
『ファイナルファンタジー7 リメイク』にサプライズパッチが登場!ティファの衣装がアップデートされ、リバースローンチ前にエンディングが変更されました


FF7 Remake’s patch changes Tifa’s outfit and ending ahead of Rebirth’s launch.

🎮 Hey gamers! With the highly anticipated release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth just around the corner, many avid fans are diving back into the world of Final Fantasy 7 Remake to brush up on their skills and relive the magic. But hold your Chocobos! Something peculiar has happened in the Remake universe.

💥 Players have recently stumbled upon a few unexpected changes that have been patched into the game ahead of Rebirth’s launch. It seems like Square Enix is pulling out all the stops to fine-tune the Remake experience right up until the last minute. Let’s dive into these alterations and see what surprises await us.

Tifa’s Cowgirl Outfit Receives a Makeover! 🤠🌵

👀 Buckle up, folks! One of the first changes that players noticed revolves around everyone’s beloved martial artist, Tifa. In a Steam patch weighing a whopping 11GB, Tifa’s cowgirl outfit underwent a subtle transformation. Thanks to the eagle-eyed observation of Twitter user @tifabro, we have a side-by-side comparison to indulge in.

🌈 Previously, Tifa’s outfit featured a sassy vibe, but post-patch, Square Enix decided to add a stylish black undershirt to complete the ensemble. While some fans might be over the moon with this alteration, others have voiced their concerns and feelings of cowgirl clothes betrayal. Yeehaw or nay?

Check out Tifa’s outfit change here!

A Dialogue Twist in the Remake’s Ending! 😮🔀

✨ But wait, there’s more! The surprises don’t stop with a wardrobe modification. It appears that Remake’s ending has undergone a cunning tweak as well. In the original script, Aerith utters the phrase, “I miss it. The steel sky.” However, Square Enix deemed this dialogue change-worthy, resulting in a rather profound alteration. Now, Aerith mysteriously utters, “This sky… I don’t like it.” Intriguing, isn’t it?

🗣️ Players have confirmed that the change isn’t limited to subtitle adjustments. The voice acting in the scene has been finetuned to align with the altered dialogue. Brace yourselves, because the skies of Gaia are shifting.

Peek at the changed ending dialogue here!

⚠️ However, it’s worth noting that these alterations haven’t come without a few bumps in the road. Some players have experienced mod crashes and other technical issues after installing the recent patch. Fear not, though! Square Enix is undoubtedly on the case, making last-minute tweaks to ensure a smooth and immersive experience for all.

💥 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is set to grace our screens on February 29, 2024 (yes, leap year, folks!). So, if you haven’t already, make sure to mark your calendars, stock up on Phoenix Downs, and prepare for an unforgettable journey back into the magical world of Midgar.

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our comprehensive Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth review for all the juicy details!

🎮 Q&A: More Burning Questions Answered!

💡 Q: Are there any other changes or additions in the patch that players have noticed?

A: Absolutely! The changes mentioned here are just the tip of the Mako iceberg. Players have also reported minor adjustments to battle mechanics, enhanced NPCs, and revamped environmental details. Square Enix is undoubtedly working its magic to create a polished experience worthy of the Final Fantasy legacy.

💡 Q: Will my saved game in Final Fantasy 7 Remake be affected by the recent patch?


A: 恐れることはありません、勇敢な冒険者の皆さん!パッチをインストールした後も、お気に入りのセーブデータはそのままでしょう。スクウェア・エニックスは、これらの変更が進行状況に影響を与えないことを確認していますので、ミッドガルを心配せずに旅を続けることができます!

💡 Q: 『ファイナルファンタジー7 リメイク』には、他にも驚きや隠し要素があるのでしょうか?

A: 発見のスリル!ファイナルファンタジーゲームは、秘密の宝石やイースターエッグ、隠しクエストで知られています。秘密のマテリア、難解な召喚獣、そして愛されるキャラクターとの心温まる交流に目を光らせてください。ミッドガルの街にはどんな秘密が待ち受けているか、誰にも分かりませんよね?

💡 Q: 『ファイナルファンタジー7 リバース』は、すべてのゲームプラットフォームで利用可能ですか?

A: もちろんです!スクウェア・エニックスは、様々なプラットフォームのファンが興奮に参加できるよう心を配りました。PlayStation、Xbox、またはPCプレイヤーであろうと、ファイナルファンタジー7 リバースをその輝きの中で体験できます。

🌟 References:

  1. 『ファイナルファンタジー7 リバース』公式ウェブサイト
  2. IGNの『ファイナルファンタジー7 リメイク』変更点記事
  3. スクウェア・エニックスフォーラムの『ファイナルファンタジー7 リメイク』パッチノート
  4. YouTubeの『ファイナルファンタジー7 リバース』トレーラー
  5. GamesRadarの『ファイナルファンタジー7 リバース』レビュー

📣 この興奮をひとり占めにしないでください – ファイナルファンタジーユニバースが大好きな友達とこの記事を共有しましょう!『ファイナルファンタジー7 リバース』の喜びあふれる旅を一緒に祝いましょう! 🎉🤩

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