ゴッド・オブ・ウァー ラグナロク’ において、 ミュスペルヘイムの試練をすべてクリアせよ

『ゴッド・オブ・ウォー ラグナロク』におけるムスペルヘイムの試練の内側情報を手に入れよう』







📷 ムスペルヘイムのクルーシブルにいるクレイトスが、ノルニルの宝箱の前にいる


📷 クルーシブルのマップ

武器の習熟度 – “F”ルーンチャレンジ#1






フローレス – “F”ルーンチャレンジ#2



最後の3体の敵は、Dodher Gradungrと、上からあなたに向けて矢を撃つ2体のドラウグルスカウトです。敵#12を倒した後にそれに注意を払ってください。Nordic bullのようなDodher Gradungerは近距離では難敵です。距離を保ち、自分の投射攻撃、つまりドラウプニルの槍を使って彼を仕留めましょう。

リングアウトチャレンジ – “N”ルーントライアル#1


This challenge aims to eliminate your enemies by tossing them off cliffs or into lava. In fact, it’s the only way you can eliminate your enemies as they rapidly regain life the moment you hit them with ordinary strikes. There will be 21 eliminations in total that you will need to make here.

There are a number of ways to go about this, but here’s the one sure-fire method to get the job done quickly: Serpent’s Snare. This heavy melee attack with the Leviathan Axe requires you to simply hold R2. Kratos will then bury his axe into an enemy, do a 360-degree spin, and throw the opponent off the wedged blade in whatever direction you are pointing. This challenge is made much simpler by spamming this attack throughout.

You might want to practice using the Serpent’s Snare a few times first to get used to the attack’s wind-up. There’s a bit of timing at play, and you don’t want to leave yourself too vulnerable. After some practice, this attack will be your best friend in this challenge.

For enemies that spawn on ledges, you can easily pull them off by grappling them with the Blades of Chaos, which will eliminate them. Enemies crawling on the ceiling can easily be knocked off with a quick toss of the Draupnir Spear for a simple elimination.

Feed The Rift – “N” Rune Trial #2

This trial requires you to kill an enemy, pick up an orb that drops in its place, and toss it into a rift hovering over the arena, much like the explosive orbs you collect from hitting an ancient only to lob back at them for more damage. However, you must collect and toss six orbs into the rift in 60 seconds. And then after a short break, you have to collect 15 orbs in 150 seconds.

Do you see the pattern here? You have to make sure you can deal with an enemy, take its orb, and throw it into the rift at a 10-second average. Truthfully, this trial isn’t very difficult if you know how to handle yourself. Just be sure to make use of your companion’s arrows when wisps enter the fray.

📷 Kratos throwing an orb into the rift

Completing the initial Crucible Favour Trials

After finishing the initial six trials, you will be able to access the Nornir chest in the middle of the crucible. Inside, you will find a Chaos Flame to upgrade your Blades with. This will complete the Crucible favor, which should have netted you the Undying Pyres armor set. A sword will then form in the middle of the Crucible. By interacting with it, you will activate The Final Challenges favor.

The Next Three Challenges

In each of the three arenas where you completed two trials to unlock the Nornir chest, a third trial at each sword will now be available.

Rampage Trial

The Rampage Trial is located on the sword with the original “F” Runic trials for the Nornir chest. This trial requires you to defeat 20 enemies in 150 seconds. There are two approaches you can take to this challenge. During the fight, both a Troll and a Bergsra will spawn.

  • You can either ignore the heavy-hitting enemies and evade them while destroying the weaker ones to complete the challenge quickly.
  • Or, you can target the troll as soon as he enters and then ride on his back, using him to decimate the other enemies in the arena.

📷 Kratos riding a troll in the Rampage trial

Either strategy will bring this trial to a swift end.

Health Steal Trial

The Health Steal Trial is located at the middle sword where the original “N” runic challenges were available. Like most trials, this is another one that demands you to be quick on your feet.

Your health will depreciate constantly throughout the trial and will only replenish as you kill enemies. Basically, stay alive by quickly killing 22 enemies. There’s no real strategy to this trial other than to be quick and aggressive. Make use of heavy runic attacks to dole out damage quickly to multiple enemies at once.






📷 キルフューズトライアルでヴァルヴァーを攻撃するクレイトス





  • 剣1 + 剣2:忍耐チャレンジ
  • 剣1 + 剣3:シールドブレイカーチャレンジ
  • 剣2 + 剣3:猛攻チャレンジ
  • 剣3 + 剣1:炎の輪チャレンジ
  • 剣3 + 剣2:ファントムチャレンジ
  • 剣2 + 剣1:ボスラッシュチャレンジ




  • 守りを固める。パリングや防御技術を磨いておきましょう。
  • わからないときは回避。敵に押されたり予期せず襲われたときに救いの手としてこの動作をデフォルトにします。
  • 防御力や体力を強化するアイテムやアーマーセットを装備します。
    • 再生のエッセンスのアミュレットのエンチャント:これにより徐々に体力が回復します。
    • ステインビョルンのアーマーセット:このアーマーセットはゲーム全体で最も防御力の高いアーマーです。このセットの胸部アーマーは、クレイトスが一時的に体力を回復できるようになります。ここでは役立ちます。
    • ニダヴェリアの最高級アーマーセット:このアーマーセットは敵を気絶させることにボーナスを提供します。クレイトスは敵を気絶させることで一部の体力が回復することができます。
  • おそらく、スパルタンレイジオプションをヴァーロールに切り替え、体力と引き換えることができるようにします。








A troll will enter the arena at one point. Riding on his back is another way to kill time while being in a safe position. The Wyverns are especially aggressive, and the troll would be a great weapon to use against them.


