



Kento using Jujutsu Curse to Fight



💥 24 レシオ

Kento Nanami using Ratio technique

呪術廻戦のユニークなキャラクターの1人であるKento Nanamiは、戦闘に対して冷静で合理的なアプローチを持っています。その技術であるレシオは、彼の考え方と同様に複雑です。敵を10つのパーツに分割し、7:3の比率ポイントを打つことにより、Kentoはその特定の領域を弱点として変え、大ダメージを与えることができます。この技術は彼の分析力を示し、精密さがゲームを変えることができることを証明しています。

👏 23 ブギウギ

Aoi Todo in Jujutsu Kaisen


🏗️ 22 投影術

Naobito Zenin using Projection Sorcery


🔨 21 建築

Mai Zenin wielding Construction technique


⚡ 20 ブラックフラッシュ

Yuji Itadori preparing for a Black Flash attack



🌱 19 Disaster Plants

Hanami, the wielder of Disaster Plants

Hanami, a powerful Cursed Spirit, possesses the ability to infuse plants with Cursed Energy, utilizing them for both offensive and defensive purposes. These Disaster Plants can also drain life energy from the surroundings to heal Hanami. This formidable technique adds another layered dimension to the already challenging battles in Jujutsu Kaisen. However, Hanami quickly realized the overwhelming difference in power when faced with the might of sorcerers like Gojo, showcasing the importance of strategy in combat.

💀 18 Ten Shadows

Megumi Fushiguro summoning Ten Shadows

Megumi Fushiguro, a character brimming with potential, wields the Ten Shadows power. Currently, his mastery of this technique is limited, but its boundless potential is undeniable. Megumi’s ability allows him to summon various shikigami using cursed shadows. With time and practice, his Ten Shadows technique promises to become an absolute force to be reckoned with. The Shibuya Incident arc showcased just how formidable Megumi’s summons can be, providing a thrilling glimpse into the true strength of this unique technique.

🔵 17 Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue

Satoru Gojo using Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue

When discussing the most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerers, it’s impossible not to mention Satoru Gojo. His Limitless ability grants him access to several devastating moves. One of them, Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue, enables Gojo to achieve incredible speed by bringing negative distance into reality. Moreover, this technique can obliterate any enemy targeted by its immense power, making it a fearsome one-sided battle for anyone foolish enough to challenge him.

🔪 16 Dismantle

Ryomen Sukuna utilizing Dismantle

Ryomen Sukuna, one of the most intriguing characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, possesses the Dismantle ability. True to its name, this technique allows Sukuna to slice through enemies effortlessly. Weaker foes fall instantly under this devastating move, while stronger opponents face severe damage. Sukuna’s power serves as a constant reminder of the lurking danger that can be unleashed by a former Jujutsu Sorcerer turned curse.

🔴 15 Cursed Technique Reversal: Red

Satoru Gojo activating Cursed Technique Reversal: Red

Reverse cursed techniques can cause destruction on a massive scale if harnessed correctly. Satoru Gojo proves this with his Cursed Technique Reversal: Red. By utilizing the energy required to execute this move, Gojo can achieve tremendous speed and might. Experiencing the full force of this technique, Jogo, the Special Grade Curse, was left reeling. Cursed Technique Reversal: Red presents a breathtaking display of power befitting the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer in the show.

🃏 14 Idle Transfiguration

Mahito, the wielder of Idle Transfiguration

Mahito, one of the most fascinating antagonists in Jujutsu Kaisen, possesses the terrifying ability to transform beings with a single touch. This power allows him to manipulate individuals and turn them into grotesque monsters that serve his nefarious purposes. Mahito’s presence in battle always demands utmost caution from any Jujutsu Sorcerer, as falling victim to Idle Transfiguration can spell doom for even the most skilled fighters.

⭐ 13 Star Rage


Yuki Tsukumo showcasing the Star Rage technique

Yuki Tsukumo, a mentor to Aoi Todo, possesses incredible power that makes her one of the most formidable characters in the series. Star Rage, her unique Cursed Technique, allows her to add virtual mass to both herself and her shikigami, Garuda. Enhanced attacks and the ability to turn her own body into a black hole are just a glimpse of the immense strength that Yuki possesses. The Culling Game arc, where Yuki makes her appearance, promises to showcase her true battle potential.

🧊 12 Thin Ice Breaker

Takako Uro executing Thin Ice Breaker

The upcoming Culling Game arc in Jujutsu Kaisen is highly anticipated by manga readers and promises awe-inspiring battles. One of the exciting techniques introduced in this arc is Thin Ice Breaker, wielded by Takako Uro. As a legendary Jujutsu Sorcerer of her time, she possesses the ability to control the sky and deliver powerful blows capable of launching opponents skyward. This technique shines a light on the new and improved techniques that will undoubtedly decimate adversaries in the series.

