


Underrated Jake Gyllenhaal Sci-Fi Flick

Jake Gyllenhaal and Emmy Rossum in The Day After Tomorrow

While Jake Gyllenhaal is mostly known for his dramatic roles in movies like Brokeback Mountain and thrilling performances in films like Nightcrawler, he has also dabbled in the sci-fi genre. One of his standout movies is the 2004 film The Day After Tomorrow. Although some may consider it cheesy at times, the film strikes a light-hearted balance with its serious climate change message.

In The Day After Tomorrow, Jake Gyllenhaal plays Sam Hall, the intelligent and compassionate son of Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid), a paleoclimatologist. When Jack realizes that an ice age is imminent, he is initially met with skepticism. However, as a massive and terrifying storm unfolds, it becomes clear that Jack was right all along.

The majority of this cheesy, yet charming 2000s sci-fi movie takes place inside the New York Public Library, where Sam, along with his friends Laura Chapman (Emmy Rossum) and Brian Parks (Arjay Smith), seek refuge and desperately try to survive. Previously, they were just ordinary New Yorkers running a race, but their lives are abruptly turned upside down by this unexpected catastrophe.

“The Day After Tomorrow” was directed by Roland Emmerich and featured a screenplay by Roland Emmerich and Jeffrey Nachmanoff, based on the book “The Coming Global Superstorm” by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. The cast also includes Ian Holm and Sela Ward. The film was released on May 28th, 2004, in the United States, and has a runtime of 123 minutes. Although it received a mixed reception from critics, with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 45%, it remains an underrated gem in the realm of 2000s sci-fi action movies.

The film’s special effects are remarkable, creating a convincing portrayal of an ice age. The visual spectacle enhances the performances of both Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal, making their characters and the overall story more believable. As Roland Nachmanoff, the screenwriter, explains: “The camera’s chasing [the characters] down those corridors…it feels like a monster pursuing you” (via SyFy). This personification of the danger adds an extra layer of excitement and intensity to the film.

Jake Gyllenhaal’s Memorable Quotes from The Day After Tomorrow

A frozen New York In The Day After Tomorrow

Jake Gyllenhaal’s character, Sam Hall, is known for delivering some witty and candid lines, particularly during his interactions with his father, Jack Hall. One such scene involves a humorous exchange about Sam failing a Calculus class. It showcases their clever and rebellious nature. Jack teasingly questions Sam about why he failed, to which Sam responds, “I didn’t write down the solutions to problems…I work them out in my head.” Jack, impressed, asks if Sam informed his teacher, to which Sam quips, “I did. He didn’t believe me. He said if he couldn’t do them in his head, then I must be cheating.” Jack, indignant, retorts, “Well, that’s ridiculous! How can he fail you for being smarter than he is?” Sam playfully concludes, “He flunked me, remember?”

Sam’s character also shines through with other memorable quotes. During a tour of the Natural History Museum given by J.D. (Austin Nicols), Sam amusingly remarks, “It’s the world’s finest collection of stuffed animals.”

Despite the film’s cheesy nature, The Day After Tomorrow is an entertaining watch for fans of Jake Gyllenhaal. It allows audiences to appreciate his versatile acting talent beyond his more popular roles, such as Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A)


Q: Jake Gyllenhaalが主演する他の評価されない映画はありますか?

A: はい、いくつかあります。言及する価値のある映画の1つはLife(2017年)です。このSFスリラーでは、Gyllenhaalは再び魅力的な演技を見せています。Jake Gyllenhaalが主演する他の過小評価された映画についてもっと知りたい場合はこちらをご覧ください。

Q: 明日の世界は2000年代の他のSF映画と比較してどうですか?

A: 明日の世界は、2000年代の魅力的で魅力的なSF映画として際立っています。いくつかのチーズな瞬間があるかもしれませんが、映画のよく描かれたキャラクターやわくわくするシーンが、それを忘れられない体験にします。この特定のジャンルのファンであれば、ぜひ観てみてください。過小評価されている2000年代のSF映画のさらなるおすすめについては、こちらのリストをご覧ください。

Q: Jake GyllenhaalとDennis Quaidは他の映画で共演しましたか?

A: はい、共演しました。両名は2022年のディズニー映画Strange Worldでキャラクターに声を貸しました。興味深いことに、インタビュー中、Jake GyllenhaalはDennis Quaidが以前の共演に言及した際に驚いていました。この楽しいトリビアの詳細はこちらで見ることができます。


明日の世界での役を通じて、Jake Gyllenhaalはややチーズながらも非常にエンターテイニングなSF映画での演技力を示しています。映画の気候変動に関する真剣なメッセージがそれを現実的なものにし、魅力的な演技や壮大な特殊効果がそれを楽しい視聴体験にします。だから、ポップコーンをつかんで座って、Jake Gyllenhaalがあなたをこの氷の冒険に連れて行くのを楽しんでください!

明日の世界や他のJake Gyllenhaalの映画についての考えを共有することを忘れないでください。映画で最も共感を覚えたセリフは何ですか?以下のコメントで私たちと交流し、この素晴らしい映画についてソーシャルメディアで広めてください!


  1. Jake Gyllenhaalが主演する評価されない映画
  2. Life(2017)- Jake Gyllenhaal
  3. チーズだが魅力的な2000年代のSF映画
  4. 明日の世界の監督、脚本家、キャスト
  5. 過小評価された2000年代のSF映画
  6. 俳優としてのJake Gyllenhaalの多才な才能
  7. Strange World: Jake GyllenhaalとDennis Quaidの共演
  8. 脚本家のRoland NachmanoffとのSyFyインタビュー
