


Upcoming exclusives, including The Last of Us 3, may not release before the PS6.

With fans eagerly awaiting the release of Sony’s highly anticipated exclusive titles, recent rumors have shed light on some concerning aspects of the company’s PlayStation 5 console. It appears that the PS5 may not have enough time to live up to the legacy of its predecessors, as official statements suggest a shorter lifespan for the console. This could mean that several future exclusives, including The Last of Us Part 3, Spider-Man 3, Ghost of Tsushima 2, the next Horizon, and God of War installments, new IPs, and a possible Bloodborne remake, might debut on the next PlayStation instead.

The Reality of Sony’s Statements on the PlayStation 5’s Life Cycle

Despite the success of a few “next-gen” console hits in recent years, the current console generation has struggled to establish itself fully. Sony’s recent comments about the future of the PS5 have not inspired confidence in the console’s longevity. It seems that the company may be more interested in moving on to the next system rather than solidifying the influence of its current product.

There May Be Less Than Three Years Left Until the PS6 Launches

Looking at the timeline of the previous two PlayStation generations, which lasted approximately seven years each, it is possible that the PS5’s lifespan will be slightly shorter. Sony has already expressed a focus on winding down the PS5, and with several future exclusives seemingly far away, it is plausible that the next console could arrive sooner than expected.

There’s a Good Chance Several Upcoming Exclusives Won’t Make It to PS5

The rumored titles, such as The Last of Us Part 3, currently in development by Sony’s studios, raise concerns about their availability on the PS5. Games like a new God of War and the next Horizon installment would likely surpass the capabilities of the PS4-compatible systems, requiring extensive development time. Additionally, projects from developers like Sucker Punch and Insomniac (such as the rumored Ghost of Tsushima 2 and Spider-Man 3) might face similar challenges. If Sony moves toward the tenth generation earlier than anticipated, it remains uncertain if these ambitious exclusives will find a place on the PS5.

One Remake May Justify the PS6’s Existence for RPG Fans

While fans might be disheartened by the short lifespan of the PS5 if the announcement of a new system occurs soon, the prospect of better hardware and improved gameplay experiences could make the wait worthwhile. The Demon’s Souls remake, developed by Bluepoint, has made a significant impact and gained recognition as one of the PS5’s standout exclusives. In a recent interview with FromSoftware’s Hidetaka Miyazaki, he mentioned the possibility of a Bloodborne remake for the next generation, emphasizing the importance of accessibility and bringing old games to new platforms.

In conclusion, the future of Sony’s PlayStation 5 seems uncertain, with the possibility of several upcoming exclusives debuting on the PS6 due to the console’s shorter lifespan and Sony’s production cycle. However, the promise of improved hardware and potential enhancements in gaming experiences on the next console may sweeten the deal for RPG fans eagerly awaiting a Bloodborne remake.


Q: Are there any other exclusives rumored to be in development for the PS6? A: Yes, there are several rumored exclusives in the works, including new IPs, possible sequels to popular franchises, and even a potential Bloodborne remake. These titles might be released on the PS6 if they cannot make it to the PS5 due to Sony’s production cycle.

Q: How long do previous PlayStation generations typically last? A: Previous PlayStation generations, on average, have spanned approximately seven years. However, it is possible that the PS5’s lifespan will be slightly shorter, based on Sony’s statements about winding down the console.

Q: Will the rumored exclusives for the PS5 be delayed if they don’t make it to the console? A: It’s uncertain if the rumored exclusives will be delayed. If they are not able to debut on the PS5, it is likely that they will be developed for the next-generation console instead.


Q: 次の PlayStation コンソールから期待される改善点は何ですか? A: 具体的な詳細は分かっていませんが、次の PlayStation コンソールにはより優れたハードウェア、向上したグラフィックス、そしてゲームプレイ体験が向上することが予想されています。これは PS5 の寿命が短くなることを正当化し、ゲーマーにとっての待ち時間の価値を高める可能性があります。

Q: The Last of Us Part 3 のリリース日に関する公式情報はありますか? A: 現時点では、The Last of Us Part 3 の公式のリリース日はありません。2023年にリークされて以来、ファンたちはそのゲームを熱望していますが、3作目がリリースされるまでにさらに2〜3年かかる可能性があります。


  1. The Last of Us Part 3 – リークと憶測
  2. PS5のエンドに関するSonyのコメント
  3. Sonyの次のHorizonゲーム
  4. Bloodborne Remake に関するEurogamer インタビュー