🗣️ 11 Cursed Speech

Toge Inumaki using Cursed Speech

Inumaki, one of the most fascinating characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, possesses a limited vocabulary due to his powerful Cursed Technique, Cursed Speech. By shouting orders infused with Cursed Energy, he can control the actions of his enemies. This potent technique exacts a considerable toll on his body, leaving Inumaki unable to speak if he overuses it. Cursed Speech showcases the intricacies of Jujutsu Kaisen’s cursed techniques and highlights the importance of balancing power with its consequences.

🔥 10 Womb Profusion

Kenjaku, the wielder of Womb Profusion

Kenjaku, a heinous curse user with the ability to transplant his brain into others, weaves a web of destruction in Jujutsu Kaisen. Womb Profusion, his fearsome Domain Expansion technique, summons a pillar composed entirely of cursed spirits. This devastating move inflicts massive damage on enemies caught within its range. The true extent of Womb Profusion’s power is yet to be fully revealed but the potential for destruction is simply mind-boggling.

🔁 9 Reverse Cursed Technique

The Reverse Cursed Technique is a vital technique employed by skilled Jujutsu Sorcerers. It aids in self-healing and can mend fatal injuries when executed effectively. Those proficient in this technique include Yuta Okkotsu, Ryomen Sukuna, Shoko Ieiri, Satoru Gojo, Uraume, and Yuji Itadori. The utilization of the Reverse Cursed Technique adds an extra layer of resilience to these characters, elevating their strength in battles against formidable opponents.

📝 8 Copy

Yuta Okkotsu utilizing the Copy technique

Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie introduces us to Yuta Okkotsu, a man haunted by the spirit of his deceased lover. This struggling character discovers that he was the one who cursed Rika. This revelation allows Yuta to control his Cursed Energy and become one of the most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerers in the series. His exceptional ability, Copy, enables him to mimic other Cursed Techniques, including Cursed Speech and Thin Ice Breaker. With this versatile power at his disposal, Yuta possesses incredible adaptability in battle.

🔥 7 Disaster Flames

Jogo unleashing his devastating Disaster Flames


Jogo, 一連の中でしばしばパンチングボールと見なされていますが、チャンスが与えられると対戦相手を壊滅させることができる恐るべき力を持っています。彼のテクニック、Disaster Flamesは、灼熱のミニ火山噴火を生み出し、非常に強力です。最も強力な呪術師でさえ、この地獄火を受け入れることなく大きな損傷を被ることはできません。JogoのDisaster Flamesを過小評価することは、どんな挑戦者にとっても致命的な間違いになるかもしれません。

😂 6 お笑い芸人

Fumihiko Takabaと彼の致命的なお笑い芸人の能力

比較的新しい呪術師であるFumihiko Takabaは、彼の強力な能力でファンや五条悟自身を驚かせます。失敗したコメディアンとして、FumihikoはComedianのテクニックを持ち、ジョークを現実に変えます。彼は自分の力の真の範囲を認識していませんが、Fumihikoの能力は彼の対戦相手に重大な脅威をもたらします。能力が莫大でありながら自分の能力に気づいていないキャラクターと戦う危険は、Fumihikoを興味深く、挑戦的な対戦相手にします。

🔪 5 Cleave

Ryomen Sukunaが強力なCleaveテクニックを披露する

有名な呪いである双面宿儺を憑依したRyomen Sukunaは、Cleaveの壊滅的な力を実証しています。このテクニックは、Sukunaの普遍的なDismantle技を上回り、各ストライクを正確に調整して、相手のタフネスと耐久性を利用します。Cleaveは逃げ場を与えず、最も強力な敵さえも一撃で撃破する能力を持っています。

Jujutsu Kaisenでは、キャラクターとその信じられないほどの呪われたテクニックは観客を魅了し続けています。各戦闘シーンは、呪いと魔術の緻密な世界に対する畏敬の念を抱かせ、新しい技術とそれがもたらす驚くべき戦いを待ち望んでいます。


Q: 呪術廻戦で言及する価値のある他の強力なキャラクターと技術は何ですか? A: この記事で最も感動的な技術を紹介しましたが、呪術廻戦には他にも多くの強力なキャラクターと彼ら固有の特異な能力が登場します。Yuta Okkotsu、Satoru Gojo、Nobara Kugisakiなどのキャラクターに目を向けてください。彼らはそれぞれ独自の素晴らしい技能を持ち、戦闘での強力な力となっています。

Q: 呪術廻戦には、これらの技術を紹介した注目すべき戦いがありますか? A: 呪術廻戦には、これらの技術の可能性を存分に示すスリリングな戦いが満載です。重要な戦いには、狩那との戦いの中で板取悠示が起こした戦い、五条悟のJogoとの記念碑的な戦い、そして伏黒恵が強力な特級呪いと対峙した戦いが含まれます。これらの戦いは、キャラクターの技術だけでなく、呪術廻戦を忘れられない体験にする物語の巧みな表現とアニメーションを披露しています。

参考文献: 1. Jujutsu Kaisen – MyAnimeList 2. Jujutsu Kaisen: 7 Best Fights Ranked