詐欺的なランサムウェアグループがEpic Gamesハックを捏造したことを告白-GameTopic

偽のランサムウェアグループが『Fortnite』の開発元Epic Gamesのハッキングを誤った申し立てを認める


Epic Games Ransomware Hack Turns Out to Be a Scam: A Lesson in Fraudulent Trickery

Oh, the lengths some people will go to for a taste of fame and ill-gotten fortune! Just recently, a group going by the name of Mogilevich claimed to have hacked into Epic Games, the makers of the popular game Fortnite. They even had the audacity to threaten to release sensitive data unless they were paid a hefty sum. But hold your horses, dear readers, because it turns out it was all a big fat lie!

Epic Games swiftly denied being hacked, leaving Mogilevich with their tail between their legs. In an amusing turn of events, the group has now come clean about their little charade. According to a spokesperson from Mogilevich, they were never in possession of any real data, and their whole purpose was to deceive hackers into buying their bogus hacking tools.

🕵️‍♀️ But wait, there’s a twist! The spokesperson revealed, “In reality, we are not a ransomware-as-a-service, but professional fraudsters. None of the databases listed in our blog were as true as you might have discovered recently. We took advantage of big names to gain visibility as quickly as possible, but not to fame and receive approval, but to build meticulously our new trafficking of victims to scam.”

Talk about a plot twist! These folks apparently consider themselves criminal geniuses, though one could argue they’re more like amateur tricksters. It’s unclear whether we should even believe their confession, but one thing is certain—Mogilevich had nothing to do with hacking Epic Games or any other organization. Epic Games themselves confirmed this, stating that there was “zero evidence” to support Mogilevich’s claims.

In a statement to Eurogamer, Epic Games emphasized their skepticism, saying, “Mogilievich has not contacted Epic or provided any proof of the veracity of these allegations. When we saw these allegations, which were a screenshot of a darkweb webpage in a tweet from a third party, we began investigating within minutes and reached out to Mogilevich for proof. Mogilevich has not responded. The closest thing we have seen to a response is this tweet, where they allegedly ask for $15k and ‘proof of funds’ to hand over the purported data.”

🔒 While this whole saga turned out to be a scam, it highlights the importance of maintaining strong security measures in the gaming industry. Over the years, video game companies have been targeted by hackers, resulting in the release of stolen data. It’s a reminder that no organization is completely impervious to cyber threats, and vigilance is key.

Now, dear readers, let’s address some burning questions you may have about this thrilling saga:

Q&A: Unmasking the Epic Games Ransomware Scam

Q: How did the gaming community react to this scam? A: The gaming community exhibited a mix of skepticism and amusement as news of the scam unfolded. Many were quick to question the legitimacy of Mogilevich’s claims, citing the lack of evidence and the suspicious nature of the alleged hack.

Q: Are other gaming companies at risk of similar scams? A: While the Mogilevich case was indeed a scam, it’s important for all gaming companies to remain vigilant. The gaming industry has been a frequent target of cyberattacks, with hackers continually searching for vulnerabilities to exploit. It’s crucial for companies to invest in robust security measures to protect their valuable data and user information.

Q: How can players ensure their personal information is secure when gaming? A: Players can take several steps to enhance their personal security. First and foremost, it’s crucial to use strong, unique passwords for gaming accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. Additionally, players should avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading files from untrustworthy sources. Regularly updating gaming platforms and keeping antivirus software up to date are also vital steps in maintaining a secure gaming experience.

🔗 For further reading on gaming security and related topics, check out these valuable sources:

  1. How to Protect Your Gaming Account from Hackers
  2. The Rise of Cybersecurity Risks in the Gaming Industry
  3. Best Practices for Gaming Companies to Prevent Data Breaches
  4. Top Gaming Security Threats You Should Know About
  5. The Dark Side of the Gaming World: Exploring Cybercrime in Virtual Realms


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