ドラゴンズドグマ2への願い プレイヤーの強化されたキャラクターカスタマイズオプションに対する願望

『ドラゴンズドグマ2』のキャラクター作成ツールが、ゲーム本編の店頭発売前にリリースされました 以下は、それをより充実させるためのいくつかの提案です


5 Possible Additions to ドラゴンズドグマ2 キャラクタークリエイターに追加される可能性のあるもの

A player changing the Arisen’s ears in Dragon’s Dogma 2



1. 追加の種族オプション:エルフは新たなビーストランに並ぶ選択肢にすべき

A player changing the Arisen’s ears in Dragon’s Dogma 2


📝 Q:プレイヤーはドラゴンズドグマ2でエルフとしてプレイできますか? A:残念ながら、プレイヤーは正式にエルフとしてプレイすることはできません。耳をやや尖らせたキャラクターの作成のみが可能で、それにより半エルフのように見えるキャラクターを作成できます。ただし、エルフを公式の種族オプションとして追加した場合、プレイヤーが真のエルフである夢を叶えることができるだろうと素晴らしいでしょう。

2. タトゥー制限の増加:プレイヤーはさらに多くのタトゥーを望んでいます

A player looking at a Pawn’s tattoos in Dragon’s Dogma 2


📝 Q:ドラゴンズドグマ2で1つの体の領域に2つ以上のタトゥーを持つことは可能ですか? A:現在、プレイヤーは体の各領域に最大2つのタトゥーしか追加できません。ただし、キャラクターにより複雑なデザインを作成したい人々から、タトゥー制限を増やすようにカプコンにリクエストがありました。これにより、プレイヤーが自分のアライズンやポーンをより個人的にカスタマイズするためのさらなる創造的な可能性が広がります。

3. 非現実的な髪の色(および多様な髪の色)

A player choosing a hair color in Dragon’s Dogma 2



📝 Q: Are there a variety of hair color options in Dragon’s Dogma 2? A: The current hair color options in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are largely based on realistic colors. Fans of the game would love to see more variety, including both natural and unrealistic colors. This would allow players to truly personalize their characters and bring them to life in the fantastical world of the game.

4. Being Able to Separately Pick Nose and Eyes: More Eye Options to Select Afterwards

A player picking a base head in Dragon's Dogma 2

In the character creator of Dragon’s Dogma 2, players are prompted to choose a base face for their characters. However, once a base has been selected, players have limited options to modify the eyes and nose. While players can adjust certain features like the level of squint or if an eye is completely shut, they cannot change the overall shape of the eyes or the nose. This limitation makes it challenging for players who desire additional customization in these areas, as they would need to change the entire face structure.

📝 Q: Can players have different eye shapes or noses for their characters in Dragon’s Dogma 2? A: Once players have chosen a base face, they are unable to select different eye shapes or noses separately. The options for modifying these features are limited to certain adjustments, such as squint level or eye closure. Unfortunately, players cannot choose different shapes for eyes or noses once the base selection has been made. This is an area where players hope for more flexibility and customization options.

5. Saturation Options for Hair Colors and Make-Up: Players Wish to Alter the Colors Themselves

A player looking at eyeshadow in Dragon's Dogma 2

In addition to desiring a broader range of hair colors, players in Dragon’s Dogma 2 also want the ability to adjust the saturation of colors. This feature would allow players to make hair colors more vibrant and impactful, as well as provide more options for make-up colors.

📝 Q: Can players alter the saturation of hair colors and make-up in Dragon’s Dogma 2? A: Currently, players do not have the option to adjust the saturation of hair colors or make-up in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This limitation has been a point of criticism among players who wish for more vibrant and customizable options. The ability to alter saturation levels would not only enhance the visual appeal but also provide greater opportunities for self-expression in character customization.

Reference List:

  1. Dragon’s Dogma 2 Official Website
  2. A Video Review of Dragon’s Dogma
  3. Character Customization Tips for Dragon’s Dogma 2
  4. Exploring the Lore of Dragon’s Dogma 2
  5. Enhance Your Gaming Experience with Dragon’s Dogma Mods

At the end of the day, character customization plays a vital role in creating a unique and immersive gaming experience. The wishlist for improved character customization options in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a testament to the passion and creativity of the gaming community. What features would you like to see added to the character creator? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below! And don’t forget to spread the word by sharing this article on your favorite social media platforms. Happy gaming! 🎮😄
