『GTA 5』が『Dragon’s Dogma 2』に影響を与える:オープンワールドのマッシュアップ!



GTA 5 influenced Dragon’s Dogma 2’s expansive RPG world.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2, an upcoming action-RPG, has taken an unexpected source of inspiration for its vast open world: Rockstar’s iconic game, GTA 5. In a recent interview with GameTopic+, game director Hideaki Itsuno revealed how GTA 5 influenced his approach to creating an immersive and dynamic gaming experience.

🕹️ Emergent Gameplay Galore

Itsuno spoke highly of GTA 5’s ability to combine multiple emergent gameplay systems, creating a satisfying and free-spirited experience for players. He was particularly impressed by the game’s flexibility in managing multiple overlapping events. In GTA 5, you can find yourself spiraling into a chaotic situation that seamlessly meshes with the surrounding game world. Itsuno expressed admiration for how GTA 5 handles these moments, allowing chaos to reign without crashing the game or abruptly shifting the player’s focus.

🚨 Chaotic Carnage and Adaptability

Itsuno hit the nail on the head when he mentioned GTA 5’s reputation for allowing players to go on wild rampages in its open world, complete with police and army forces hot on their heels. Many of us have experienced the exhilaration of a simple skirmish escalating into a frantic chase through the city streets, with the game world adapting to the unfolding chaos. Itsuno recognized this intentional emergent gameplay as something he aimed to incorporate into Dragon’s Dogma 2.

🌍 Size Matters

Not only will Dragon’s Dogma 2 feature this dynamic emergent gameplay inspired by GTA 5, but it will also boast a vast open world that dwarfs its predecessor. According to reports, the map size in the upcoming game will be four times larger than that of the original RPG. This means players will have even more room to explore and create their own stories within the game’s immersive environment.

✈️ No Fast Travel, No Problem

In an interesting departure from the current gaming trend, Dragon’s Dogma 2 will not include fast traveling. Itsuno believes that fast travel is only necessary in games with “boring” worlds. By omitting this feature, the developers are encouraging players to fully engage with the world they’ve created, uncovering hidden treasures and unexpected encounters as they traverse the expansive landscape. It’s a bold move that reinforces the game’s commitment to providing a rich and immersive experience.

🎮 What’s Next?

As fans eagerly await the release of Dragon’s Dogma 2, speculation has been rife about the possibility of a demo. We can only hope that a potential demo is on the horizon and will serve as a tantalizing taste of what’s to come in this highly anticipated sequel.

Q&A: Questions Readers Might Have

Q: How exactly does GTA 5 inspire Dragon’s Dogma 2?

A: Dragon’s Dogma 2 draws inspiration from GTA 5’s ability to seamlessly combine multiple emergent gameplay systems and its flexible management of overlapping events. Itsuno was particularly impressed with how chaos in GTA 5 feels intentional and seamlessly integrated into the game world.

Q: Will Dragon’s Dogma 2 have a larger open world than its predecessor?

A: Yes, indeed! The map in Dragon’s Dogma 2 will be an impressive four times larger than the original game. Players can look forward to exploring a vast and immersive landscape filled with adventures, secrets, and surprises.

Q: Why won’t Dragon’s Dogma 2 include fast traveling?

A: Itsuno, the game director, believes that fast travel is unnecessary in a game with a compelling and engaging world. By removing fast travel, the developers aim to encourage players to fully immerse themselves in the game’s expansive and dynamic environments.

Q: Is there a potential demo for Dragon’s Dogma 2?

A: While there hasn’t been an official announcement, there are rumors of a potential demo for Dragon’s Dogma 2. Fans are eagerly awaiting more information and hoping for a taste of the game’s exciting new features.


  1. GTA 6’s tone looks like a mashup of the dark GTA 4 and GTA 5’s comedy
  2. Details on Dragon’s Dogma 2’s fighter and warrior vocations
  3. Dragon’s Dogma 2 still won’t feature fast traveling
  4. Potential Dragon’s Dogma 2 demo


🔥 もし『ドラゴンズドグマ2』に興奮しており、GTA 5の混沌とした輝きに触発されたオープンワールドのスリルを体験するのを待ちきれないなら、この記事を仲間のゲーマーと共有してください!ソーシャルメディアでハイプと期待を広めましょう。🎉🎮
