


Gen 4 Pokemon that Monster Hunter Wilds could ‘steal.

Monster Hunter Wilds, the highly anticipated latest installment of the Monster Hunter series, is set to be the biggest game yet. With its innovative gameplay ideas, there’s plenty of room for creativity and new monsters. Drawing inspiration from Pokemon Generation 4 could provide exciting possibilities for Monster Hunter Wilds. Let’s explore the potential monsters that could make the game even more thrilling!

Expanding the Monster Roster

In Pokemon Generation 4, one of the standout features was the introduction of numerous new evolutions for existing Pokemon from earlier generations. While Monster Hunter may not have the same evolution gimmick, it can still create impressive monsters that stand on their own.

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Queen of Insects: Vespiquen

Imagine a fast-paced and frenetic battle against a monster inspired by Pokemon’s Vespiquen. Vespiquen is a living beehive that utilizes its army of bees both offensively and defensively. In Monster Hunter Wilds, a Vespiquen-like monster could control an entire army of swarming insects. This would make for an exhilarating fight, full of quick and unpredictable attacks.

Unusual Battles: Ambipom

The twin-tailed Ambipom from Pokemon is known for its unique appearance and utility. In Monster Hunter Wilds, a monster inspired by Ambipom could have an unassuming body but possess incredible strength and versatility in its tails. Picture a monster that uses its tails to punch, slap, and even throw the player. It would undoubtedly be a strange yet unforgettable opponent.

Prehistoric Scare: Yanmega

Why not bring the intimidating nature of dragonflies into Monster Hunter Wilds? Yanmega from Pokemon is a prime example. Its fierce appearance and wing-based sonic attacks make it a perfect template for a fearsome dragonfly monster. Harnessing Yanmega’s exceptional speed, the Monster Hunter Wilds creature could swoop down upon the hunters with lightning-fast movements, providing both a challenge and a spectacle.

Destructive Presence: Garchomp

Garchomp, notorious for its game-breaking power in Pokemon, could have a similar impact in Monster Hunter Wilds. This shark-like dragon, capable of high-speed movement and precise strikes, could seamlessly blend into any biome and establish itself as a menace. Garchomp’s sheer strength and ferocity would make it an unforgettable encounter, pushing hunters to their limits.

Intimidating Arachnid: Drapion

Drapion, a menacing scorpion-like Pokemon, possesses twin claws and a fearsome tail. Its imposing presence and surprising speed make it an ideal inspiration for Monster Hunter Wilds’ most intimidating arachnid. Picture a colossal scorpion, ready for battle, with a new suit of armor that could easily become one of the game’s standout sets. Facing off against this massive scorpion would be an intense and memorable showdown.

Monster Hunter Wilds has the potential to deliver a gaming experience like no other. By taking inspiration from Pokemon Generation 4, the game could introduce a wide range of unique and challenging monsters. Prepare yourself for epic battles, unexpected encounters, and the opportunity to prove your skills as a hunter.

🎮🔥 Embrace the wilds, sharpen your weapons, and enter the world of Monster Hunter Wilds!


Q: Are there any new gameplay features in Monster Hunter Wilds?

A: While specific details about new gameplay features in Monster Hunter Wilds have not yet been revealed, it’s safe to say that the game will introduce innovative mechanics and exciting additions to enhance the gameplay experience. Stay tuned for further updates!

Q: Will Monster Hunter Wilds feature multiplayer options?

A: Yes! Monster Hunter Wilds is expected to have multiplayer capabilities, allowing you to team up with fellow hunters and take on formidable monsters together. Cooperation and strategy will be key to success in this thrilling multiplayer experience.

Q: Can I expect new weapon types in Monster Hunter Wilds?


A: 新しい武器の種類に関する公式発表はまだありませんが、モンスターハンターゲームはしばしば各バージョンで新しい武器を導入しています。それが全く新しい武器であるか、既存の武器を強化するものであるかに関わらず、モンスターハンター ワイルズはさまざまなプレイスタイルに対応するエキサイティングなオプションを提供する可能性が高いです。

🔗 参考リンク: – モンスターハンター ワイルズ 2024 の期待モンスターハンターのインセクトグレイブガブリアスがポケモンUNITEに参戦モンスターハンターの最高の防具セットモンスターハンターゲームのドラゴン

モンスターハンター ワイルズで一番楽しみなのは何ですか?コメントであなたの考えを共有し、一緒に狩りを始めましょう! 🦖🛡️💥


画像の提供: ポケモンとモンスターハンター ワイルズ
