


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Walkthrough

Are you ready to make a splash in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Junon Region side quests? In Chapter 12, players can embark on a thrilling adventure known as Tides of War and Worry. This quest puts Cloud and his team in the spotlight as they perform a captivating dolphin show to distract a group of anxious children from the impending war. Let’s jump right in and explore the depths of this exciting quest! 🐬

💥 How to Start the Tides of War and Worry Side Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 💥

To begin your marine extravaganza, you’ll need to reach Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and accept the job from the Under Junon Community Noticeboard. From there, head down to the waterfront and keep an eye out for Priscilla. She’s engaging in a thought-provoking conversation with a group of worried children. Yuffie, always full of creative ideas, suggests putting on a show to distract the kids from their uncertain future. This is when you’ll be asked if you want to dive into the Dolphin Show mini-game. Get ready to make a splash! 🏊‍♀️

🐬 How to Play the Dolphin Show Mini-Game 🐬

The Dolphin Show mini-game in Tides of War and Worry is similar to a section you may recall from Chapter 4, but with a few delightful twists. Your goal is to navigate a predetermined course while hitting balls to increase your speed and avoiding obstacles. Unlike in Chapter 4, there’s no time limit this time around. Phew! You won’t have to worry about those pesky quick time events at the finish line either. However, you do have a target time to consider. To complete the side quest, you must finish the race in under two minutes. Can you handle the pressure? ⏰


To master the Dolphin Show, remember these tips and tricks:

  • 🏐 Hit as many beach balls as possible to boost your speed and keep those spectators amazed!
  • ⛳️ Avoid getting too close to the floating buoys. No one wants a dolphin detour!
  • 🌊 Utilize the drift mechanic for those tight turns, but hold off on drifting until the last moment to maintain your speed. Show them your smooth moves! 🕺

If you want to claim the ultimate victory, aim for a time of 1:40 or under. Achieving this remarkable feat will earn you the Rank 3 prize and the exclusive Johnny’s Seaside Inn collectible. So, grab your goggles, buckle up, and dive in for splashing success!

💎 Tides of War and Worry Rewards 💎

Completing the Tides of War and Worry quest brings some tantalizing rewards to enhance your journey. In addition to the satisfaction of putting on an unforgettable show, you’ll receive:

  • ✨ 10 Party EXP
  • 🎉 2,400 EXP
  • ❤️ An improved relationship with Yuffie, because who can resist her charm?

But that’s not all! Finishing this quest also unlocks the thrilling Beneath Still Waters side quest, inviting you to further explore the captivating world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


Depending on your performance in the Dolphin Show, you’ll receive additional rewards to accompany your triumph. Rank 1 and Rank 2 will grant you an Elixir and a piece of Cosmotite Ore, respectively. However, if you manage to achieve the prestigious Rank 3, you’ll be honored with three pieces of Dark Matter and the incredible Dolphin Stuntman collectible. Marvel at its splendor as it proudly takes its place on display at Johnny’s Seaside Inn. 🐬🏆


今、コントローラーを手に取り、Tides of War and Worryのドキドキする水中世界に没頭しましょう!あなたのスキルを披露し、報酬を楽しみ、思い出に残る体験をしましょう。🌟

🤔 Q&A – Dive Deeper into the Waters of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 🤔

Q: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthの第12章にはジュノン地方のサイドクエストが他にありますか?

もちろん!Tides of War and Worryに加えて、第12章でジュノン地方の他のエキサイティングなサイドクエストに取り組むことができます。チェックすべき注目すべきクエストの1つは「The Beneath Still Waters」です。隠された宝を発見し、新たな挑戦に立ち向かうために、この魅力的な旅に乗り出しましょう。冒険を繰り広げましょう!

Q: Dolphin Showミニゲームでパフォーマンスを向上させるにはどうすればよいですか?

真のイルカバーチュオーゾを目指すには、精度とスピードを重視しましょう!障害物を避けながらできるだけ多くのビーチボールを打つ練習をしてください。タイミングが重要ですので、タイトなターンを効率的にクリアするために、ドリフトメカニックを試してみてください。1:40以下のタイムを達成すると、憧れのランク3の賞品と素晴らしいDolphin Stuntmanコレクタブルを手に入れることができます。

Q: 初めてのランクを達成できなかった場合、Dolphin Showミニゲームをやり直すことはできますか?

もちろん!最初の試行で目立たなかった場合でも心配はいりません。目的のランクに達するまで、Dolphin Showミニゲームを何度でもリトライすることができます。限界に挑戦し続け、イルカたちに誰がボスかを見せてやりましょう!

興奮を一人占めにしないでください!Tides of War and Worryクエストの興奮を友人や仲間の冒険者と共有してください。彼らにもドルフィンショーの喜びを体験させ、待っている報酬を受け取らせてください。今すぐ冒険に飛び込み、一緒にFinal Fantasy 7 Rebirthで波を作りましょう! 🌊💫

参考文献: 1. ジュノン地方のサイドクエスト – より多くの冒険に備えて! 2. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – あなたの内なるヒーローを解放しよう! 3. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth第12章 – アクションに飛び込もう! 4. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth第4章 – 過去からの爆発! 5. Johnny’s Seaside Innコレクタブル – Dolphin Stuntmanの魔法に浸ろう! 6. The Beneath Still Watersサイドクエスト – 秘密の旅が待っている!