🔥 フォートナイトゲーマー、マップ上のメダリオンの可視性アップグレードを要求!



Fortnite players want Medallion change.

Gamers are calling for changes to Medallions to make players holding them more visible on the map. Let’s dive into the world of Fortnite and explore why this upgrade is causing a frenzy among players!

Fortnite has always been a game of strategy and skill. Whether you’re building towering fortresses or darting through enemy fire, every move counts. And now, in Chapter 5 Season 1, the introduction of Medallions has taken the gameplay experience to a whole new level.

Medallions, obtained from NPCs at select points of interest, offer players a coveted regenerative shield. But here’s the catch – when you carry a Medallion, you become a sitting duck on the map and mini-map, marked by an inconspicuous yellow circle. And that’s where the problem lies.

Fortnite Medallion Madness

The visibility of Medallion indicators has become a hot topic among Fortnite gamers. Complaints have been pouring in, urging game developers to make the circles more noticeable. After all, it’s no fun being tracked down by enemies while you’re trying to savor sweet victory!

One disgruntled Reddit user, ExitNo7778, highlighted the frustration of many players through an image that demonstrates just how difficult it is to spot the Medallion circles on the map and minimap. They’re so faded that they practically vanish against certain landscapes. Talk about camouflage gone wrong!

👀 Image: A screenshot showing the extremely faint Medallion circles on the Fortnite map, making it hard for players to locate their Medallion-wielding opponents.

But what exactly do these elusive Medallion circles look like? Well, you’re not alone in wondering. The only clue players have is the faint outline of the circles. Unfortunately, this outline is only visible when players open the map or when the Medallions are dangerously close. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack while dodging bullets and building ramps at the same time!

Now, you might be thinking, “But why not make the circles as visible as the Fortnite Bounty targets?” Good question! Some players have pointed out that, in previous seasons, the circles were more prominent. However, they were toned down to avoid flooding the minimap with yellow dots during intense endgame moments. Understandable, but surely there must be a balance between heightened visibility and subtle indicators.

Perks of the Powerful Medallions

While the visibility issue persists, let’s not forget the unique benefits that Medallions bring to the game. Each Medallion – Zeus, Ares, Cerberus, and Hades – offers incredible upgrades to aid players in their battles.

  • ⚡ The Zeus Medallion grants a lightning-fast speed boost, allowing players to zoom across the battlefield.
  • 🔥 The Ares Medallion cranks up players’ damage-dealing abilities, turning them into formidable forces to be reckoned with.
  • 🐶 The Cerberus Medallion provides a swift dash movement ability, perfect for outmaneuvering opponents in close-quarter combat.
  • 💀 The Hades Medallion allows players to siphon health from defeated enemies, leaving their opponents in despair.

With such game-changing perks, it’s no wonder these Medallions have caused such a stir among Fortnite enthusiasts. But can players truly maximize their gameplay potential if they’re constantly worried about being spotted on the map?

The Future of Medallions in Fortnite

As Chapter 5 Season 2 unfolds, Fortnite continues to evolve. It’s only a matter of time before the game developers address the issue of Medallion visibility. Gaming communities are optimistic that improvements will be made to ensure players can wield these powerful artifacts without compromising their stealth.

Until then, players should sharpen their skills, hone their strategies, and brace themselves for an exhilarating battle on the Fortnite island. Who knows, you might stumble upon an elusive Medallion and become an unstoppable force to be feared!


Still have burning questions about Medallions in Fortnite? We’ve got you covered:

Q: Can players only see the Medallion circles when they open the map?

A: Yes, players can spot the faint outline of the Medallion circles when they open the map. However, the circles are barely visible on the minimap, making it challenging to keep track of opponents carrying Medallions.


Q: なぜ最初にメダリオンの円が見えにくくなってしまったのですか?

A: メダリオンの円の見えにくさが減少した主な理由は、激しいエンドゲームの瞬間にミニマップが黄色いドットで溢れるのを防ぐためでした。この変更は、バランスの取れたゲームプレイ体験を維持することを目指していました。

Q: 今後のFortniteのアップデートでメダリオンの見えやすさが改善される予定はありますか?

A: 公式発表はまだありませんが、Fortniteコミュニティからの圧倒的なフィードバックが、ゲーム開発者がおそらくメダリオンの見えやすさの問題に取り組む可能性が高いことを示唆しています。したがって、アップデートでの可能性の改善にご期待ください!

🎮 さあ、知識を身につけてFortniteの戦場に踏み入る時が来ました!この記事を仲間のゲーマーと共有して、メダリオンの狂乱がソーシャルメディア中に響き渡るのを許しましょう!


  1. Lady Gaga Announces Fortnite Festival Collaboration (and Corrects Spelling) | IGN.com
  2. Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 – Latest News and Updates | Epic Games
  3. The Fortnite Medallions – Reddit Thread
  4. Why are Fortnite Medallion circles less visible than Bounty targets? | Forum Discussion
  5. Epic Games – Constant Updates Keeping Fortnite Fresh | Epic Games

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