📺 新しいフォートナイトマップ:千里眼プールの秘密を公開中 🎮 💦



Fortnite Scrying Pool Locations

Calling all Fortnite enthusiasts! The constantly evolving and ever-enthralling world of Fortnite has once again presented us with a new map in Chapter 5 Season 2. And with it, comes an exciting new set of challenges called the Snapshot Quests. 🌍🔍

🔮 Wondering what the fuss is all about? Let me spill the beans – the first week of these quests revolves around finding Scrying Pools scattered throughout the map. These mystical and enigmatic pools act as meeting points with NPCs and The Oracle. Sounds intriguing, right? But, where the heck are these darn Scrying Pools hiding in the vast realm of Fortnite’s new Chapter 5 Season 2 map? 🗺️

📍 Scrying Pool Locations: Seek and You Shall Find! 🧐

Hold on tight, fellow Fortnite explorers! I’ve unearthed the secrets to locating these elusive Scrying Pools. So, prepare to embark on an epic adventure across the realm of Fortnite to conquer those Snapshot Quests and claim the sweet, sweet reward of XP to level up your Battle Pass! 💪🎁

Ready? Let’s dive in and discover the precise whereabouts of each Scrying Pool:

🏛️ Scrying Pool #1: Zeus’ Throne Room Terrace

Find it on Mount Olympus, just to the right of Zeus’ majestic throne room. Talk about a regal location for a mysterious pool, right? 💦🏛️

💧 Scrying Pool #2: Tranquil Waters of Reclaimed Villa

This watery oasis can be found just north of the massive body of water surrounding Reclaimed Villa. Take a moment to soak up the scenery before diving into the quest! 💧🌴

⛰️ Scrying Pool #3: Hillside Hideaway near Estate Station

Scale the heights of a hill just south of Estate Station to stumble upon this hidden gem. It’s the perfect spot for a little introspective conversation, don’t you think? ⛰️🗣️

🌌 Scrying Pool #4: Venture into The Underworld’s Western Edge

Prepare for an otherworldly adventure! Journey to the far west of The Underworld to encounter this remarkable Scrying Pool. You might even catch a glimpse of Hades himself! 🌌🔍

Each Scrying Pool can be interacted with, acting as its own NPC. But here’s the exciting part: you only need to converse with one of them to complete your Snapshot Quest. Whew, that’s a relief! With four Scrying Pools available, you won’t miss out on anything. They all play by the same rules. 😅

Since these Scrying Pools take up a significant portion of the map, you might encounter them at a later stage in the season’s quests. So, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with their exact locations, as shown on the handy-dandy map above. 🗺️✨

🤔 Still Have Burning Questions? We’ve Got You Covered! 🔥❓

Q: Can I complete the Snapshot Quests multiple times to earn more XP? A: Unfortunately, once you’ve interacted with a Scrying Pool for a Snapshot Quest, you won’t be able to do it again. However, fret not! There will be plenty of other challenges throughout the season to boost your XP and Battle Pass progress.

Q: Are there any secret rewards hidden within these Scrying Pools? 🎁✨ A: As of now, the main reward for completing Snapshot Quests is XP. However, keep your eagle eyes peeled, as Fortnite has been known to sneak in surprises and hidden goodies from time to time. Don’t miss out on a chance for something extraordinary!

Q: Can I team up with friends to tackle the Snapshot Quests together? 👯‍♂️👯 A: Absolutely! Fortniting is always better with friends. Get your squad together, explore the map, and complete the quests as a team. Sharing victories and laughs along the way is what Fortnite is all about!


Q: バトルパスをより速くレベルアップするためのヒントはありますか? 🚀💯 A: チャレンジの力を信じなさい、若きカマキリ!バトルパスやスナップショットクエストを含むチャレンジを完了すると、たくさんのXPがもらえます。だから、チャレンジに身を任せて、バトルパスのレベルが急上昇するのを見守ってください!

🌟 エピッククエストをシェアしよう! 世界に知らせよう! 🌍✨



さあ、フォートナイトの戦士たちよ、伝説としてのあなたたちがスナップショットクエストを征服しよう! 🏆💥

🔗 参考文献:- レディー・ガガがFortniteフェスティバルとのコラボレーションを発表しスペルを訂正(Fortnite IGN)- 詳細を読む – フォートナイトプレイヤーは第5シーズン2章のPOIに満足していない(Qurz.com)- 詳細を読む – バトルパスの征服 – こちらを探索 – NPCとして振る舞う – さらに発見する


📣 フォートナイトファンの皆さん!もうスクライングプールを全て見つけましたか?エピックな冒険を以下のコメントで共有してください。この目を回すようなクエストを一緒に征服しましょう! 🎮✨