
「視点の変化 嫌いだったものがアクションRPGのお気に入りになるまで」


I’ve fallen in love with Elden Ring’s worst area, just like I did with Dark Souls and Bloodborne.

FromSoftware has always been known for their brutally challenging games, and within those games, there are certain locations that have become infamous among fans. Blighttown, Yahar’gul, and Caelid are three such areas that have caused countless players to both curse and rejoice. In this article, we’ll explore how these nightmare-scapes went from being the bane of our existence to becoming beloved favorites. So buckle up, fellow gamers, and get ready to journey from hell to heaven!

Blighttown: The Vertical Labyrinth of Despair

Let’s start with Blighttown, the name alone is enough to strike fear into the hearts of Dark Souls fans. This treacherous descent is filled with fire-breathing monsters, dart-slinging imps, and boulder-tossing brutes. Every step feels like walking on a tightrope, and just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, you’re greeted with a poisonous swamp. And if you manage to survive all that, a tough boss battle awaits you at the bottom. It’s a nightmare, plain and simple.

In comparative terms, I’d place Blighttown up there with Bloodborne’s Yahar’gul, the Unseen Village and Elden Ring’s Caelid. These locations, like Blighttown, started out as my most-hated areas, but something strange happened along the way – I fell in love with them. Yes, you heard that right, I actually love these places now.

A Descent into Madness: Finding Beauty Amongst the Chaos

How did this transformation occur? It’s hard to put into words, but I’ll try. These nightmare-scapes epitomize the FromSoftware experience. They are designed to be brutally difficult and unforgiving, filled with enemies that surpass your abilities and hazards that constantly keep you on edge. But it’s precisely these traits that draw you back in.

As you progress in games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring, leveling up your character becomes crucial. These open-ended worlds often allow you to move on from these challenging areas, but returning to them with higher levels and better equipment is a liberating experience. That giant who once gave you nightmares is now a pushover when faced with your upgraded arsenal. You can finally conquer the once impassable challenges.

And here’s the unexpected twist – when you remove the challenge and the terror, you’re left with a breathtaking beauty. Blighttown becomes a massive crossroads connecting key areas in Dark Souls, while Yahar’gul in Bloodborne looks like it’s straight out of a Gothic nightmare. And Caelid in Elden Ring, despite its terrifying atmosphere, has a sublime charm with its glowing purple skies and rivers of blood. It’s the contrast between the difficulty and the beauty that makes these locations truly memorable.

Q&A: Exploring Further with Elden Ring

Q: Is there any significance to the Scarlet Rot in Elden Ring? A: Absolutely! The lore tied to the Scarlet Rot is intriguing and plays a vital role in the game. It binds the realms of Malenia and Miquella and will become even more relevant in the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

Q: Are there any other challenging locations similar to Blighttown, Yahar’gul, and Caelid in other FromSoftware games? A: Absolutely! FromSoftware is known for creating challenging environments in all of their games. If you enjoyed the difficulty of these areas, you should explore places like Anor Londo in Dark Souls, Upper Cathedral Ward in Bloodborne, and Ashina Castle in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

In Conclusion: From Hate to Love

FromSoftware has achieved something remarkable with Blighttown, Yahar’gul, and Caelid. These areas that started off as the stuff of nightmares have evolved into beloved favorites. The fact that they can elicit both frustration and adoration is a testament to FromSoftware’s skill in crafting memorable and challenging game locations.

So, embrace the challenge, my fellow gamers, because within the depths of despair, you just might find the beauty that will leave a lasting impression on your gaming journey. And with rumors of poisonous swaps in the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, the next love-to-hate and hate-to-love location awaits us. Let’s dive in and experience the thrill once again.



  1. 10 Games Like Elden Ring: Conquered Lands
  2. After almost 400 hours with Elden Ring, I’ve found the action RPG’s hardest enemy – an innocuous, random teleporting knight who you might have missed entirely
  3. Shadow of the Erdtree DLC: What to Expect
  4. Elden Ring Review: Suffering has Never Been so Much Fun
  5. Dark Souls Wiki: Blighttown
  6. Bloodborne Wiki: Yahar’gul, the Unseen Village
  7. Elden Ring Wiki: Caelid
  8. Gameplay Trailer – Elden Ring

