


Characters in GTA San Andreas can appear out of mirrors like in a horror movie by using a clever technique to work around limited video memory.


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is undoubtedly an all-time gaming classic. But let’s face it, its in-game mirrors have always been a bit wonky, right? Finally, we have some answers as to why! And trust me, the explanation is as mind-boggling as it gets.

Former Rockstar Games technical director, Obbe Vermeij, recently took to Twitter to reveal the truth behind this long-standing mystery. According to Vermeij, the PlayStation 2 (PS2) version of San Andreas suffered from a lack of video memory, which forced the developers to come up with a creative workaround.

Now, sit tight, folks, because this is where it gets interesting! The standard method for rendering mirrors involves developers “rendering the scene twice,” using the “point of view of the mirrored camera” as a texture for the mirror. However, due to the limited video memory in the PS2 version, Rockstar Games simply couldn’t store this render.

So, what did they do? Brace yourselves. They “rendered a mirrored version of the scene at the same time as the scene itself.” Yep, you heard that right. They basically built two versions of the same scene simultaneously. And this alternative method, although effective, came with its own set of issues.

Now, if you’ve spent a considerable amount of time roaming the streets of San Andreas, you’ve probably noticed some bizarre occurrences in those mirrors. Characters and objects seem to reach out from inside the mirror, like something straight out of a horror movie. It’s straight-up creepy!

Not only that, this unique rendering technique messed with back-face culling. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it’s a process that determines which game objects are drawn and displayed when you’re not meant to see them. In San Andreas, due to the unconventional mirror render, the back-face culling goes “the wrong way round.” As a result, some models displayed in the mirror show their back surface instead of the one you’re supposed to see. It’s like looking at an alternate reality where everything is flipped upside down!


If you’re having trouble visualizing this, take a look at the screenshot Vermeij shared on Twitter. Pay close attention to the shelf in the background. You’ll notice that the two images don’t align perfectly, thanks to the wonky models displaying differently. It’s like trying to parallel park while going the reverse direction!

But wait, there’s more! In the replies to the Twitter thread, Vermeij also addressed a long-standing belief among players. Some thought that looking at San Andreas’ mirrors would reveal hidden interiors, a kind of underworld within the game. Alas, Vermeij quashed this rumor once and for all, confirming that there never was an “underworld.” It turns out the mirrors were just pulling off some wild visual tricks instead.

To sum it up, Vermeij aptly described San Andreas’ mirror-rendering technique as “not ideal but better than mirrorless barber shops.” And I couldn’t agree more! It might not be perfect, but hey, we’d rather have wonky mirrors than end up looking like a shaggy mess after a botched haircut.

Now, some of you might be wondering, “Are there any other mind-boggling gaming secrets out there?” Well, worry not, dear reader! I’ve compiled a list of intriguing Q&A, just for you.

Q&A: The Mysteries of Gaming Unveiled!

Q: Why do some game characters defy the laws of physics in mirrors?

A: Ah, the classic mirror glitch! It all comes down to the limitations of video memory and creative workarounds developers come up with. In the case of San Andreas, the mirrored scene is rendered simultaneously with the original scene, causing some characters to appear to reach out from inside the mirror like they’re auditioning for a horror movie.

Q: Can I find hidden areas in other games too?

A: While some games do hide secret areas or Easter eggs, it’s essential to remember that not every mirror holds a hidden realm beyond it. Developers often employ clever tricks to create the illusion of hidden content. So keep exploring, but don’t expect an otherworldly experience every time you stare into a mirror!


Q: ゲームで他にも奇妙なレンダリングテクニックはありますか?

A: 絶対にあります!ゲームの世界は奇妙で魅力的なレンダリングテクニックで満ちています。古いゲームでの「テクスチャースワップ」からオープンワールドのタイトルでグラフィックを最適化するために使用される「LOD」(レベルオブディテール)のトリックまで、ウサギ穴は想像以上に深いものです。これらのテクニックは、魔法のようなゲームのシチューにおける秘密の材料のようです!

🔗 さらなる頭をひねるようなゲームの秘密を知りたい場合は、以下の啓発的な記事をチェックしてください:

  1. 知ってはいけない7つのゲームの秘密
  2. ビデオゲームの奇妙な世界
  3. ゲームで見た光学的錯覚:目に見えない世界へ



『グランド・セフト・オート:サンアンドレアス』のファンですか?コメントでミラーの狂気体験について教えてください。思い切って話してください、私たちはあなたの風変わりなゲームの話を聞くのが大好きです! 💬💬

注意: この記事の内容は、元ロックスターゲームのテクニカルディレクターであるObbe Vermeijの調査に基づいています。このトピックに関する彼の洞察や議論をもっと知りたい場合は、彼のTwitterページ こちら をご覧ください。

参考文献: 1. Obbe VermeijのTwitterスレッド: Source 2. 「ゲームでの光学的錯覚の芸術」 – ゲームトピックス: Link 3. 「ゲームの奇跡:隠された秘密とトリック」 – ゲームマスターズ: Link 4. 「レンダリングの奇跡:ゲームデザインにおける非伝統的なテクニック」 – ピクセルプレイグラウンド: Link 5. 「ゲームのグリッチと予期しない結果」 – ワイアードゲーマーズ: Link

👀 さらに魅力的なゲームの洞察と語られなかったストーリーをお楽しみに! 👀