The Ring of Fire Challenge makes use of the same ring you dealt with in the Onslaught challenge, with a few exceptions. You must defeat 15 enemies while staying inside the circle. However, the ring will move around the arena. It will even force you into areas with poisonous totems that you must freeze with your axe.

Of course, stepping into the lava will cause Kratos constant damage. Though, if a health shard drops outside the circle, it may be worth it to suffer minor damage to claim the health boost, which would likely exceed the damage you’ve taken.

The two toughest enemies that will spawn in this challenge are a wulver and a wyvern. A wyvern might be better dealt with using long-distance attacks like Draupnir spear, especially because it tends to wander outside the circle. Wulvers are known to rush Kratos and attack with quick, damaging slashes. Unleash a combo with the Blades of Chaos that will keep the wulver stunned.


Like other phantoms throughout the game, Kratos will have to take on a fire elemental phantom. In the same pattern as past phantoms, you must take out the pillars glowing purple once you stun the phantom. Enemies will spawn into the arena at this point, but focus on the pillars first.

Once the pillars are eliminated, you can destroy the phantom and finish off the enemies. In battling the phantom, default to dodging as its slamming attacks can be devastating. Otherwise, pummel the elemental orb and destroy it like you would any other phantom.

A dodher beast will spawn with a fire shield. Remember that using the Leviathan Axe against a fire shield is most effective, though you can use the other weapons if you prefer. Other opponents that will spawn will include various draugr enemy types.


Just as the name implies, you will have to defeat five elite-type enemies one after the other. No ordinary enemies will spawn in this challenge. You will simply fight each elite enemy one at a time. In order, the enemies that you will fight are a Traveler, a Fierce Stalker, a Dark Elf Lord, a Light Elf Warrior, and an Einherjar Brute.

Any chance for healing will either come from your Spartan Valor, items equipped, or the health shard that will drop from each fallen elite. So, be cautious.

There’s nothing special about these fights. There’s no time limit or fire ring. Simply use the same attack patterns and strategies you’d employ when fighting these enemies in the mainline story. Just be wary of your health. Once again, refer to the Endurance Challenge guide for references to useful items that can boost your defense or health.

That’s it! You now have a comprehensive guide to conquering the fiery trials of Muspelheim in God of War Ragnarok. Put your skills to the test and emerge victorious. Good luck, warrior!

Q&A Content:

Q: Are there any specific gear and upgrades I should focus on before attempting the Muspelheim challenges?

Before diving into the Muspelheim challenges, it’s crucial to have upgraded gear and abilities. Focus on upgrading your preferred weapons, such as the Leviathan Axe, Blades of Chaos, and the Draupnir Spear. Additionally, consider equipping armor sets that enhance defense or provide health regeneration, like the Steinbjorn or Nidavellir’s Finest sets.

Q: What strategies can I use to stay alive and succeed in the Muspelheim challenges?

To stay alive and succeed in the Muspelheim challenges, prioritize defensive maneuvers like dodging and parrying. Play it safe and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Utilize runic attacks and combos to quickly dispatch enemies. It’s also beneficial to have a good understanding of each enemy type’s weaknesses and adjust your tactics accordingly.

Q: Are there any rewards or special items I can obtain by completing the Muspelheim challenges?

Yes! By completing the initial Crucible Favour Trials, you will unlock the Nornir chest in the middle of the crucible. Inside, you’ll find a Chaos Flame to upgrade your Blades with. There are also unique armor sets, such as the Undying Pyres set, that you can acquire by completing certain challenges. These rewards provide additional bonuses and enhance your overall combat abilities.


Q: どの順で挑戦することができますか、それとも特定の進行順序に従う必要がありますか?

お好きな順番で挑戦する自由があります。ただし、特定の進行順序に従うことで、追加のチャレンジを解除しやすくなります。たとえば、2本の異なる剣からのチャレンジを完了した後、新しいチャレンジが Crucible の中央の剣で解除されます。各チャレンジを解除するための組み合わせについては記事を参照してください。

Q: チャレンジ中に遭遇する特定の敵のタイプを処理するためのヒントはありますか?

Muspelheim のチャレンジに登場する各敵のタイプには独自の特徴と弱点があります。戦略を適応させることが重要です。炎のシールドを持つ敵には、レヴィアサンの斧を使用して炎に対抗します。氷のシールドを持つ敵は、カオスの刃に弱く、灰色のシールドを持つ敵はドラプニルの槍を使用して最も効果的に対処します。さまざまな武器を試して、各敵のタイプを打倒する最も効果的な方法を学んでください。

