デューン スパイス ウォーズ – ハウス コリノ 戦略 ガイド



ハウス・コリノ: ドゥーン:スパイス・ウォーズでの権力と政治のマスタリング

double main base house corrino


🌟 コリノの特性








🎩 コリノの評議員

Emperor shaddam in Dune: Spice Wars.


👑 プリンセス・イルーラン


🔍 ハシミア・フェンリング


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⚔️ Zum Garon

As the head of the Sardaukar, Zum Garon is feared by soldiers across the galaxy. His mere presence influences other factions to fall in line. If Garon is on the Council and no faction currently holds the Imperial Mandate, the Emperor may propose an Imperial Mandate at no cost. Additionally, Garon grants a fifteen-percent bonus to combat damage for Corrino units for every faction currently at a Truce with House Corrino. You definitely don’t want to be the only faction still fighting the Emperor!

🧙‍♀️ Gaius Helen Mohiam

Gaius Helen Mohiam, the leader of the Bene Gesserit, possesses a level of influence that reaches across the galaxy. With Mohiam in your council, Corrino support for Charter Priority counts double. If the Emperor uses Imperial Edict to alter a Resolution in the Landsraad, Mohiam doubles the number of Corrino votes put toward that Resolution at the final count.

🏗️ Corrino Developments

fight between two houses on the desert plains of arrakis

House Corrino’s tech tree offers several alternate Developments that provide powerful bonuses, perfectly complementing the Emperor’s highly-specialized play style.

Solid Materials

  • Tier: Economy (Yellow), Tier 1
  • Effect:
    • Reduces the construction cost of buildings by fifteen percent.
    • Produces an additional ten Plascrete per day.

Integrated Costs

  • Tier: Economy (Yellow), Tier 3
  • Prerequisite: Advanced Engineering
  • Effect:
    • Corrino Villages adjacent to an Imperial Base produce ten additional Solari.
    • Upkeep for Major Buildings in Corrino Villages adjacent to an Imperial Base is halved.
      • This effect stacks if the Village is adjacent to both Imperial Bases.

CHOAM Manipulation

  • Tier: Economy (Yellow), Tier 4
  • Prerequisite: CHOAM Integration
  • Effect:
    • For every one percent of total CHOAM Shares owned by House Corrino:
      • Power of Corrino military units increases by half a percent.
      • +1 percent chance to detect enemy operations.
      • There’s no cap to the bonus, but technically it can’t go higher than fifty since you would have already won the game.

Keep reading the full article on Dune: Spice Wars 公式ウェブサイト for more details, including Imperial Command, Absolute Power, and Late Game Strategies and Tips.


👀 Have you mastered the power and politics of House Corrino? Share your strategies with us in the comments below and let your fellow gamers benefit from your wisdom!


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