


Phoenix Summon: Reigniting the Flames of Battle


Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the realm of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth! Today, we embark on a fiery quest to acquire the legendary powers of the Phoenix summon. But let’s not get too hasty; this battle won’t be a walk in the park. Fear not, for I am here to guide you through the flames and ensure you emerge victorious. So sharpen your weapons, gather your courage, and let’s dive into the world of Phoenix summoning!

Phoenix Summon Overview

Phoenix Materia in the Summon Materia screen in FF7 Rebirth

Ah, Phoenix, the majestic bird that commands a rotating chain of monsters to do its bidding. Picture it as a wild carousel ride, except with dangerous creatures instead of friendly horses. These monsters will keep coming back until you eliminate them all. Here’s the lineup:

  1. Flan: The first fiend you encounter in the chain. Arm yourself with fire spells and abilities to roast this gooey adversary each time it shows up.

  2. Bomb: The explosive second creature in the lineup. Sadly, it isn’t weak to ice, so we must attack it swiftly to prevent it from detonating. Unleash the lightning-fast melee moves of Tifa upon this fiery foe.

  3. Grandhorn: The fiery horned beast follows Flan. Guess what? It’s also weak to fire! Double the fire, double the fun.

  4. Archdragon: Last but not least, this flying nuisance is weak to wind, but it swiftly dances around the battlefield like an unruly ballerina. Keep your eyes on the skies and strike when the opportunity presents itself.

Remember, you can only damage Phoenix itself once all its summoned monsters are defeated. But beware, even when invulnerable, Phoenix will unleash devastating attacks upon your party. Stay on your toes, my friends!

Unleashing the Wrath of the Firebird

When facing Phoenix, you’ll need to brace yourself for a barrage of fiery techniques. Four of these techniques bear the “Crimson” moniker, and they come with a twist of positional damage. Allow me to explain, my friends.

🔥 Incandescent Burst: When the flame within Phoenix intensifies, it releases an outward-trajectory area-of-effect burst of flames. It may scorch your party members if they stand too close to this burning beauty. Remember, safety first, folks!

🔥 Surging Flame: Picture arcs of fire shooting in multiple directions, ready to engulf anything in their path. Dodge this fiery display to keep your party safe. Quick reflexes, my friends!

🔥 Empowering Flame: Ah, yes, the empowerment surge. Phoenix augments its own power, ensuring a fiery challenge for you. This boost lasts approximately 30 seconds, which can feel like an eternity, especially on higher difficulties. Brace yourselves!

To survive this encounter, keep an eye on the glowing sections of the arena floor. They mark imminent danger, like warning signs in a treacherous minefield. Move away swiftly, my friends, as you don’t want to become toast.

Phoenix Summon Strategy

Aerith summons Phoenix in a dark area in FF7 Rebirth

Now that we’ve uncovered the mysteries of the Phoenix summon, let’s devise a strategy to secure victory. While Phoenix usually isn’t weak to ice, there’s a silver lining. It gains an ice weakness when pressured. This is your opportunity to strike with precision, my friends!

To prepare your party for this sizzling showdown, ensure that everyone has access to ice magic. Fire and Ice Materia obtained from Chadley will be your best allies. The Flan and Grandhorn are weak to fire, so let’s turn up the heat!








覚えておいてほしいのは、勝利は一歩先の召喚にかかっていることです。仲間を集め、正確な攻撃を繰り出し、炎と舞いましょう! 🦅🔥


Q: ファイナルファンタジー7リバースで入手できる他の強力な召喚獣はありますか?

A: おお、もちろんです!ファイナルファンタジー7リバースには、感動的な召喚獣が溢れています。『バハムート』の破壊的な力を取得して活用する方法についてのガイドをチェックしてみてください。目を見張ることでしょう! [バハムート召喚獣ガイドへのリンク]

Q: フェニックスをより簡単に打倒するための秘密の戦略や隠されたテクニックはありますか?

A: ああ、尊敬すべき読者よ、あなたは秘密を求める渇望を抱いているのですね。恐れることはありません、私たちはあなたをサポートしています。フェニックスを屈服させるための隠された戦略や強力な戦術について探求している記事に飛び込んでください。 [隠し技記事へのリンク]

Q: ファイナルファンタジー7リバースにおけるフェニックス召喚の重要性と歴史について解説していただけますか?

A: 賢明な質問ですね、友よ!フェニックス召喚はファイナルファンタジーの世界で豊かな歴史と伝承を持っています。ファイナルファンタジー7リバースの物語での重要性を探る、包括的な記事に没頭してください。 [フェニックスの伝承記事へのリンク]



  1. バハムート召喚獣ガイド – ファイナルファンタジー7リバースエクスプローラー
  2. フェニックスを制する隠し技 – ファイナルファンタジー7リバースマスターマインド
  3. 伝承の解明: フェニックスの神話 – ファイナルファンタジー7リバースクロニクル


