ヘルダイバーズ2:最高の武器を選ぶ – ステータスvs楽しさ



Helldivers 2 director emphasizes that gun choice should be based on personal preference rather than the game’s meta, as each gun has over 40 secret stats.

If you’ve ever found yourself in a heated debate about the best weapons in Helldivers 2, you’re not alone. The game’s community is constantly discussing which weapons, armor builds, and Stratagems reign supreme. But according to Johan Pilestedt, the director of Helldivers 2, maybe it’s time to let go of the obsession with stats and just have fun.

Unseen Statistics, Unlimited Excitement

At first glance, Helldivers 2 seems to present players with just four basic statistics for each weapon: damage, capacity, recoil, and fire rate. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, hold on to your helmets, because Pilestedt recently revealed that there are actually around 50 hidden statistics for each gun in the game! 🤯

Now, before you start hyperventilating into your mic, here’s the catch – these hidden stats are not displayed in-game. So, what’s a Helldiver to do when faced with this information overload? Pilestedt’s advice is refreshingly simple: “use the one you like the most.” 😎

The Numbers Don’t Tell the Whole Story

While stats can be helpful guidelines, they don’t paint a complete picture. The unseen statistics in Helldivers 2 are purposely hidden by the developers, and for good reason. Pilestedt reassures us that these hidden stats have a meaningful impact on each weapon. So, instead of agonizing over data points you can’t see, embrace the freedom to choose based on personal preference.

It’s worth noting that there are players calling for all 50-odd weapon stats to be displayed in the game. But here’s a thought: maybe that’s not the point. Arrowhead Game Studios wants players to have fun and find joy in using the weapons they love. Pilestedt himself made this clear in his tweet. So, let’s take a moment to appreciate the developers’ intentions and, hey, maybe even chill out a bit. 😌

Q&A: Answers to Your Burning Questions

Q: Will the first balance patch address the Breaker Shotgun’s dominance?

Absolutely! If you’re tired of being on the receiving end of breakers, don’t fret. The first balance patch for Helldivers 2 is on its way, ready to level the playing field and bring some peace to the realm. Check out this link for more details.

Q: What else is in store for Helldivers 2?

If you’re eager to know what’s on the horizon for Helldivers 2, look no further than our comprehensive Helldivers 2 roadmap and future updates article. Get ready to dive deeper into the world of Helldivers with exciting new content and features.

In Conclusion: Fun First, Stats Second

In the realm of Helldivers 2, the road to victory is paved with guns and hidden statistics. While it’s tempting to get lost in the meta discussions and chase the so-called “best” weapons, let’s not forget the true purpose of gaming: fun and enjoyment.

Arrowhead Game Studios deliberately chose to keep many weapon stats hidden, encouraging players to choose based on personal preference rather than obsessing over numbers. So, equip the weapon that calls to you, unleash chaos upon your enemies, and remember to have a blast while doing it. And hey, who knows, you might just discover your own secret recipe for success. 🔥

Remember to share this article with your fellow Helldivers on social media and let them in on the fun! 🚀

References:Helldivers 2’s first balance patch is coming soonHelldivers 2 roadmap and future updates
