GreedFall 2 死にゆく世界と主人公の運命 🌍💀



GreedFall 2′ Prequel Could Be Risking a ‘Red Dead Redemption’ Move

Attention, gamers! Get ready to embark on another thrilling adventure as Spiders’ highly anticipated sequel, GreedFall 2: The Dying World, is set to enter Steam Early Access this summer. 🎮 But here’s the twist – while GreedFall 2 is technically a sequel, it’s actually a prequel to its predecessor, GreedFall. And just like Red Dead Redemption 2, this game might face a challenging predicament: the fate of its protagonist. 😱

Like RDR2, GreedFall 2 May Need to Kill Its Protagonist 💔

Have you ever played Red Dead Redemption 2 and mourned the loss of its incomparable protagonist, Arthur Morgan? I mean, that rugged cowboy with his inner conflicts and moral ambiguity was downright lovable. But alas, his fate was sealed due to the game’s status as a prequel. 😢

In a similar vein, GreedFall 2 finds itself in a quandary. As a prequel to the first game, its protagonist cannot be found in GreedFall’s story. So, just like Arthur Morgan, GreedFall 2’s main character might have to say goodbye to the land of the living for the sake of continuity. 💔

The Death of RDR2’s Arthur Morgan Was a Divisive Decision 😮

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the complexity of Arthur Morgan’s character. From his internal conflicts to his unwavering loyalty, he truly stole our hearts. That’s why it was so devastating when he met his untimely demise. 😢

As a prequel to Red Dead Redemption, Arthur had to die to maintain continuity. But this decision sparked controversy among fans, questioning whether his death was truly necessary. Some argued that Rockstar, the game’s developer, could have found alternative ways to handle the situation. But considering Arthur’s connection with Red Dead Redemption’s protagonist, John Marston, it would have been no easy task. The struggle was real, my friends. 💔

If GreedFall 2’s Protagonist Dies, It Needs to Mean Something 😭

Now, let’s talk about GreedFall 2. We can only speculate whether its protagonist will survive the treacherous journey or meet a tragic end. Perhaps the developers at Spiders have already cracked the code, ensuring their survival amidst the storm of continuity issues. But if the protagonist’s destiny is intertwined with the game’s narrative, chances are they’ll bite the dust by the time the credits roll. 💀

Should the protagonist meet their demise, it must be a meaningful and sGameTopicificant event. Yes, Death with a capital “D.” We don’t want a lackluster motive of killing off the main character solely for the sake of continuity. We want an emotional rollercoaster that will leave us gasping for air, tissues in hand. 💔😭

In GreedFall 2, players will find themselves in the shoes of a native of Teer Fradee, torn away from their home and thrust into the enchanting world of the Old Continent of Gacane. There, they will be tasked with deciding whether to let a nefarious conqueror dominate both the Old Continent and the island of Teer Fradee. But the details surrounding the protagonist’s story are still shrouded in mystery. We can only hope that their journey will have a profound impact on the first game and provide a satisfying payoff in the end. 🤞

Q&A: Game On!

Q: What can we expect from GreedFall 2’s gameplay? A: While the details are scarce, GreedFall 2 promises to deliver an immersive experience filled with exploration, decision-making, and gripping storytelling. It will transport players to a vast world full of political intrigue, fantastical creatures, and moral choices.

Q: Will GreedFall 2’s prequel status affect the overall story experience? A: GreedFall 2’s prequel nature might introduce elements and references that deepen the lore of the first game. It will provide a fresh perspective on the world of GreedFall and potentially answer unanswered questions from its predecessor.


質問:GreedFallとGreedFall 2の間につながりはありますか? 答え:Spidersによると、2つのゲームのつながりは最小限であると予想されています。GreedFall 2は、最初のゲームの出来事の3年前を舞台にしていますが、新しい主人公と世界の異なる側面に焦点を当てる予定です。これにより、新規プレイヤーとGreedFallのベテランプレイヤーの両方が、物語に参加する機会を失うことなく楽しむことができます。

質問:GreedFall 2の完全版のリリースはいつ予定されていますか? 答え:GreedFall 2はこの夏にSteam Early Accessに登場する予定ですが、完全版の公式リリース日はまだ発表されていません。最新情報をお楽しみに!

質問:GreedFall 2で改善や新機能を期待できますか? 答え:具体的な内容は不明ですが、Spidersは1作目からのプレイヤーのフィードバックを取り入れ、全体的なゲーム体験を向上させるでしょう。ゲームプレイのメカニクス、ビジュアルの改善、および新機能やゲームプレイ要素の追加が期待されます。

🌟 エキサイトを共有し、冒険に参加しましょう! 🌟

『GreedFall 2: The Dying World』について私たちと同じくらいワクワクしていますか?古い大陸の運命を形作る冒険に乗り出す準備をしてください。Spidersがこの眩しいプリクエルを展開し続ける中、最新情報、トレイラー、そしてさらなる興奮を共にお楽しみください。 🎉

そして、仲間のゲーマーと一緒に、思いや希望、予測を共有するのを忘れずに!以下にコメントを残したり、ソーシャルメディアで共有したりして、一緒に期待の炎をかき立てましょう! 🔥🎮

