Halo Season 2 栄光を目指して、その顔面に平らに落ちる



Halo Season 2 Episode 4 Review


A media property can mean different things to varied fans. Halo is a fun, goofy party game to some and the most effective, moving, and powerful narrative in gaming history to others. The extended universe novels allow many to appreciate the franchise’s universe for its potential. In season 2, episode 4: “Reach,” Halo suffers near-fatal wounds from being pulled in two directions by its place in pop culture. The series may never recover.

The Show’s Wounded Crew

“Reach” was directed by Craig Zisk, who also helmed last week’s episode. Screenwriter Tom Hemmings is a new voice on the series, though he’s credited as a supervising producer for the season’s first three episodes. Hemmings works as an editor on various projects, from Netflix’s Dracula to BBC’s Doctor Foster: A Woman Scorned. Hemmings also directed two well-received short films; “Alpha Beta” and “The Dark.”

Expectations Exceeded, and Then Shattered

“Reach” is the moment fans have been waiting for. It’s the culmination of every ill-conceived decision involved in making a TV show about Halo. The Covenant is on Reach, where the last episode ended with a bang. The alien menace lacks nuance, but they’re a believable threat. The great punchline underneath the Halo franchise is that the fancy weapons and armor weren’t developed to fight the Covenant. The all-consuming antagonists were a lucky surprise that drew the super soldier program away from suppressing human insurgents. That mirrors their role in the Halo show. It spent three episodes building up strong themes and hinting toward engaging narrative directions, only to throw all of it away in the most frustrating imaginable way. It’s fun when the games bury their story to make room for another hour of context-free shooting galleries. When the show does it, it turns the first three hours of content into a massive, pulsing waste of time.

Covenant in Halo show Covenant invasion in the Halo show

The Lost Identity of John-117

The narrative thrust of Halo season 2 has been entirely dependent on John-117’s identity. It draws hard lines between John, a human being who has undergone more trauma than most could survive, and the Master Chief, a mythic figure of military excellence who exists to inspire his troops. The show wants the audience to ask who John is when the helmet comes off. Its answer, it seems, is that he’s the same man with or without it. “Reach” changes the context of his single-minded rush into violence without altering any of its narrative weight. For all the talk about faith and duty, he really is a gun-toting automaton, just about capable of feeling grief when one of his brothers-in-arms dies. Every sacrifice feels unearned, skating by on nostalgia from the games. Every soaring speech falls to the floor with a corpse-like impact. The show sends the Spartans into battle without armor, proudly proclaiming its thesis. Was John supposed to be Luthen Rael, burning his life to create a sunshine he’ll never see? Of course not. They’ve abandoned every hint of Spartan-117 as a human being, repurposing the warriors to face the conveniently-timed alien invasion as always. It’s embarrassing to have enjoyed the show previously.

Missed Opportunities and Ghosts from the Past

Speaking of embarrassing missed opportunities, Soren-066 finally reaches Catherine Halsey in this episode. Soren has been a compelling figure in previous arcs because his shifting morality and difficult past hold up an engaging mirror to the UNSC. He’s a fundamentally selfish man wielding the trauma of his upbringing for personal gain. The implied whisper underneath the pirate’s life for him is that his privateer career is almost identical to his original purpose. Halsey stole a boy from the woods and turned him into a weapon. Soren finally confronts the woman who made him who he is, the ghost from his past who lied a six-year-old into sacrificing away his heart, body, mind, and soul to decades of military experimentation and state-sponsored suicide missions. A proportional response might involve leaping over the table and trying to strangle her to death on sight. Soren drops two or three half-hearted quips. When Halsey defends herself from criticism by arguing Soren was born a warrior instead of being coerced as a kindergartner, the show seems to expect the audience to believe her. Every engaging element of this potentially cataclysmic reunion dies instantly as the Covenant invasion supersedes everything.


Catherine Halsey in Halo Catherine Halsey、Haloの興味深い人物


「リーチ」は多くのファンにとって、これまでのHaloのお気に入りのエピソードでしょう。それはゲームの素晴らしい反映です。時代のほとんどのファーストパーソンシューターと同様に、完全にジェネリックな物語は、反復の銃声が観客を穏やかな眠りに誘導してカセイ化するようにカバーの後ろに隠れます。ゲームはカセイ効果の向こうに何も望まない。カットシーンは、ほとんどの人が楽しんでいる部分を中断します。テレビ番組にはインタラクティブな物語や満足のいくガンプレイの利点はありません。それは完全に物語に依存しています。Haloシーズン2は、そのスパルタンたちの生活と相互作用、キャラクターの動機づけの複雑な物語を見つけ、戦争の陰鬱な政治を探求する価値のあるものを見つけました。 「リーチ」は、その参加的な物語の糸が真の目的に向かう道で楽しい気晴らしであったことを告白する番組が手をうった目を示しています。


適応と物語のバランスは依然として困難です。作家たちはおそらく、フランチャイズを引き受けたときに直面する険しい戦いを知っていました。続く4つのエピソードは、彼らの前にさらなる困難な戦いが待っています。彼らは期待を裏切り、半ば説得力のある戦争ドラマに戻るか、高価で参照を基にしたHaloゲームの粗末なカットシーンへの不快な運命に進むでしょうか? 「リーチ」は厳しく転落し、番組もそれに同調するかもしれません。



Q:Haloシーズン2の物語を完全に理解するためには他のエピソードをどれを見るべきですか? A:物語の文脈を完全に把握するには、Haloシーズン2の前の3つのエピソードを視聴することをお勧めします。それらは「リーチ」の出来事の舞台を設定し、重要なテーマとキャラクターの動機を紹介します。

Q:Haloシーズン2は、スパルタンたちの関係をもっと掘り下げますか? A:以前のエピソードは、スパルタンたちの間での引き込まれるキャラクターのやり取りをほのめかしていましたが、「リーチ」は激しいアクションとコヴナントとの包括的な紛争に重点を置いています。ただし、残りのエピソードでも探求の機会があるかもしれません。

Q:Haloシーズン2は、ゲームをプレイしていなくても楽しめますか? A:Haloゲームフランチャイズに精通すると、さらなる深みとノスタルジアが加わりますが、Haloシーズン2は単独でTV番組として立つことを目指しています。ストーリーとキャラクターは初めての人にもアクセス可能であるはずです。


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ヘイ、ゲーマーたち!Haloシーズン2の最新エピソードについてどう思いますか?意見を以下のコメント欄で共有して、情熱的な議論を始めましょう! 🎮💥📺 記事を楽しんでいただけたら「いいね!」やシェア、購読を忘れないでください。みんなに広めて、すべてのゲーマーが議論に参加できるようにしましょう。Haloコミュニティを繁栄させましょう! 🎉✨😄
