


Final Fantasy 14 Top 8 Data Center Servers to Visit


  • Join FF14 for an immersive experience as a legendary warrior in Eorzea.
  • Choose Data Center servers wisely for optimal gameplay performance and community interaction.
  • Consider factors like location, social connections, language preferences, and play style for server selection.

Players of MMORPGs who love the Final Fantasy franchise have Final Fantasy 14 to play should they ever want to become their own character. Set in the world of Eorzea, players of FF14 take on the role of a legendary warrior who escaped a devastating apocalyptic event (the failure of the original 2010 FF14 release) and five years into the future (the re-release as A Realm Reborn), where they help a recovering Eorzea from the threat that is the Garlean Empire.

With the game still boasting its unique set of Jobs and evolutions, fans of Final Fantasy games can feel right at home with mechanics, references, and storylines that give a Final Fantasy flair of depth in a usually unnecessarily lengthy MMO story. However, for newcomers to the game, the choice of a Data Center Server is easily one of the most difficult as these can shape a player’s overall PVE and PVP experience. In the context of technical choices, just which Data Center Servers are worthwhile in Final Fantasy 14?

Updated March 10, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With Summer 2024 marking the release of the upcoming Dawntrail expansion and the arrival of new Jobs like the Viper and the Pictomancer, fans of Final Fantasy 14 may be eager to speedrun their way through the current story and see which builds work best for them while waiting for this massive content drop.

However, for newcomers who are just about to try Final Fantasy 14 to see what makes it one of modern gaming’s most acclaimed RPGs, it can get overwhelming to even choose where to make a character. Thankfully, despite the number of Data Center servers out there and recommendations based on playstyle, players may also simply depend on their social connections to see which servers work best for them.

  1. Local Regional Data Center: The Basic Choice

Servers Based On Location

Final Fantasy 14 Chocobos
Server Of Choice Random, Depends on the Region
Basis Connectivity

One of the most important considerations when choosing a server in any MMO would be distance. As with other MMOs that require heavy processing power, FF14 is quite demanding when it comes to both hardware and wireless connection especially when trying to play with the game’s more advanced graphics regardless of FF14 Class and their flashy abilities.

In this situation, the first ideal Data Center of the player’s choice is the one nearest to their location, which is their Local Regional Data Center. That way, players are treated with the best possible performance FF14 can offer them. This is usually the best option for newcomers or for those who aren’t looking for anything specific in terms of a particular server’s population.

Expectations When Choosing Local Regional Data Centers

With Local Regional Data Centers being the staple servers of choice for Final Fantasy 14 players, it’s normal for gamers to encounter an assortment of players based on their server of preference. On top of network stability, choosing a Local Regional Data Center may also affect the availability of potential party members, especially when choosing a different server instead of one based on location. Choosing a Regional Data Center away from one’s timezone may result in infrequent interactions with players. As with most other servers, most Data Centers go beyond their “perceived” stereotypes and boast communities that focus on raiding, PVP engagements, roleplaying, and even trading.

  1. The Social Connection Choice

Playing Where Friends Are Guarantees Co-Op Experience


選択したサーバー ランダム、コンタクトに依存
基準 ソーシャルコネクション





  1. グループ固有のコミュニティのSubredditsをチェック


選択したサーバー ランダム
基準 グループまたはコミュニティに参加


ファイナルファンタジー14のサブレディットには専用の投稿 がありますが、場所、興味、およびニッチに基づいた既存のDiscordサーバーがあります。結果として、特定の地域やアート、シアクラフトなどの興味に対応するプレイヤー専用のDiscordサーバーやコミュニティがあります。



  1. 言語の壁を取り除く


ヨーロッパ ラグナロク – カオス
モーグリ – カオス
ケルベロス – カオス
オーディン – ライト
シヴァ – ライト
ゾディアーク – ライト
北米 カクター – イーサー
ベヒーモス – プライマル
ハイペリオン – プライマル
ラミア – プライマル
日本 トンベリ – エレメンタル
マサムネ – 真納
テュフォン – エレメンタル
クジャタ – エレメンタル
ラムー – エレメンタル






  1. カジュアルコミュニティの好み


ヨーロッパ Phoenix – Light
北アメリカ Adamantoise – Aether
Faerie – Aether
Siren – Aether
Midgardsormr – Aether
Brynhildr – Crystal
Diabolos – Crystal
Goblin – Crystal
Zalera – Crystal
Famfrit – Primal
日本 Shinryu – Mana
オセアニア Sephirot – Materia
Zurvan – Materia






  1. レイドパーティの好み


ヨーロッパ Ragnarok – Chaos
北アメリカ Gilgamesh – Aether
Jenova – Aether
Coeurl – Crystal
Leviathan – Primal
Excalibur – Primal
Exodus – Primal
日本 Chocobo – Mana
オセアニア Ravana – Materia


As with most other MMOs, Final Fantasy 14 raiding has been an active component of its player base since its launch. Given how each of the game’s iterations has provided a fair share of complex stories and equally intense FF14 dungeons, it’s no surprise how some players have become dedicated to the endgame component of the series.

