than that. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you embark on your bug-killing spree:

🐜 Enemies of Democracy in Helldivers 2 and Where to Find Them

💥 Rewards Await!

Once you’ve exterminated 500 Terminids, you’ll be rewarded with a tasty clutch of 15 Medals. These Medals can be used towards the Warbonds battle passes. Remember, in most gameplay scenarios, killing enemies doesn’t directly reward you. XP is based on objective completion, not the number of kills. But for the Pest Control objective, killing bugs is both the means and the end. So, get out there and start squashing those bugs!

📚 References:

  1. Helldivers 2 enemies list – thegames.cn
  2. Helldivers 2 Bile Titans – thegames.cn
  3. Helldivers 2 Chargers – thegames.cn
  4. Helldivers 2 Hunters – thegames.cn
  5. Helldivers 2 Stalkers – thegames.cn
  6. Helldivers 2 Illuminate – thegames.cn


(画像のクレジット: Sony)*

🎮 Helldivers 2 でお気に入りのバグ潰しテクニックは何ですか? 以下のコメントでシェアしてください!お気に入りのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームでこの記事を共有して単語を広めることを忘れずに。一緒に Terminids を駆除しましょう! 🐜💪✨
