🎮 ファイナルファンタジー7リバース:被害者の状況を始める方法とフィーンドの居場所を見つける方法 🧙‍♂️



Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Victim Of Circumstance Side Quest Guide

Imagine riding a Chocobo through the vast open-world regions of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, battling fiends, completing side quests, and collecting materials to enhance your journey. Sounds like a dream come true, right? Well, in this article, we’ll guide you on how to begin the Victim of Circumstance quest and where to find the fiend locations, all with a touch of humor and a sprinkle of valuable knowledge. So grab your controller, sit back, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of FF7 Rebirth! 🎮

How to Begin Victim of Circumstance 🌵

The Victim of Circumstance quest becomes available from the Community Noticeboard in the Cosmo Canyon region, but hold your Moogle Medal-topped Materia, you have to reach chapter 12 first. Once you’ve reached this milestone, the quest will be waiting for you like a treasure chest with epic loot.

So, what exactly does this quest entail? Well, you’ll need to find a stranded character in the desert who’s desperately seeking your help in defeating some fiends that are blocking their way. Fear not, brave adventurer, for you can acquire a special item known as the Vibrodetector to aid you in this noble cause. But where can you find this Vibrodetector? Let us enlighten you! 💡

First, make your way to Cosmo Canyon in the south of the map. Take a detour to the Moogle shop and prepare to be amazed. There, you can purchase the Vibrodetector for just three Moogle Medals. It’s a steal! 🛒

With the Vibrodetector in your possession, you’ll be able to track down the three locations of the fiends. And since you’re following this guide, we’ll skip the tedious searching process and jump right into the action. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Where to Find the Fiend Locations 📍

Fiend Location #1: Desert Vibes 🌴

Your first stop is the Activation Intel 3: Dried Oasis Tower, located east of the region. As you venture a little south of the tower, take out your trusty Vibrodetector. It will shake, rattle, and emit waves, indicating the presence of the fiend lurking somewhere near the bushes. Get ready for a showdown!

But wait, there’s more! After a short cutscene where the monster makes a run for it, you’ll need to follow it to its second location. It’s like playing hide-and-seek, but with cooler outfits and epic battles.

Fiend Location #2: When Fiends Meet 🤝

For the second location, head north of the region, specifically northeast of the Phenomennon Intel 2: Left Behind. With your Vibrodetector powered up and in your hands, approach the area. You’ll feel the waves of the device radiating as if they’re performing a symphony of danger.

But beware! This time, when you approach, the fiend won’t go down without a fight. Brace yourself for an ambush orchestrated by other enemies. Don’t worry, though, you’ve got this! 💪

Focus your attention on the Desert Sahagin, warm-up foes that need a lesson in manners. Dispatch them swiftly before turning your gaze towards the formidable Stone Golem. Remember to utilize Yuffie’s Ninjutsu to attack from a safe distance and build up the stagger meter. Then, unleash all your offensive abilities on the Stone Golem. It’s like watching fireworks on the 4th of July!

Fiend Location #3: Sandworm Surprise! 🐉

For our final location, head directly north of the first location to reach an open area that’ll make your adventure-loving heart skip a beat. Once you’ve arrived, whip out your Vibrodetector once again and follow its waves with the precision of a seasoned treasure hunter.

But hold onto your Materia, this fiend won’t run away like its counterparts. Nope, it’s the mighty Gigaworm determined to give you a challenging showdown. It might even try to swallow one of your party members, rendering them unavailable for the fight. Dodging its attacks is key to survival here. 🔄



🎁 ヒーローにふさわしい報酬 ⚔️



「被害者の運命」クエストに乗り出し、魔物の位置を見つける方法が分かった今、Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthで自分の軌跡を刻む時がきました。装備を整え、ポーションを手に取り、冒険を展開させましょう。冒険は待っています、勇者たちよ! 🌟

🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ リーダーQ&A

Q1: 第12章以前に「被害者の運命」クエストを完了できますか?
A: 残念ながら、私の仲間の冒険者よ。このクエストはゲームの第12章に到達した後、コスモキャニオンの掲示板から利用可能になります。だから前進し続けて、エピックな戦いの時が来たらクエストを解放しましょう!

Q2: ヴァイブロディテクターを購入するにはどれくらいのモーグルメダルが必要ですか?
A: うれしいお知らせ、未来の財宝ハンターたち!ヴァイブロディテクターはわずか3つのモーグルメダルで手に入ります。だから、モーグルが光り輝くものを集めるように、メダルを集め、コスモキャニオンのモーグルショップからヴァイブロディテクターを手に入れましょう。

Q3: 魔物の位置は見つけにくいですか?
A: 全然大丈夫です!ヴァイブロディテクターを手に入れれば、魔物の位置はチョコボの足跡ほど明確になります。でも安心してください、位置へのショートカットを望むなら、このガイドに従ってください。私たちはすぐにそれらに誘導します。

Q4: 「被害者の運命」クエストを完了したら、どんな報酬がもらえますか?
A: 勇者は空っぽの手ではありません!Gigawormを倒し、魔物たちのエンカウンターを生き延びた後、あなたはマグニファイマテリア、EXP、パーティーEXPを獲得し、ユフィとの関係に変化を経験することになります。だから、勇敢な戦士よ、勝利の戦利品を受け入れてください!

このガイドが「被害者の運命」クエストとFinal Fantasy 7 Rebirthの魔物の位置に関する貴重な洞察を提供できたら幸いです。勝利の瞬間をソーシャルメディアで共有し、仲間のゲーマーたちにあなたの成就の栄光を喜んでもらいましょう。楽しいゲーム体験を、勇敢な英雄たち! 🎮✨