Players hoping to become a part of the more hardcore raiding scene and those gunning for frequent group sessions in the endgame might want to look into servers that accommodate such a population. These servers also fit players who focus more on reaching the endgame to have the most fun, instead of focusing on the story and side quests.

Expectations When Choosing Raiding Focused Realms

Selecting a server popular for its raid focus can easily get Final Fantasy 14 players into the MMO’s dungeoneering scene much faster than other realms. While the entire population of these servers doesn’t think the same way, the servers’ reputation for focusing on raids means players should anticipate repeated playthroughs of dungeons more often than in other realms.

Players should also anticipate other guilds and groups in these servers to be more invested in gamers who are quick on their feet in adjusting to dungeon roles. However, this more action-focused part of the MMO scene means there’s also the possibility of players overcrowding these servers, which can make creating characters inside of them much faster compared to other locations. Players who want to enjoy FF14’s endgame dungeons may find a scarcity of teammates in servers further from their original timezone.

  1. Roleplaying For Full Immersion

Preference For Roleplaying Their Characters

Final Fantasy 14 characters
Sample Servers
Europe Omega – Chaos
North America Balmung – Crystal
Mateus – Crystal
Hyperion – Primal
Japan Pandemonium – Mana

Fans of MMOs know that the idea of roleplaying is usually reserved for games with vast open worlds and a wide variety of “professions” that copy real-life occurrences, such as in RuneScape and Albion Online. However, if lore-intensive MMOs such as World of Warcraft have proven, a game with a complex enough story could be home to roleplayers as well. This is especially the case of Final Fantasy 14, whose story across its expansions has done nothing but escalate matters that put Eorzea at the cusp of yet another extinction-level event.

However, just because adventurers in FF14 are tasked to save the world doesn’t mean they have to do so on short notice. This is perhaps the point of roleplaying servers, as they’re built to accommodate the section of Final Fantasy fans who want to fully immerse themselves in the possibility of their characters becoming actual “cast members” of a Final Fantasy story through stylish gear.

Expectations When Choosing Roleplaying Servers

Players eager to fulfill their dreams of roleplaying as their character can finally “live” in Eorzea in these perceived roleplay-heavy servers. While roleplaying principles in modern MMOs remain the same in terms of mutual respect and playing along the same story, fans may want to find roleplaying guilds in any of these servers in advance before creating a character.

Familiarizing with various roleplaying styles of different guilds can give players a heads-up on the kind of stories they may encounter once they create their character. Knowing favored roleplaying styles beforehand can also make transitioning from scenes much easier. As with any other MMO, the occasional encounter with a non-RP-invested gamer means RP-heavy players should still periodically ask permission when engaging random characters in roleplay-speak.

  1. Streamer Central

Likelihood Of Encountering Content Creators


Final Fantasy 14の一部のキャラクター
北アメリカ Sargatanas – Aether
Lamia – Primal

Final Fantasy 14がどれだけ人気ゲームになったかを考えると、このゲームがセッションで多くのストリーマーによって遊ばれていることは驚くに当たらないです。その中でも注目すべきプレイヤーがAsmongoldで、彼のウィットに富んだ解説とカジュアルなプレースタイルはゲームの新規プレーヤーからベテランまで彼のストリームに惹きつけています。





Q: FF14でサーバーの場所がゲームプレイのパフォーマンスにどう影響するのか?

A: サーバーの場所は、特にFF14のようなMMOにおいて、ゲームプレイのパフォーマンスに重要な役割を果たします。自身の場所に最も近いサーバーを選ぶことは、レイテンシを低くし、サーバーの応答との遅延を減らすことで、よりスムーズなゲームプレイを保証します。これは特に、PvPバトルやレイドエンカウンターなど、素早い反応が必要な活動にとって極めて重要です。

Q: キャラクターを後で異なるデータセンターに移動できますか?

A: はい、FF14で提供されているワールドトランスファーサービスを利用してキャラクターを別のデータセンターに移動することができます。ただし、キャラクター移動には一定の制限と料金がかかります。移動の要件や関連費用についての詳細情報は公式のFF14ウェブサイトを確認することが重要です。

Q: ロールプレイング向けの特定のデータセンターはありますか?

A: はい、FF14にはロールプレイングコミュニティで知られるデータセンターがあります。Balmung(Crystal)、Mateus(Crystal)、Omega(Chaos)などのサーバーは、没入型のロールプレイング体験に興味を持つプレイヤーにとって人気の選択肢です。これらのサーバーには活発なロールプレイングギルドやイベント、より専門的なロールプレイングコミュニティが存在する傾向があります。

Q: FF14でレイドのためのギルドやグループを見つける方法は?



  1. Final Fantasy 10: Underrated Summons
  2. FF14 Class Guide
  3. Intense FF14 Dungeons
  4. FF14 Discord Community List
