



🎲 スピリッツの製造における芸術、科学、経済へのスリリングな旅に乗り出す準備ができましたか? それならば、Distilledを探す必要はありません。これは、自分の蒸留所を運営する興奮を体験させてくれる革新的なボードゲームです。🥃








視野を広げる:Distilled: アフリカと中東

さらなる興奮を求める人のために、Distilled: アフリカと中東エキスパンションは新しい挑戦と機会を提供しています。ベックは、このエキスパンションがゲームプレイを強化する「スーパーイングリディエント」を含む追加の文化、キャラクター、スピリッツ、材料、ボトル、バレルを導入すると説明しています6。このスーパーイングリディエントの1つには、蒸留中に2倍計算されるグルコース糖があります7。このエキスパンションで、プレイヤーはこれらの地域でのスピリッツ製造のユニークな世界に没入し、全く新しいゲームプレイの可能性を探ることができます。


自分だけの蒸留の冒険に乗り出す準備ができているならば、Distilledは友好的な地元のゲームストアやAmazonなどのさまざまなオンライン小売業者で入手できます8。そして、基本ゲームを既に制覇したプレイヤーのために、Distilled: アフリカと中東エキスパンションは現在、Amazonで利用可能です。あなたの蒸留所帝国を新たな高みに導く準備が整っています9



Q&A Content

Q: Is Distilled a drinking game?

A: While it may sound like it, Distilled is not a drinking game! It’s a strategic board game that focuses on the business and science behind the spirits industry. Of course, enjoying a nice drink while playing is entirely up to you10.

Q: Can I play Distilled with just two players?

A: Absolutely! Distilled can be played with two or more players, making it perfect for both intimate gatherings and lively game nights11.

Q: Are there other board games about spirits production?

A: Distilled stands out as a unique board game in its focus on whiskey, gin, and vodka production. However, there are other board games that explore different aspects of the beverage industry, such as brewing or winemaking. If you’re interested, you might want to check out games like Viticulture or Brew Crafters1213.


Hey readers! 🎮 Have you ever dreamed of running your own distillery and creating the finest spirits around? Well, dream no more because Distilled, the game that brings the exhilaration of distilling spirits to your living room, is here! 🥃 Whether you’re a whiskey lover, a tabletop enthusiast, or just looking for an exciting new game, this is one you won’t want to miss.

Check out my latest article to learn more about the game that’s making waves in the gaming world and the spirits industry. And don’t forget to share it with your fellow gaming enthusiasts and spirit connoisseurs! 📢🌟

Distilled: A Board Game for Whiskey Lovers and Business Aficionados

🎲 Ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the art, science, and economics of making spirits? Look no further than Distilled, the innovative board game that lets you experience the exhilaration of running your own distillery. 🥃

The Rise of Hard Liquor

In a groundbreaking shift for the beverage industry, consumers in the U.S. are now purchasing more hard liquor than beer14. This surge in interest coincides with a growing fascination for new board games, especially those that fully embrace their themes. Enter Distilled, an exciting multiplayer strategy game that focuses on the intricate world of spirits production.

From Whiskey Dreams to Board Game Reality

Game designer Dave Beck was inspired to create Distilled after a trip to Scotland, where he immersed himself in the world of distilleries and whiskey15. Beck’s goal was clear: to introduce a game that dives deep into the distilling process and offers players a truly immersive experience.

The Mechanics of Distilled

At its core, Distilled is a game about strategically acquiring ingredients, distilling spirits, and building your own brand. Each player must carefully select ingredients to place into their storeroom and then use them to craft batches of spirits in distillation tanks16. These batches are represented by decks of cards, with each one subject to the mysterious “Angel’s Share” (evaporation) and the “Devil’s Share” (loss during aging). The cards that remain in the pile represent the liquor produced, with the possibility of adding more expensive ingredients to create higher-value spirits17.
