


The Finals Invisibility Build Guide

Are you looking to dominate the battlefield in The Finals? Want to mimic the playstyles of top players and become a force to be reckoned with? Look no further than the cloaking device specialization. In this guide, we’ll delve into the power of the cloaking device, discuss builds that synergize with it, and provide tips on how to take full advantage of its capabilities. Get ready to wreak havoc!

🕵️‍♂️ The Cloaking Device in a Nutshell

Imagine having the ability to control positions inaccessible to any other class in the game. That’s exactly what the cloaking device offers. While there are other specializations like the evasive dash and the grappling hook, top players in ranked lobbies overwhelmingly choose the cloaking device for its unrivaled versatility.

Activating the cloaking device is as easy as pressing a button. Once activated, your character becomes camouflaged, granting you a tactical advantage. However, beware! Any damage or animation, such as shooting or throwing a grenade, will reveal your position. Thankfully, you can sprint while using the cloaking device without being detected.

🔒 Pro Tip: The cloaking device plays a distinctive sound, so be aware that nearby enemies might still spot you if they have good awareness.

🛠️ Builds That Synergize with the Cloaking Device

To fully exploit the potential of the cloaking device, you’ll need the right build. We’ve compiled a list of four distinct builds, each offering unique advantages in different combat scenarios:

The Close Quarters All-Rounder

This build is perfect for beginners looking to dominate in close-quarter combat. Equip the M11 machine pistol as your primary weapon. Pair it with a gas grenade, flashbangs, and frag grenades. Utilize the speed and stealth of the cloaking device to hunt down fleeing enemies and unleash devastating attacks from cover.

The Invisibility Meta Build

For a versatile build that excels at both short and long-range engagements, try the invisibility meta build. Equip the XP-54 SMG as your primary weapon. Combine it with frag grenades, a stun gun, and glitch grenades. Use glitch grenades to disorient opponents and open every gunfight with a stun play, leaving enemies vulnerable to your relentless assaults.

The Shotgun Build

If you prefer to deal massive damage in quick bursts, the shotgun build is for you. Choose the SH1900 shotgun as your primary weapon. Equip glitch grenades, a stun gun, and a vanishing bomb. With this build, focus on flanking enemies, exploiting their blind spots, and taking advantage of chaos to maximize your shotgun’s potential.

The Tactical Rifleman

For a more tactical approach, consider the tactical rifleman build. Arm yourself with the LH1 battle rifle as your primary weapon. Use frag grenades, a breaching charge, and glitch grenades to gain the upper hand. This build allows you to engage enemies from a distance, open strategic holes in their defense, and camp cashouts from advantageous positions.

🚀 How to Take Advantage of the Cloaking Device

Now that you have the perfect build, it’s time to unleash chaos on the battlefield. Here are two effective tactics for wreaking havoc with the cloaking device:

Tactic 1: Ambush and eliminate isolated enemies

Stick close to a friendly player and cover them as they engage the enemy. Find a spot with good line of sight and adequate cover. Timing is crucial – wait for an enemy to take significant damage and attempt to hide. Then activate your cloaking device and sprint towards them. With your increased speed, you’ll catch up to them and swiftly take them out. Rinse and repeat, taking advantage of your cloaking device’s stealth to camp and eliminate the remaining enemies in the squad.

Tactic 2: Generate chaos and deal damage

Position yourself near the enemy squad and choose strategic angles. Shoot at them before your teammates initiate combat, and then activate your cloaking device to change your position rapidly. Repeat this process, dealing damage while avoiding direct 1v1 confrontations. With each attack, the enemy squad will become more chaotic and vulnerable to your teammates’ assaults. Use grenades to disrupt their formations and take advantage of the confusion you create.



プロのヒント: 覚えておいてください、自分がダメージを受けずにダメージを与え、混乱を作り出すことが重要です。有利を保つためにヒットアンドラン戦術に集中しましょう。


🎮 クローキングデバイスを使ったお気に入りの戦術は何ですか? 以下のコメントで戦略を共有し、一緒にザ・ファイナルを制覇しましょう! ゲーム仲間とこの記事を共有し、知識を広めるのを忘れないでください!

  1. ザ・ファイナル:解決された燃えるような疑問
  2. ザ・ファイナルでのライトクラスのマスタリング
  3. クローキングデバイス:究極のステルスツール
  4. 透明性と混乱:クローキングデバイスのガイド
  5. ライトプレイ:クロークアンドダガータクティクス
  6. ステルスの最大化:クローキングデバイスの探求
  7. クローキングデバイスの力を解放する
  8. ザ・ファイナルでのライトクラスの支配
