Honkai Star Railの夢幻空間



Honkai Star Rail Hanu’s Prison Break Dreamwalker Solutions

Honkai: Star Rail’s latest update, Version 2.0, introduced a remarkable new feature called Dreamwalker, which adds a unique twist to exploration. Inside these Dreamwalker rooms, you’ll find yourself navigating a 3D plane where you can walk on walls and ceilings. Exciting, right?

During the Hanu’s Prison Break event in Honkai: Star Rail, you’ll encounter these Dreamwalker rooms, and they hold valuable rewards for those who can solve each puzzle. But fear not, for we’re here to guide you through the labyrinth of dreamscape!

Solutions for Shallow Dreamscape Dreamwalker

The Dreamwalker puzzles in Hanu’s Prison Break can be found in the Shallow and Deep sections, with the Deep Dreamscape being accessible only after completing all the puzzles in the Shallow. Let’s dive into the solutions for the Shallow Dreamscape puzzles.

Difficulty I

Honkai Star Rail Black Swan Activating Bubble Tower

The first Dreamwalker stage serves as a tutorial, making it relatively easy to solve. Start by entering through the mirror and utilizing the Bubble tower on your left to acquire a stack. Use this stack on the nearby bridge. Then, interact with the bubble tower on the wall and use it to reach the other bridge, leading to your final destination.

Difficulty II

Honkai Star Rail Black Swan Running To Further Bridge

In the second Dreamwalker, activate the bridge in front of you using the mechanism, and interact with the Bubble Tower beyond the bridge. Return to the wall and use the stacks you collected on the bridge near the same wall as Difficulty I. Once on the wall, Gametopicore the nearby bridge and proceed to the further one, where you’ll find another Bubble Tower.

Interact with this tower and continue following the path until you can activate another mechanism, forming a bridge that leads you to Hanu.

Solutions for Deep Dreamscape Dreamwalker

The puzzles found in Deep Dreamscape are some of the most challenging in the Hanu’s Prison Break event. However, with our guidance, you’ll conquer them all!

Difficulty I

Honkai Star Rail Dreamwalker Deep Difficulty I Part One

Upon entering this Dreamwalker, activate the bridge in front of you and interact with the Bubble Tower on the other side. Use a stack on the bridge ahead, then proceed to find another tower and bridge. Interact with the tower first, then cross the bridge to reach the next section.

Honkai Star Rail Dreamwalker Deep Difficulty I Part Two

You’ll find yourself back on the red carpet after crossing the bridge. Activate the mechanism on your left to access two paths, one on each side. Head to the right bridge first, interact with the Bubble Tower to increase your stacks, and then return to the other bridge. Reactivate it to reach the chest.

Difficulty II

Honkai Star Rail Dreamwalker Deep Difficulty II Part One

This one is a bit complicated, but fear not! Follow these instructions carefully. First, activate the normal bridge in front of you and use the stacks from the Bubble Tower in the middle to access the wall bridge. On the opposite side, activate another bridge near the sphere enemy. With another normal bridge in place, you can regain your stacks.

Honkai Star Rail Dreamwalker Deep Difficulty II Part Two




これで完了です! Honkai: Star RailのHanu’s Prison BreakイベントのDreamscapeの奥深くを制覇しました。これらの解決策が、この複雑な世界を航海するのに役立つことを願っています。


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この記事をお友達や仲間のドリームウォーカーと共有しても構いません!一緒にDreamscapeを制覇しましょう! 💪🎮

免責事項:この記事で使用されているすべての画像はHonkai: Star Railに帰属し、説明目的でのみ使用されています。
