

EVE Online developer hints at details about blockchain survival game without revealing too much.

🔮 EVE Online developer CCP Games 🔮 has recently unveiled more details about their highly anticipated project, Project Awakening. While still shrouded in mystery with no in-game screenshots, we now have a glimpse into its setting and concept.

A Broken World in the Dark Expanse of Space

🌌 Project Awakening is described as a “single-shard survival experience” that takes place in a hostile and dangerous cosmos where civilization has crumbled due to its own ambitions. Players will embark on a journey to explore this dark expanse of space, fighting for survival and attempting to rebuild the shattered remnants of the world. What makes it even more intriguing is that the game’s universe will evolve based on the actions and efforts of its players. It’s like a cosmic sandbox where your choices shape the destiny of the game’s universe.

🚀 The next closed playtest, named “Phase 3,” is scheduled to kick off on May 21. This playtest will feature an exciting “online hackathon.” Imagine being an ambitious builder and unleashing your creativity in this virtual world. CCP Games promises to provide guides and tools, allowing players to experiment, build new features, and add functionality to their heart’s content. This is an opportunity for aspiring game developers to flex their creative muscles in an innovative and collaborative environment.

Unleash the Power of Blockchain Technology…?

💥 Here’s where things get even more intriguing, my fellow gamers. Project Awakening is powered by none other than the open source Carbon Development Platform and Lattice’s MUD. While the details on how exactly these technologies will be utilized in the game are still scarce, one word stands out among the rest: blockchain. Yes, that buzzword that has been popping up in numerous industries lately is finding its way into the gaming world.

🔗 The integration of blockchain technology in games has garnered mixed reactions. But let’s talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to blockchain: its environmental impact. It’s nearly impossible to quantify the toll it takes on the environment, which understandably makes some gamers apprehensive about embracing this technology. There are also concerns related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and what happens to items players have invested in if a game shuts down.

🤷‍♀️ But hold your horses! We must admit that CCP Games hasn’t been crystal clear about how blockchain will be implemented in Project Awakening. To add more spice to the situation, way back in 2022, CCP reassured the EVE Online fanbase that blockchain technology would not be added to their global server Tranquility. However, they also hinted that blockchain might be explored in the broader EVE franchise. So, the big question remains: how will blockchain technology shape the gameplay, the universe, and the experience of Project Awakening?

The Future of a Broken World Awaits

⏳ While we eagerly wait to uncover the answers, it’s important to note that Project Awakening doesn’t have a confirmed release date yet. However, if you’re itching to try your hand at exploring this shattered universe, you can register for the upcoming playtest. Be among the first to witness this cosmic survival experience and contribute to the evolution of a broken world.

💡 Project Awakening is certainly an intriguing venture by CCP Games. Whether you’re a fan of EVE Online or just excited about the concept of surviving in a decaying civilization, this game promises a unique and immersive experience. Keep an eye on future updates, and who knows, you might find yourself lost in the depths of space sooner than you think!

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

🔥 If the mention of blockchain technology has stirred some questions in your mind, worry not, we’ve got you covered. Here are some commonly asked questions about Project Awakening:

Q: How will blockchain technology impact the gameplay in Project Awakening? A: While specifics are yet to be revealed, the integration of blockchain technology opens up possibilities for player-driven economies, decentralized ownership of in-game assets, and potentially rewarding players for their contributions.


Q: ブロックチェーンのゲームへの環境への影響に関する懸念はありますか? A: それは妥当な懸念です!ブロックチェーン技術の環境への影響は議論の的です。CCP Gamesがこの問題にどのように対処し、革新と持続可能性のバランスを保つかは見ていく必要があります。

Q: NFTはプロジェクトアウェイクニングの一部になりますか? A: この時点では不明ですが、ブロックチェーン技術の統合を考慮すると、非代替性トークン(NFT)の組み込みは可能性があります。ただし、ゲームがシャットダウンした場合のこれらのNFTの運命はまだ対処されていません。


さらにエキサイティングなサバイバルゲームに飛び込むために、現在利用可能な 10 Best Survival Games をチェックしてください!

🎮👉 皆さんの考えをお聞かせください!プロジェクトアウェイクニングの宇宙でのサバイバルアドベンチャーにワクワクしていますか?以下にコメントを入れて、銀河に知らせてください!そして、お気に入りのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームで仲間のゲーマーとこの記事を共有するのを忘れないでください。宇宙が皆さんと共にありますように! 🚀✨