Dead by Daylight 第31章: すべての邪悪なもの – 新しい恐怖の形 🎬


Dead by Daylight Interview Developers Talk about New Survivor Perks, Killer Builds, and More

Since its launch in 2016, Dead by Daylight has consistently kept horror fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling gameplay and exciting updates. The latest addition to the game, Chapter 31: All Things Wicked, brings a whole new level of terror. In this update, players will encounter a terrifying new Killer called The Unknown, explore the cinematic small-town Greenville Square map, and meet the new survivor, Sable Ward. To get all the juicy details, GameTopic had the opportunity to talk to Behaviour Interactive’s Creative Director, Dave Richard, and Killer desGameTopicer, Nicolas Barrière-Kucharski. Here’s what they had to say:

🎮 A New Kind of Horror

Q: What part of the All Things Wicked update are you most eager for players to experience?

Richard: Well, I have to say that the whole package is incredibly exciting. We’ve had a blast creating this Analog-Horror inspired chapter, especially designing a Killer that is genuinely scary in every way. But if I had to pick one thing, it would definitely be the impact The Unknown will have on players. Trust me, this Killer is super scary! 💀

Barrière-Kucharski: For me, it’s all about the exploration. There’s so much to discover in this chapter that is deeply rooted within our own IP. Players will find hidden details and exciting elements they haven’t seen on the Public Test Build (PTB) yet. I can’t wait for them to dive into it!

Q: What exactly is Analog-Horror, and can you give examples of media that portray this concept?

Richard: Analog horror has gained popularity over the past decade, thanks to the internet and the ability for anyone to create creepy content. It’s characterized by its cryptic and visceral nature, often leaving much to the imagination. Unlike Dead by Daylight’s intense and in-your-face horror, analog horror is more about the fear of the unknown, with a focus on jump-scares and tension.

Q: There was speculation that The Unknown might be based on skinwalker lore. Is there any truth to that, or does the creature have other origins?

Richard: One of the core ideas behind The Unknown was to keep its backstory a mystery. Analog horror creatures are inherently scary because we know they exist and are dangerous, but we don’t know anything about them. Even as developers, we don’t have all the answers. We love seeing the community build their own theories about who The Unknown really is!

Q: When designing The Unknown, did you start with a mechanical concept or shape its abilities around its lore?

Barrière-Kucharski: Analog horror is all about enveloping players in a sustained sense of darkness and “unknowns.” So, our starting point was to explore vision mechanics and redefine the relationship between the Killer and Survivors. The Unknown is the culmination of a long development journey, and I can’t wait for players to see what we’ve come up with!

Q: Tell us about The Unknown’s hallucinogenic Husk ability. Do you have any tips for using it effectively?

Barrière-Kucharski: The Husk ability allows The Unknown to create hallucinations and teleport around the map. Survivors can’t precisely locate the Killer, injecting an element of uncertainty into the gameplay. Mastering the Husk ability requires skill and strategy. Players should aim to make informed decisions, anticipate Survivor movements, and strategically place hallucinations to keep their opponents on their toes.

👻 Scare Tactics

Q: Do you have any killer build recommendations for players trying out The Unknown for the first time?

Barrière-Kucharski: Oh, I’ve got a fun one! Run the Insidious perk. It’s perfect for The Unknown because you can stay idle and pretend to be one of your own hallucinations. It’s pure joy! Another great combo is using the new generator perk, Unforeseen, along with Face the Darkness. These will give you a significant advantage in tracking and surprising Survivors. And finally, consider incorporating Lethal Pursuer from Xenomorph for extra speed. But remember, experimenting with different builds is one of the joys of Dead by Daylight! 😈







バリエール・クチャルスキ:もちろんです!セイブルの最初の特典である《Invocation: Weaving Spiders》は、地下で協力して作業できる共同特典です。1人で儀式を始めると他のサバイバーを呼び寄せ、修理時間を短縮します。欠点は、儀式を始めたサバイバーが永久的に負傷することです。全体のチームに影響を与える戦略的な選択肢で、ゲームプレイに追加のレイヤーをもたらします。

セイブルの2番目の特典である《Strength in Shadows》は、地下での自己治癒を低下させつつも、緊急時に回復できる機会を与えます。彼女の3番目の特典である《Wicked》は、最も困難な状況でも地下で解除できるようにします。ただし、タイミングが重要であり、キラーが気づいて地下以外で追ってきる可能性があります。全ての特典には利点とトレードオフがあり、セイブルは過酷な状況で最善を尽くすサバイバーとして優れています。

🎥 映画の舞台









📢 結び

オールシングス・ウィッキッド・アップデートを繰り広げ、Dead by Daylightはプレイヤー達を恐怖に震えさせる絶妙なアナログホラー体験を提供します。The UnknownとSable Wardはゲームプレイに新たな次元をもたらし、没入感あふれる戦略的な遭遇を可能にします。Greenville Squareの小さな町のシネマティックスは、忘れられないホラーの舞台となる魅力的な背景を提供します。

さあ、友達と一緒に心臓が高鳴る瞬間に備え、オールシングス・ウィッキッドとともにThe Fogに足を踏み入れましょう!

参考文献:Dead by Daylight 公式ウェブサイトBehaviour Interactive 公式ウェブサイトGameTopic インタビュー: Dead by Daylight Chapter 31 – All Things Wicked

画像: The Unknown Greenville Square

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