Epic vs Apple争い 欧州規制当局が介入



EU is investigating Apple’s block of Epic developer account.

The epic battle between Apple and Epic Games continues to unfold, and now the European Union is getting involved. European regulators have set their sights on Apple, seeking answers regarding the recent news that Apple had banned Epic’s developer account. 🍏💔

Let’s bring you up to speed: Back in February, Epic announced its plan to launch an iOS version of its store in Europe, following Apple’s confirmation that it would comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act. This act requires Apple to allow sideloading and alternate marketplaces on its devices. Exciting stuff, right?

Epic managed to secure an official Apple Developer Account, and it had big plans to launch its app store sometime this year. However, just yesterday, we were hit with the bombshell that Apple terminated Epic’s developer account, citing Epic’s “verifiable untrustworthiness” as the reason behind their decision. Epic, on the other hand, claims that Apple’s actions are a “serious violation of the Digital Markets Act” within the EU. Drama, drama, drama! 💥

Now, the European Commission has confirmed that it has “requested further explanations” from Apple about the ban under the Digital Markets Act. But that’s not all! They are also looking into whether Apple’s actions raise concerns about their compliance with the DSA (Digital Services Act) and the P2B (Platform to Business Regulation). You go, regulators!

Apple, not one to stay silent, responded to Epic’s accusations by condemning the company even further. They stated that Epic’s breach of contractual obligations led the courts to determine that Apple has the right to terminate any or all of Epic Games’ wholly-owned subsidiaries. Ouch! Shots fired! Apple’s decision to exercise that right, according to them, was a result of Epic’s “past and ongoing behavior.” Burn! 🔥

In case you need a refresher, the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ruling in Apple’s favor in 2021 after both Epic and Apple appealed. However, that didn’t stop Epic from winning a similar case against Google in December 2023. These legal battles are like roller coasters!

So, what does all of this mean for the future of app stores, alternate marketplaces, and the power dynamics between tech giants? It’s too soon to tell, but one thing is for sure: this fight is far from over. Hold on tight, folks, because things are about to get even more interesting!

Q&A Time: Your Burning Questions Answered!

Q: What is the EU’s Digital Markets Act, and why is it significant in this feud between Apple and Epic?

The EU’s Digital Markets Act is a regulation that aims to ensure fair competition within the digital marketplace. It requires tech companies like Apple to allow sideloading and alternate app marketplaces on their devices. This act plays a significant role in the feud between Apple and Epic because it was Apple’s compliance with this act that led Epic to believe they could launch their own app store in Europe. However, Apple’s decision to ban Epic’s developer account has raised concerns about its commitment to the act.

Q: What are the DSA (Digital Services Act) and the P2B (Platform to Business Regulation), and why are they mentioned in the European Commission’s response?

The DSA (Digital Services Act) is another regulation proposed by the EU to create a safer digital environment and establish clear rules for online platforms. The P2B (Platform-to-Business) Regulation is a part of the DSA that specifically addresses the relationship between platforms and businesses that use them. The European Commission’s mention of these regulations in their response indicates that they are exploring whether Apple’s actions raise doubts about the company’s compliance with these regulations. In other words, they want to ensure a fair playing field for all parties involved.

Q: How did Epic win a similar case against Google?

Epic won a similar case against Google in December 2023, asserting that Google’s restricted practices within the Play Store were anti-competitive. The outcome of this case suggests that Epic’s claims against Apple may have merit, especially considering the similarities in their app store policies. It’s worth noting that despite the win against Google, Epic’s battle with Apple continues to rage on.


🔗 参考文献: – EU Digital Markets ActEU Digital Services ActEuropean Commission’s ResponseUS Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals RulingEpic’s Case Against Google

さあ、あなたの番です! Appleの行動は正当だと思いますか、それともこの戦いでEpicを支持しますか? 以下のコメントでお知らせください。そして、この記事がおもしろくて有益だと感じたら、忘れずにゲーム仲間と共有して情報を広めてください! 🎮🌍💪