デッドの伝説:Crusader Kings 3における新しいDLCとマップ全体の変更 💀

この便利なヒントに従って、Crusader Kings 3のLegends of the Dead DLCであなたの体験を最大限に活用してください


Crusader Kings 3 5 Tips for Legends of the Dead DLC

Legends of the Dead, the latest DLC for Crusader Kings 3, has brought sweeping map-wide changes that will affect all players, regardless of when or where they start their playthrough. Alongside the DLC, a free update was released, introducing new mechanics that add depth and challenge to the game. In this article, we will delve into the new features, focusing on preventing plagues, understanding legitimacy, and the power of mourning at funerals. So grab your sword and let’s dive in! ⚔️

5 Take Preventative Actions Against Plagues 🌡️

Plagues have made their way into Crusader Kings 3, and they are not to be taken lightly. These deadly outbreaks can wreak havoc on your realms, but fear not! There are ways to prepare and prevent their devastating effects.

Build Hospices And Burial Sites And Have A Good Physician Ready 💊

Picture this: a thriving, bustling city with high development. Plague is lurking, ready to strike when least expected. To shield your kingdom from this grim fate, it’s crucial to be proactive.

First and foremost, appoint a competent physician before the plague arrives. This way, they can lead your efforts to combat the disease. Next, consider constructing Hospices, which not only provide a steady income and Piety but also offer Plague Resistance to the entire county. Upgrading these buildings will further increase the resistance provided. Additionally, you can build Burial Sites, which not only grant significant Plague Resistance but also come with a host of other bonuses.

By fortifying your lands with Hospices and Burial Sites, you’ll be ready to face plagues head-on, increasing the chances of survival for your people. Remember, fortune favors the prepared! 🏥

4 Understand How Legitimacy Increases & Decreases 👑

In Crusader Kings 3, Legitimacy plays a crucial role in ruling. Characters with higher legitimacy find it easier to maintain control, as their vassals readily accept their authority. On the other hand, falling short of the Legitimacy expectations can lead to turmoil and revolts.

To secure your position, it’s important to grasp the factors influencing Legitimacy. Previous strategies may need adjustment, as marrying low-born individuals for their stats and congenital traits may lower your Legitimacy. Disinheriting heirs or second sons is also frowned upon. Gaining Legitimacy can be achieved through winning wars, hosting successful activities, and spreading Legends. Conversely, losing wars, being accused of heinous acts, or mishandling plagues can decrease Legitimacy.

Remember, being deemed worthy by birth and actions can make or break your rule. So make sure you stay on the right side of Legitimacy, and your subjects will be more inclined to bend the knee. 👑

3 Mourn At Funerals For Huge Amounts Of Piety & Stress Loss 😢

Funerals are a somber affair, but in Crusader Kings 3, they offer more than just a chance to pay respects. Introducing mournful proceedings as a new activity, funerals become a powerful tool for stress management and accumulating Piety.

When tragedy strikes and you lose a loved one, embrace the mournful intent. This choice will open up unique options for stress reduction throughout the funeral. Not only that, but it’s also an opportunity to amass significant amounts of Piety. So when life deals you a cruel blow, turn it into an opportunity for emotional release and spiritual growth. Shed a tear, and gain a treasure! 😢💧

2 Play As A Ruler Who Starts With Legend Seeds 🌱

Starting with Legend Seeds gives you a head start in spreading Legends across the realm. These seeds, required to kickstart Legends, can be challenging to acquire. However, starting as a ruler who already possesses Legend Seeds can provide a significant advantage.

Some rulers, such as Alfred The Great, begin their reign with multiple seeds of varying types. These historical Legend Seeds offer more flavor and depth to your playthrough. If you prefer more freedom in your ruler selection, you can always asGameTopic the chronicler to uncover these seeds. Explore the possibilities, sow the seeds of greatness, and watch Legends bloom! 🌾✨


1 Spread Legends Far With Chroniclers, Musicians, & Poets 📜🎶

伝説は共有されるべきであり、その広がりは『Crusader Kings 3』における成功を決定します。宮廷の年代記作家、音楽家、詩人を雇用することで、伝説を遠く広げ、莫大な報酬を得ることができます。



年代記作家が年代記を残し、音楽家がセレナーデを奏で、詩人が詠歌を朗唱させる。彼らの努力によって、あなたの伝説は国境を超え、歴史において確固たる地位を確保するでしょう! 📜🎶✨

参考文献リスト: 1. 疫病への対策 2. CK3の最高の公国建物 3. 最高の先天的特性 4. ストレスレベルの管理 5. 最高の始動君主 6. 最初の王朝の遺産 7. 正しい宮廷の役職

📣 『Crusader Kings 3』の新しいLegends of the Dead DLCを体験しましたか?お気に入りの機能は何ですか?コメントでお知らせください!そして、ソーシャルメディアで口コミを広めるのを忘れないでください! 📣
