エンシュラウデッドでブロンズバーを作る:貴重なリソースと必須スキルガイド 🛡️💥



Obtaining Bronze Bars in Enshrouded

Bronze bars, the coveted resource in the enchanting world of Enshrouded, hold immense value as they not only allow players to forge upgraded armor but are also vital in crafting new items. However, crafting these prized bars is no easy task. Unlike other ores in Enshrouded, there are no Bronze Ores to be found, requiring players to acquire a variety of secondary resources. Fear not, brave adventurers! This article sheds light on the entire process of crafting Bronze Bars in Enshrouded, ensuring you are well-equipped for the challenges ahead. ⚔️🛠️

What Resources Do You Need To Make Bronze Bars In Enshrouded? 🛡️🔥🪙

To embark on your journey towards crafting Bronze Bars, preparation is key. First and foremost, players must have a smelter, which serves as the starting point for the crafting process. Unlocking smelters can be achieved by completing one of the Blacksmith’s quests, aptly named “Crucible Needed for a Smelter.” Once you have access to a smelter, ensure you gather the following resources:

  • Tin Ores 🟣
  • Charcoal 🔥
  • Copper Ores 🟠

How to Craft Bronze Bars in Enshrouded? 🛠️✨

The road to forging Bronze Bars begins with transforming Tin Ores into Tin Bars. To create three Tin Bars, players must gather:

  • 15 Tin Ore 🟣
  • 2 Wood Acid 🌿
  • 5 Charcoal 🔥

Tin Ore, a vital ingredient for Bronze Bars, can be mined from various locations, such as the Nomad Highlands, mines, local caves, and even the mysterious Umber Hollow, teeming with ore-laden secrets. 💎🚶‍♂️

Don’t forget about Charcoal! This indispensable resource for crafting Tin Bars can be created in the Charcoal Kiln, where the humble Wooden Logs and Dirt come together in a fiery dance. Interestingly, Wood Acid can also be concocted through the same process on this versatile workstation. The world of Enshrouded truly knows how to multitask! 🔥🌲🧪

Another crucial resource for Bronze Bars is Copper Bars. To create a Copper Bar, gather the following resources:

  • Charcoal 🔥
  • Copper Ores 🟠

Refer back to the section on crafting Charcoal for a quick reminder. Copper Ores can be found in various locations, including the Revelwood Area. Seek them out and claim these radiant treasures for yourself! 💰💥

Once you have amassed a sufficient amount of the aforementioned resources, you are ready to embark on the creation of Bronze Bars in Enshrouded. Typically, crafting 10 Bronze Bars requires the following resource count:

  • 7 Copper Bars 🟠
  • 3 Tin Bars 🟣
  • 10 Charcoal 🔥

Essential Skills to Have For Mining Resources ⛏️💪

Mining in Enshrouded requires not only resourcefulness but also a set of essential skills to maximize your efficiency and yield. Before delving into your mining endeavors, be sure to activate the following skills:

  1. Mason Skill: This skill allows you to deal 30% more pickaxe damage, ensuring your strikes are mighty and swift ⚒️💥.
  2. Miner Skill: Unleash the inner explorer within you! This skill grants you a 10% increased chance of finding more resources in any specific area, making you a master of discovery 🌟💎.

Equip yourself with these skills, and watch as your mining prowess reaches new heights, uncovering treasures untold! ⛰️✨💎


Q: Are there any other locations to mine Tin Ores in Enshrouded? A: Yes! While the Nomad Highlands, mines, local caves, and the Umber Hollow are notable places to mine Tin Ores, there are additional regions waiting to be explored. Check out this guide for more information: Tin Mining Locations in Enshrouded


Q: 他の場所でも銅鉱石を見つけることができますか? A: 絶対に!『エンシュラウデッド』の世界は広大で宝物に満ちています。この便利なガイドで他の銅豊富な地域を発見してください: 『エンシュラウデッド』での銅の入手方法

結論 🖊️✨

『エンシュラウデッド』で青銅バーを作ることは冒険そのものです。必要な資源を集め、スキルを磨き、スリリングな採掘探検に乗り出すことで、一つずつこの素晴らしい世界の秘密を解き明かすことができます。さあ、ツールベルトを装備し、つるはしを研ぎ澄まし、クラフトを始めましょう!『エンシュラウデッド』での旅が勝利と宝物、そして数え切れないほどのストーリーで満たされますように! 🌌💪


  1. 『エンシュラウデッド』のスズ鉱山の場所
  2. 『エンシュラウデッド』での銅の入手方法


  • 「ブラックスミス エンシュラウデッド」 Miximages | 出典: 画像
  • 「エンシュラウデッド:スズ鉱石」 Miximages | 出典: 画像
  • 「木炭 エンシュラウデッド」 Miximages | 出典: 画像
  • 「銅鉱石 エンシュラウデッド」 Miximages | 出典: 画像

🌟💬 一緒に交流しましょう!このガイドが役立ったら、以下のコメントでお知らせください。『エンシュラウデッド』でのクラフト体験を共有し、SNSで仲間の冒険者にタグ付けしてください。一緒に『エンシュラウデッド』を征服しましょう! 🚀✨💌