


Boosting carrying capacity in Nightingale

In the world of Nightingale, you’re always limited to 75 inventory slots, but once you surpass 50kg of weight, you’ll start feeling like Atlas struggling to carry the weight of the world. With such limited capacity, it can be challenging to collect resources and build up your estate. But fear not! Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to double your carrying capacity, so you can hoard to your heart’s content.

How to Double Your Carrying Capacity in Nightingale

If you want to increase your carrying capacity with a ミフィカ in Nightingale, you’ll have to undertake a series of steps. While it won’t grant you additional inventory slots, it will allow you to carry more weight before becoming weighed down. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Use a Hunting Knife to collect hides from animals.
  • Build a Tanning Station and Sewing Bench.
  • Craft a Simple Pack.

Let’s delve into each step to unlock your full carrying potential.

Step 1: Craft a Hunting Knife

Before you can embark on your resource-hunting spree, you’ll need to obtain hides from the animals you’ve hunted or those that have decided you’re their next meal. To do this, you’ll require a trusty hunting knife that allows you to gather resources from their lifeless bodies.

Nightingale using a hunting knife to collect hides
Inflexion Games via GameTopic

To craft a makeshift hunting knife, you’ll need 3 rocks, 3 sticks, and 6 plant fibers. If you’re looking to upgrade to a simple hunting knife at a simple workbench, gather 1 stone block, 1 wood bundle, and 2 straps. Don’t forget to craft the straps at the simple tanning station!

Step 2: Build a Simple Tanning Station

In order to transform those animal hides into something more useful, you’ll need a simple tanning station (built with 6 sticks and 10 plant fibers).

Nightingale using a tanning station to craft leather
Inflexion Games via GameTopic

To start, you can use the tanning station to make 2 straps from 1 hide (these will be handy while crafting better tools like the simple hunting knife) and 1 leather from 2 hides. Keep in mind that the hides used to create leather must come from either predators or prey animals – you can’t mix and match them for some peculiar reason.

Step 3: Purchase the Simple Sewing Bench Plan

Head to your Abeyance realm’s Essence Trader and grab the simple sewing bench plan for 55 essence. You’ll find it in the “Crafting: Basics & Repair” section of the trader’s wares.

To construct the sewing bench in your estate, gather 10 wood bundles and 4 plant fibers. The sewing bench will enable you to create new gear to wear and improve your gear rating – upgrading your fashion while also boosting your efficiency.

Step 4: Craft the Simple Pack

Nightingale using a sewing bench to craft a simple pack
Inflexion Games via GameTopic

Finally, head to the simple sewing bench and navigate down to “Clothing: General.” It’s time to stitch together your very own simple pack, which requires 2 leather and 6 plant fibers to craft.

Once equipped, your carrying capacity will soar from a measly 50kg to a remarkable 100kg. A true feat of strength!

Readers’ Questions Answered

Q: Are there any other ways to increase my carrying capacity in Nightingale?


A: 私達が話し合ったリュックサックのアップグレードは、運搬能力を向上させる最も重要な方法ですが、他にも使える小技がいくつかあります。あなたは、筋力と持久力の能力を向上させることができます。これらは直接的に運搬能力に影響します。さらに、一時的に運搬能力を高めるゲーム内の貴重な消耗品やアーティファクトがあるかもしれません。それらを探して、究極の運び手になりましょう!


皆さん、あなたの内なるパッキングマスターを解放する時間です!当社の詳細なガイドで、Nightingaleであなたの運搬能力を2倍にし、貴重なリソースを再び残さないようにしましょう。あなたの非凡な業績をソーシャルメディアで共有し、世界があなたの収納スキルを驚嘆するのを許してください! 💪🎒
