


Desert Rush: A Whirlwind of Fun in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

If you thought the mini-games in Final Fantasy 7 Remake were a blast, get ready to be blown away by Desert Rush in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It’s like the turbo-charged cousin of Whack-a-Box, and it’s not just about feeding Piko with Slykis Greens. Completing this challenging mini-game can also reward you with Tifa’s mighty Dragon Claws. But don’t be fooled, achieving Rank 3 and unlocking these powerful weapons is no walk in the park. Get ready to break some boxes and buckle up for the Desert Rush adventure!

How to Play Desert Rush in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Just like its predecessor, Whack-a-Box, Desert Rush requires you to use physical attacks to break boxes and earn points. You’ll have a time limit of two minutes, but fear not, you can increase it by destroying yellow and red Clockboxes, which grant bonus seconds. However, Desert Rush introduces some new elements that require a strategic approach. Gearboxes, Shockboxes, and Elevators will all play a part in your quest for victory.

Gearboxes are worth a whopping 500 points, but you can only break them after destroying the required number of Shockboxes. Look for the green lightning bolts on the circles inside the gear to know how many Shockboxes you need to break. Speaking of Shockboxes, they don’t award points directly, but breaking them releases smaller 200-point boxes, essentially adding 1,000 points to your score. And then there are Elevators, platforms with gears that you need to strike repeatedly to make them move up or down.

Desert Rush Tips & Tricks

To achieve Rank 3 in Desert Rush, good planning is essential. There’s actually only one logical route to follow if you want to score 42,000 points, and we’ve got you covered. But before we get to that, let’s talk about Cloud’s Braver ability. This powerful attack can break multiple large boxes in one go. Position Cloud strategically between boxes so that the impact and shockwaves hit more than one box, maximizing your score. Make him the champion of the ring!

When using Elevators, remember to roll off them as soon as you reach your destination. Those platforms have a mind of their own and will start moving back to their starting positions quickly if you linger. And keep an eye out for Clockboxes. Every extra second counts in Desert Rush, so grab them whenever you can. Time is of the essence!

How to Unlock Tifa’s Dragon Claws: The Optimal Route

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Let’s dive into the optimal route for Desert Rush to unlock Tifa’s fearsome Dragon Claws. Follow our step-by-step guide, and victory shall be yours!

  1. Start by using Cloud’s Punisher Mode to destroy the Shockbox and yellow Clockbox to your right.
  2. After breaking the smaller boxes that come out of the Shockbox, head down the left ramp and use Braver to shatter the three 1,500-point boxes on the right side of the first Gearbox.
  3. Take advantage of the already broken Shockbox and use Punisher Mode to destroy the Gearbox on the left, simultaneously breaking the nearby stack of 50-point boxes.
  4. Resist the temptation to break the boxes on the next level. Instead, head down the opposite ramp, leading you to the next Shockbox with a yellow Clockbox nearby.
  5. Follow the path, breaking all the boxes in front of you, including the large 1,500-point box to your left.
  6. Encounter another Gearbox, break it on the left, and use Cloud’s Braver ability to destroy the two Gearboxes blocking the entrance to the nearby elevator.
  7. Strike the gear on the elevator to go up to the next level. If your ATB bar is full, use Braver to destroy the two 1,500-point boxes straight ahead; otherwise, charge it by defeating smaller boxes to your right.
  8. Behind the two 1,500-point boxes, you’ll find the next Shockbox, but that won’t be enough to break the nearby Gearboxes. Head up the ramp on the opposite side and use Braver once more to take out the other two 1,500-point boxes en route.
  9. If you still have charge left, use Braver to destroy the three Gearboxes blocking access to the next elevator. Alternatively, unleash Cloud’s Punisher Mode for a swift victory.
  10. Stand slightly to the left of the gear on this elevator and strike it as it goes up to hit the yellow Clockbox in the background.
  11. Roll off the elevator upon arrival and head left to find red and yellow Clockboxes. Break them before backtracking and taking the wooden ramp down to the blue elevator.
  12. When you descend to the lower floor, you’ll find the final Shockbox opposite the elevator you just used. Destroy it and take the blue elevator on your left down to the lowest floor, making sure to break the large 1,500-point box to your left upon arrival.
  13. From here, make your way back up to the highest floor. Retrace your steps, ensuring you break any Gearboxes you missed earlier. Three Gearboxes will block your path to the final red elevator, which includes a yellow Clockbox.
  14. On the highest floor, there are boxes worth a total of 6,000 points. As long as you reach the final elevator with a score of 36,000 and around 20 seconds remaining, hitting 42,000 points should be a piece of cake. Congratulations! Your victory will reward you with Rank 3 of Desert Rush and the coveted Dragon Claws for Tifa. And don’t forget, you’ll also receive the Rank 1 prize of Sylkis Greens for Piko and 3,000 Gil for Rank 2.




ランク 目標スコア 賞品
1 15,000 シルキスグリーン
2 30,000 3,000ギル
3 42,000 ドラゴンクロー

さあ、内なる箱破りの戦士を解き放ち、Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthのデザートラッシュを制覇する準備をしましょう。あなたの決意と戦略的なスキルは、ティファのドラゴンクローとピコの美味しいシルキスグリーンで報われるでしょう。がんばって、冒険者よ!


Q: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthには他のミニゲームもありますか? A: もちろん! Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthには、新しいものも古いものも含め、数々のミニゲームが詰まっています。デザートラッシュはこの素晴らしいゲームで待っている数々のエキサイティングな挑戦のうちの1つです。

Q: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthのメインストーリーを完了せずにデザートラッシュをプレイできますか? A: はい、メインストーリーを完了せずにデザートラッシュを単独のミニゲームとしてプレイできます。これはメインクエストからの楽しくて挑戦的な逸脱を提供します。

Q: ティファのドラゴンクロー以外に、デザートラッシュでどんな報酬が得られますか? A: デザートラッシュでは、ランクに基づいてさまざまな賞品が提供されます。ピコ用のシルキスグリーンや3,000ギルの大金もあります。高みを目指して、全ての報酬を獲得しましょう!

Q: デザートラッシュでスコアを向上させるための戦略はありますか? A: 事前に自分のルートを計画することが重要です。クラウドのブレイバーの能力を使って複数の大きなボックスを同時に破壊し、追加時間を得るために時計ボックスに気を付けましょう。覚えておいてください、すべての秒数が重要です!

Q: ランクを向上させてより多くの報酬を獲得するためにデザートラッシュをリプレイできますか? A: もちろん! 最初の試みで3位を達成できない場合でも落胆しないでください。デザートラッシュは何度もプレイすることを意図しており、スキルを磨いてトップランクを目指し、すべてのご褒美を手に入れるよう努力してください。

Q: デザートラッシュでは、クラウド以外のキャラクターを使用できますか? A: 残念ながら、現時点ではクラウド以外はデザートラッシュに参加できません。しかし心配しないでください、彼の強力な能力とスキルは勝利を確実なものにします!


冒険者の皆さん! Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthのデザートラッシュの技を極めましたか? 🎮💥 今こそあなたの箱破りスキルを解放して、ティファのドラゴンクローを手に入れる時です! 🐉✨ ガイドをチェックして、3位を達成するための最適なルートに従ってください。さらに、この超ターボチャージされたミニゲームを制するためのヒントとトリックをご紹介します。デザートラッシュの冒険を始めましょう! 🌵💨

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