


マジック: ザ・ギャザリング – ウィンストン・ドラフト・ガイド

Drafting has always been a beloved format in Magic: The Gathering. The limited card pool levels the playing field, encouraging creativity and rewarding deckbuilding skills. However, finding enough players for a draft can sometimes be a challenge. That’s where the Winston Draft comes in. Developed by Richard Garfield, the original creator of Magic: The Gathering, the Winston Draft offers all the benefits of a Booster Draft with the convenience of just two players and three packs each.


Imagine a casual and limited format that allows you and a friend to experience the thrill of drafting a deck without the need for a full pod of eight players. That’s exactly what the Winston Draft offers. Each player is provided with three packs, equivalent to 45 cards, and the aim is to build a formidable deck from your selected cards and any number of basic lands.


Now that you know what Winston Draft is, let’s dive into the mechanics of how to play this exciting format. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


Open all three packs without looking at the contents, except removing any advertisement cards and tokens. Combine all the cards into a single pile, called the main stack. Thoroughly shuffle the main stack, then take the top three cards and place them face-down on the playing surface as separate one-card piles. To determine who drafts first, flip a coin.


If you are the first player, look at the first pile and decide whether or not you want the card. If you do, add it to your draft collection without revealing it, and then replace the selected card with the top card from the main stack. If you choose not to take the first pile, add the top card from the main stack to the first pile, without looking at it, and move on to the second pile. Repeat this process for the second and third piles. If you decide not to take the final pile, your draft choice for the round will be the top card of the main stack.

The player who lost the coin flip gets to choose which player takes the first turn once both players have finished building their decks.


After completing the draft phase, it’s time to build your deck. In a Winston Draft, you will have around 45 cards to choose from, depending on the number of cards you selected. Remember, you can also include any number of basic lands to supplement your deck. The rule of thumb is to stick to two colors, but feel free to splash in a little of a third color if it complements your deck’s strategy.


Unlike Booster Drafts, a Winston Draft is typically played as a one-on-one match, eliminating most tournament rules. Shuffle your deck, decide who plays first (with the player who drafted second deciding which player takes the first turn), set your life totals to 20 each, draw seven cards, and get ready to show your opponent who’s in charge.


Sometimes, making choices during a draft can be difficult, especially in Winston Draft where you have limited visibility of your opponent’s picks. To help you navigate through the decision-making process, some players use the acronym BREAD:


Bombs are the cards that enable big plays and are likely to win you the game. When you spot a bomb that matches your colors, snatch it up! Even if it matches your opponent’s colors, drafting it will prevent them from using it against you.


Removal refers to cards that eliminate threats on the board. They can destroy or exile troublesome cards that your opponent has played. Look for broad and fast removal spells that will clear a path for your creatures to attack your opponent.


Evasion is essential for slipping damage past your opponent’s defenders. Creatures with built-in evasion or spells that grant evasion are valuable assets to draft, as they can break through defenses and deal damage directly to the defending player.







選んだカードを手に入れたら、デッキの構築の時間です。Winston Draftでは、デッキには40枚のカードだけを含める必要があります。ドラフトしたカードのコピーの数に制限はなく、必要なだけ基本土地を含めることができます。



Winston Draftのゲームをプレイすることは、通常のマジックのゲームと似ています。デッキを十分にシャッフルし、最初に誰がプレイするかを決め、ライフトータルをそれぞれ20に設定し、7枚のカードを引いて、相手とのエキサイティングなマッチを始めましょう。

Winston Draft形式の知識を身につけた今、友達を集めて、それぞれ3パックを手に入れ、エピックなドラフト体験に備えましょう!


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